APP - The Well Behaved Zimmerman TRIAL Thread

I think the defense atty made a good point, when she was saying that it was Trayvon's voice saying "get off"; because it doesn't mean that someone is "on" someone.

Plus did anyone actually expect her to say that it wasn't Trayvon's voice? :palm:
If "this girl just simply doesn't have the intelligence level to answer the defense questions logically", then it brings into question all of her testimony.

I believe the deciding factor is going to be the testimony from the autopsy report.
Did Trayvon have anything in his system, that might have affected his judgement, and what was his position, when he was shot.
Our body muscles and bones move, depending on what we're doing, and this should be able to say if he was kneeling/sitting on Zimmerman.
The Prosecution is also going to have to present something to explain the injuries to the back of Zimmerman's head.
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This should be interesting. A prosecution witness just said Treyvon was on top beating Zimmy.

also said it sounded like the screaming was coming from the person on the bottom.


O'Mara: You think was george zimmerman the one yelling?
witness: "Rationally thinking I would think so."

i got burned out following yesterday, it's a pain in the ass to listen to every detail. people can watch it on the effing news lol.

Opinion: She was a good witness at first, then started being combative and smart-assy. But we have to realize she was thrown into all of this and didn't want to be.

I read that Spanish and Haitian Creole are her first languages and wonder if she's having trouble with the way the legal questions are being framed.

also said it sounded like the screaming was coming from the person on the bottom.


O'Mara: You think was george zimmerman the one yelling?
witness: "Rationally thinking I would think so."

i got burned out following yesterday, it's a pain in the ass to listen to every detail. people can watch it on the effing news lol.'s everywhere down here!
I read that Spanish and Haitian Creole are her first languages and wonder if she's having trouble with the way the legal questions are being framed.

she said she wasn't. I didn't really notice too many problems with how she was speaking, other than attitude stuff.


though she did come off as imprecise/laxidasical at time
also said it sounded like the screaming was coming from the person on the bottom.


O'Mara: You think was george zimmerman the one yelling?
witness: "Rationally thinking I would think so."

i got burned out following yesterday, it's a pain in the ass to listen to every detail. people can watch it on the effing news lol.

The first officer just testified that Zimmerman told him twice that he had been calling for help and that no one responded.
states witness, officer timothy smith

was his back wet as if he was on the ground?


it was raining that night though, was his back noticeably more wet than the front?


did you happen to notice any grass on his back?


attorneys currently debating if zimmermans medical records should be allowed, rather in whole or in part.

prosecution got absolutely slaughtered today. commentators saying state was blown out of the water. Almost every state witness today pretty much corrobarated zimmermans story. BDLR got frustrated at the end throwing out things that aren't even admissible just hoping something would stick. Medical examiner said it's fully possible those injuries are consistent with zimmermans story, consistent with being hit against concrete, not caused by random cuts. said that his nose was clinically broken, had a black eye. other states witness said trayvon definitively on top, saw trayvon doing a "ground and pound" and swinging his fists. admitted screams logically coming from the guy on the bottom. The police officer said zimmerman had no ill will, hatred or spite (which IS MANDATORY for proving 2nd degree murder), said his back was wetter than the front, said he had grass on his back.

very high chance that the 2nd degree murder charge is going to be dropped when the prosecution is done with their part of the case. Their own witnesses are going against what they need to prove it.

prosecution got absolutely slaughtered today. commentators saying state was blown out of the water. Almost every state witness today pretty much corrobarated zimmermans story. BDLR got frustrated at the end throwing out things that aren't even admissible just hoping something would stick. Medical examiner said it's fully possible those injuries are consistent with zimmermans story, consistent with being hit against concrete, not caused by random cuts. said that his nose was clinically broken, had a black eye. other states witness said trayvon definitively on top, saw trayvon doing a "ground and pound" and swinging his fists. admitted screams logically coming from the guy on the bottom. The police officer said zimmerman had no ill will, hatred or spite (which IS MANDATORY for proving 2nd degree murder), said his back was wetter than the front, said he had grass on his back.

very high chance that the 2nd degree murder charge is going to be dropped when the prosecution is done with their part of the case. Their own witnesses are going against what they need to prove it.

Opinion: Agreed. The state dropped the ball. One of the reasons I heard was they had to put the guy on the stand because their job is to provide the truth. I guess in an altruistic world that's the case. In the more cynical world I wouldn't put him on the stand and let him find the defenseO'Mara did a great job stretching things out today by detailing every scratch on Zimmy's head. That picture of Zimmy's bloody head will now be ensconced in the minds of the jurors all weekend. Whether that eclipses the autopsy photos coming up next week, I don't know.

It's interesting how the pendulum moves 180 each day. I guarantee we won't see West again.
Opinion: Agreed. The state dropped the ball. One of the reasons I heard was they had to put the guy on the stand because their job is to provide the truth. I guess in an altruistic world that's the case. In the more cynical world I wouldn't put him on the stand and let him find the defenseO'Mara did a great job stretching things out today by detailing every scratch on Zimmy's head. That picture of Zimmy's bloody head will now be ensconced in the minds of the jurors all weekend. Whether that eclipses the autopsy photos coming up next week, I don't know.

It's interesting how the pendulum moves 180 each day. I guarantee we won't see West again.


west probably has to be up again as I am sure they divided the labor and each are probably more familiar with questioning certain witnesses, though I do think o'mara is way better at lawyering from what I've seen.

I heard the same you heard, the problem is if the prosecution doesn't call the witness, and then the defense does, it would make the State look as though they are being selective with their witnesses. Which obviously makes them look bad. They have to put all out there and hopefully get their narrative to stick, and of course there are also ethical considerations as well. Unlike TV, you can't have these evil prosecutors that just hide evidence. So even if it hurts them, they need to call all eyewitnesses to the stand. They just need to ride out the storm and minimize damager to their take on the events.
opinion: they should get o'mara to close. They basically should take west and just lock him away somewhere, lol.
This should be interesting. A prosecution witness just said Treyvon was on top beating Zimmy.

Opinion: The possibility that both were on the top and the bottom at different points in the fight, if they were rolling around on the ground and each was trying to get into an offensive position.
Opinion: The possibility that both were on the top and the bottom at different points in the fight, if they were rolling around on the ground and each was trying to get into an offensive position.

Fact: Such a "possibility" does not give enough to prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that Zimmerman was the aggressor. Nor do the wounds tell such a story. That there was no wounds other than the gunshot and knuckle scratches on Trayvon tells a very different tale as to the "one on top then the other" theory.

Opinion: The cops testimony that stated that he showed no ill will, hatred, or spite pretty much ends any possibility of conviction on 2nd Degree murder.
Fact: Such a "possibility" does not give enough to prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that Zimmerman was the aggressor. Nor do the wounds tell such a story. That there was no wounds other than the gunshot and knuckle scratches on Trayvon tells a very different tale as to the "one on top then the other" theory.

Incorrect. Testimony the other day proven there were no knucle marks on Martin and no trace of Zimmerman's DNA
Opinion: The possibility that both were on the top and the bottom at different points in the fight, if they were rolling around on the ground and each was trying to get into an offensive position.

Opinion: Thank you, your opinion may be fact and it is why different witnesses saw different things.