APP - The Well Behaved Zimmerman TRIAL Thread


this is game over for the state.

state yesterday argued zimmerman might have been standing, or hit a tree branch. Now today, after the last two weeks contesting, they give in to trayvon being on top?

There is no way zimmerman gets convicted unless the jury goes rouge.

Only things I need to decide now are if I do a zimmerman not guilty party or something.

this is game over for the state.

state yesterday argued zimmerman might have been standing, or hit a tree branch. Now today, after the last two weeks contesting, they give in to trayvon being on top?

There is no way zimmerman gets convicted unless the jury goes rouge.

Only things I need to decide now are if I do a zimmerman not guilty party or something.


There are still the very powerful closing arguments, where they take all presented and put it all together in an orderly fashion.

It is all about who convinces the jury.
Opinion: Keep Webb away from the closing statement.

Question: If Martin was on top of Zimmy and the gun was in Zimmy's back waistband, how did a. Martin see it and try to take it and b. How did!Zimmy the weakling manage to get it out and shoot? and finally c. How was there already a bullet in the chamber?

Aside from the obvious flaws in the story, the fact that Zimmy was ready to shoot kills his case.
Opinion: Keep Webb away from the closing statement.

you mean west?

O'mara is closing. The guy is a beast. He also said he doesn't even use notes. He's that good.

Question: If Martin was on top of Zimmy and the gun was in Zimmy's back waistband,

how did a. Martin see it and try to take it and b. How did!Zimmy the weakling manage to get it out and shoot? and finally c. How was there already a bullet in the chamber?

Aside from the obvious flaws in the story, the fact that Zimmy was ready to shoot kills his case.


a) he could have easily felt it with his leg. Also zimmerman says as he was rolling to try and get out his jacket pulled up and revealed it.

b) I don't think it's really that hard to pull a gun out. You also assume they were in a completely static position. That's not the case, there was probably a lot of moving and repositioning, so it's really not that hard to believe he had an opportunity to grab it.

c) They have had numerous witnesses testify that it's very common (hyper common) to load a bullet in a chamber. If you are going to carry a gun, it makes sense that you have it at the ready, that's the entire point. You want as many bullets loaded as you can carry, it just makes logical sense. So he chambered a bullet and then put the magazine in.
you're god damn right.

since this whole mess started I have only made one post about this case.....which was that I was old fashioned and thought evidence ought to be presented at trial instead of on the that its over I have to say that the prosecution fucked this case up before the trial started and they fucked it up during the trial.......

if a juror cannot not find reasonable doubt at this point they don't know what "reasonable" is.....
you mean west? (yes, duh)

O'mara is closing. The guy is a beast. He also said he doesn't even use notes. He's that good.


a) he could have easily felt it with his leg. Also zimmerman says as he was rolling to try and get out his jacket pulled up and revealed it.

b) I don't think it's really that hard to pull a gun out. You also assume they were in a completely static position. That's not the case, there was probably a lot of moving and repositioning, so it's really not that hard to believe he had an opportunity to grab it.

c) They have had numerous witnesses testify that it's very common (hyper common) to load a bullet in a chamber. If you are going to carry a gun, it makes sense that you have it at the ready, that's the entire point. You want as many bullets loaded as you can carry, it just makes logical sense. So he chambered a bullet and then put the magazine in.

you're god damn right.


Yet the defense testified Martin had his knees on the ground right at Zimmy's armpits with the arms spread out. How would that make it easy for him to reach down, around his back and retrieve his gun?

Next question: If that is the case, how was Martin, as the defense states, able to view the gun and reach for it?

OPINION: As far as the gun, if you bring a loaded, ready to shoot gun with the safeguards like this one to prevent accidental firing to a fight, and with those safeguards negated,you intend to use it. Furthermore the findings of malicious intent are correlated by ignoring 91s dispatcher instructions by following the young man and testifying that he said "They always get away!" as well as the defendent'l reference to "fucking punks"; and you have clear intent.

Therein lies the malicious intent required to commit 2nd degree murder, members of the jury.

(We should have done the closing arguments thing like we talked about Grind. I would have shamed you. :))
since this whole mess started I have only made one post about this case.....which was that I was old fashioned and thought evidence ought to be presented at trial instead of on the that its over I have to say that the prosecution fucked this case up before the trial started and they fucked it up during the trial.......

if a juror cannot not find reasonable doubt at this point they don't know what "reasonable" is.....

I'm listening to the closing statements from the Prosecuter and even in their comments they don't appear confident and instead are throwing out possibilities, instead of cold evidence.
In my opinion, they appear desperate and are just trying to see what might stick to the walls.
I'm listening to the closing statements from the Prosecuter and even in their comments they don't appear confident and instead are throwing out possibilities, instead of cold evidence.
In my opinion, they appear desperate and are just trying to see what might stick to the walls.

Lol. You must not be watching what I am. He's taking Zimmy's testimony word for word and ripping it apart.
opinion: I think BDLR is doing ok for what he has to work with. A lot of talking heads were saying he was failing earlier, but he's made some good points here and there. We shall see as it continue to go on. Still think omara is going to crush tomorrow though.
opinion: I think BDLR is doing ok for what he has to work with. A lot of talking heads were saying he was failing earlier, but he's made some good points here and there. We shall see as it continue to go on. Still think omara is going to crush tomorrow though.


I see the exact opposite, he is hitting all the crucial points, and repeating them, I think this is the best I have seen them. Using Zimmerman's own words to show his lies and inconsistencies.
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opinion: I think BDLR is doing ok for what he has to work with. A lot of talking heads were saying he was failing earlier, but he's made some good points here and there. We shall see as it continue to go on. Still think omara is going to crush tomorrow though.

opinion: I think that the Defense should just play back all the recordings of the testimony of the Prosecution's witnesses and then show how the Defense was able to get them to recant their original testimony. This appears to be the first time that I've ever seen the Prosecution trying to get a conviction, by using the "what if" style.

I see the exact opposite, he is hitting all the crucial points, and repeating them, I think this is the best I have seen them. Using Immerman's own words to show his lies and inconsistencies.

opinion: he closed a bit better, I will agree. I made that post before his other stuff that you are now mentioning. Though again, the lead detective said he didn't find zimmermans inconsistencies to be significant. I don't think that's a tough hurdle for defense to overcome.
Fact: Citing the requirement for second degree murder and inserting Trayvon's name and how George's actions fit the charges.

Oinion: I still love his remark, I wasn't following him, I was going in the same direction.
opinion: he closed a bit better, I will agree. I made that post before his other stuff that you are now mentioning. Though again, the lead detective said he didn't find zimmermans inconsistencies to be significant. I don't think that's a tough hurdle for defense to overcome.

The lead detective did not have Osterman's book, the Hannity interview, Jeantel's testimony and many other sources of inconsistencies to consider.
opinion: he closed a bit better, I will agree. I made that post before his other stuff that you are now mentioning. Though again, the lead detective said he didn't find zimmermans inconsistencies to be significant. I don't think that's a tough hurdle for defense to overcome.

Nope, it is just an opinion. Was that the same guy that wanted to charge him?