APP - The Well Behaved Zimmerman TRIAL Thread

This is the first time you have stated you aren't convinced of his innocence, very interesting. Why now?

no that's not what I meant to imply. It was just a wry tongue in cheek comment, that he is more convinced of his innocence than I am implies some otherworldly level of conviction, since I am pretty much on his team.
i gotta say that I commend all the people that have so far participated in this thread. I think the perimeters outlined and the fact and opinion highlighting really goes a long way to keeping most of emotion out of things, or at least prevents emotional retorts. I like how this thread has gone and how mature everyone has been, including myself. Thanks howey and rana and baxter and everyone else.
i gotta say that I commend all the people that have so far participated in this thread. I think the perimeters outlined and the fact and opinion highlighting really goes a long way to keeping most of emotion out of things, or at least prevents emotional retorts. I like how this thread has gone and how mature everyone has been, including myself. Thanks howey and rana and baxter and everyone else.

I have really enjoyed it, thank you for laying down the rules.
this is the most epic wait right now. I can't fucking believe this. It's like a movie. I am literally freaking out here lol. DO THE RIGHT THING ZIMMERMAN!!!!
Adam Pollock, owner of the gym that testified yesterday, has this on his site:


State wants to bring this into rebuttal, but for rebuttal you can't bring in things to impeach, only things that have already been part of previous testimony (i think?). They are discussing this at the bench right now.
some are saying it's a page for media that has inquiries, (opinion): which seems to make sense on its face.
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Adam Pollock, owner of the gym that testified yesterday, has this on his site:


State wants to bring this into rebuttal, but for rebuttal you can't bring in things to impeach, only things that have already been part of previous testimony (i think?). They are discussing this at the bench right now.


I am still laughing, he paints George as soft, unable to punch, after exercising there 3x's a week, for a year, why would anyone want to train there, lol

I am still laughing, he paints George as soft, unable to punch, after exercising there 3x's a week, for a year, why would anyone want to train there, lol

whether you know it or not, you just made the same argument the defense made.

State was trying to argue the guy was trying to profit off of zimmerman, defense says that the context of that is way off, because it wouldn't make sense to say how much zimmerman sucks at fighting and then use that as a training program.

Thus State didn't have grounds for rebuttal, and were solely bringing it to attention for impeachment, which is not allowed at this stage.

Judge denied this witness to come in for rebuttal. So defense won their objection.
whether you know it or not, you just made the same argument the defense made.

State was trying to argue the guy was trying to profit off of zimmerman, defense says that the context of that is way off, because it wouldn't make sense to say how much zimmerman sucks at fighting and then use that as a training program.

Thus State didn't have grounds for rebuttal, and were solely bringing it to attention for impeachment, which is not allowed at this stage.

Judge denied this witness to come in for rebuttal. So defense won their objection.

Or the guy was lying in his testimony, it is the way I would look at it. George was better trained then he testified.

Prosecution sucks!
a second rebuttal witness was denied as well. The third and final rebuttal witness they are deferring arguments on till early tomorrow.
Or the guy was lying in his testimony, it is the way I would look at it. George was better trained then he testified.

Prosecution sucks!

not prosecutions fault, judge nelson ruled against them.

there is no evidence he was better trained than testified. It's likely a media page as they are probably getting a lot of inquiries from pretty much every media organization. No where on the page does it talk about zimmerman is awesome or a good fighter.
not prosecutions fault, judge nelson ruled against them.

there is no evidence he was better trained than testified. It's likely a media page as they are probably getting a lot of inquiries from pretty much every media organization. No where on the page does it talk about zimmerman is awesome or a good fighter.

So, it was just name recognition they were going for?

The prosecution still sucks, unless they redeem themselves in their summation.
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some are saying it's a page for media that has inquiries, (opinion): which seems to make sense on its face.

Opinion: I don't think so. I'm sure they've had lots of contact with the media already. At the very least, it's an attempt to build up their email spam list.

whether you know it or not, you just made the same argument the defense made.

State was trying to argue the guy was trying to profit off of zimmerman, defense says that the context of that is way off, because it wouldn't make sense to say how much zimmerman sucks at fighting and then use that as a training program.

Thus State didn't have grounds for rebuttal, and were solely bringing it to attention for impeachment, which is not allowed at this stage.

Judge denied this witness to come in for rebuttal. So defense won their objection.

I understand that bringing it to the attention of the judge for impeachment wasn't allowable, however, if that just showed up on the website today his testimony should be looked at again or stricken.

CONJECTURE: The defense and George Zimmerman are prepping him to look like a fat weakling unable to fight back when in fact he was fit and trim when he killed Martin and worked out as shown three times a week.

Apparently, I'm not the only one who thinks this. I found this while looking for a picture of Zimmy right after he killed Martin:

Based on his appearance at today’s preliminary hearings for his murder trial, George Zimmerman has packed on a few pounds since he was arrested and charged with second degree murder in the death of Trayvon Martin. Might this be an intentional strategy dictated by his lawyer? If so, it would be reminiscent of the memorable episode of “The Simpsons” in which Homer decided to give himself the benefit of the Americans With Disabilities Act by eating himself into muu-muus. But would it be ethical?

The theory, I presume, is that the less threatening and mobile Zimmerman looks, the more plausible it will seem to the jury that he was not the aggressor in his fatal tussle with Martin, who, we heard today, the defense will try to portray as a violence-prone thug. This kind of maneuver exploits a structural defect in the jury system, aggravated by the now ridiculously extended justice process. Jurors can only think of a defendant and sometimes a victim as they look in the courtroom, when it is what they were like when the alleged crime occurred that matters.
FACT: Mark O'Mara just held a news conference affirming [STRIKEOUT]both dissension among the defense[/STRIKEOUT] and that Zimmerman wanted to testify.

I need to verify the first statement.
So, it was just name recognition they were going for?

The prosecution still sucks, unless they redeem themselves in their summation.

i agree... and I don't want to be a rule nazi, but i think you need to wrap that in an opinion. :)