APP - The Well Behaved Zimmerman TRIAL Thread


did trayvon describe something happening?


What was happening?

A man was watching him

What happened then?

He kept complaining the man was watching him

How did travyon describe him?

Creepy ass cracka

What did he say to you after that?

Told me the man was looking at him

[ witness said he might be a rapist, trayvon says "stop playing" ]

[said trayvon was going to leave the "mailing area" where he was at]

[talked about the all-star game, trayvon told her to go check it]

[said trayvon said "now the nigga is following me"]

Then what did you say?

I told him to run

[runs, hangs up, then calls back]

[says he lost him]

"I called him back. He answered. He said he was at back at daddy''s fiancee's house. Said he lost man following him."

[says she heard someone heavy breathing asking "what are you doing here?"]

[heard phone drop and wet grass]

[says she lied about going to the wake cause she felt guilty because she was last to talk to trayvon]

[says it was travon screaming]


I couldn't get everything

did trayvon describe something happening?


What was happening?

A man was watching him

What happened then?

He kept complaining the man was watching him

How did travyon describe him?

Creepy ass cracka

What did he say to you after that?

Told me the man was looking at him

[ witness said he might be a rapist, trayvon says "stop playing" ]

[said trayvon was going to leave the "mailing area" where he was at]

[talked about the all-star game, trayvon told her to go check it]

[said trayvon said "now the nigga is following me"]

Then what did you say?

I told him to run

[runs, hangs up, then calls back]

[says he lost him]

"I called him back. He answered. He said he was at back at daddy''s fiancee's house. Said he lost man following him."

[says she heard someone heavy breathing asking "what are you doing here?"]

[heard phone drop and wet grass]

[says she lied about going to the wake cause she felt guilty because she was last to talk to trayvon]

[says it was travon screaming]


I couldn't get everything

I guess if they want to try and paint Zimmerman as a "racist", then Trayvon's own words could be used to suggest that he was a racist.
witness admitted to "not taking the crump interview seriously"

She didn't really want to do it...

In contrast to what she said to the prosecutor, saying it was definately trayvon, in her deposition she said it "might be, could be," but that "she didnt know"

said "i dont know" with re: to if it was trayvon twice on cross
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opinion: state witness is getting picked apart today. she was argumentative the whole time with the defense, at one point she said "she nots coming back tomorrow," she admitted to not taking her deposition seriously, she recanted her testimony on it being definitively trayvon martin screaming." he testimony today is not fitting with her deposition...
to the extent people take twitter media seriously, most are saying good day for the defense, though they admit some of things they said were emotionally powerful, one of the most powerful things she said today was "you gotta understand, I am the last one to talk to trayvon, you have to know how that feels" while almost breaking down.
Opinion: She was a good witness at first, then started being combative and smart-assy. But we have to realize she was thrown into all of this and didn't want to be.
Opinion: She was a good witness at first, then started being combative and smart-assy. But we have to realize she was thrown into all of this and didn't want to be.

I agree she was pretty good at first, but I think defense definitely have been chipping at her, both on material but also trying to get her frustrated.

what are your thoughts on how they ended the trial today? did you see that? What are your thoughts with her saying she didn't take the crump (sp) interivew seriously and the fact that her deposition was different than what she was witnessing today?
I agree she was pretty good at first, but I think defense definitely have been chipping at her, both on material but also trying to get her frustrated.

what are your thoughts on how they ended the trial today? did you see that? What are your thoughts with her saying she didn't take the crump (sp) interivew seriously and the fact that her deposition was different than what she was witnessing today?

To a Jury it could appear that she's making things up; because if it was important now, then why wan't it important then.

did trayvon describe something happening?


What was happening?

A man was watching him

What happened then?

He kept complaining the man was watching him

How did travyon describe him?

Creepy ass cracka

What did he say to you after that?

Told me the man was looking at him

[ witness said he might be a rapist, trayvon says "stop playing" ]

[said trayvon was going to leave the "mailing area" where he was at]

[talked about the all-star game, trayvon told her to go check it]

[said trayvon said "now the nigga is following me"]

Then what did you say?

I told him to run

[runs, hangs up, then calls back]

[says he lost him]

"I called him back. He answered. He said he was at back at daddy''s fiancee's house. Said he lost man following him."

[says she heard someone heavy breathing asking "what are you doing here?"]

[heard phone drop and wet grass]

[says she lied about going to the wake cause she felt guilty because she was last to talk to trayvon]

[says it was travon screaming]


I couldn't get everything

not good for the defense
I agree she was pretty good at first, but I think defense definitely have been chipping at her, both on material but also trying to get her frustrated.

what are your thoughts on how they ended the trial today? did you see that? What are your thoughts with her saying she didn't take the crump (sp) interivew seriously and the fact that her deposition was different than what she was witnessing today? was close to the end of the day and a good stopping off point. Even the prosecutor didn't see the need to go on. I hope the girl got a stern talking to and straightens up tomorrow. I don't see the defense going at her for two more hours, though. That might make them look bad.
Question: At what point will the judge realize this girl just simply doesn't have the intelligence level to answer the defense questions logically?
Question: At what point will the judge realize this girl just simply doesn't have the intelligence level to answer the defense questions logically?

I watched and felt sympathy.

Sympathy for this witness is the last thing that the defense should create, but has.
I watched and felt sympathy.

Sympathy for this witness is the last thing that the defense should create, but has.

He had her. Even I admitted it. Even the left-brained pundits said it. But he didn't stop, he had to go on and on. This is, of course- for Grind- opinion, but also fact.
The state needs to get this witness off the stand and start rebuilding this thing if they have any hope. One bad witness can end a good case if you let them hang too long, and this girl has hurt the state's argument.
Question: At what point will the judge realize this girl just simply doesn't have the intelligence level to answer the defense questions logically?

The jury should be hearing some instruction on an impeached witness. When time after time we see divergent stories from the girl it becomes incredibly hard to take the witness as credible at all.