APP - The Well Behaved Zimmerman TRIAL Thread

opinion: disagree, I found him very credible, especially with talking about his history as an officer and how seriously he takes his oath. Guy was clutch. He initially stayed out of the whole ordeal because it could have been a conflict of interest. Good character witness too.


Voice testimonies won't be taken into consideration by jury because of the testimonies of both side. No one was ble to establsh without a doubt whose voice was screaming.

Voice testimonies won't be taken into consideration by jury because of the testimonies of both side. No one was ble to establsh without a doubt whose voice was screaming.

fact: which benefits the defense as a matter of law
Fact: Mr. Martin said that he listened to the 911 call an estimated 20 times, in order to try and figure out what happened that night, and that he is now convinced that the screaming voice is Trayvon's.

Opinion: I'm sure he has convinced himself that the voice is Trayvon's; because otherwise he would have to admit that it was Zimmerman's voice crying out, as Trayvon assaulted him.

then why did zimmy have such a small amount of injuries?

why did most of the witnesses see Zimmy on top?
How so, since you are more versed in the law, thanks.

hes actually right the burden of proof lies with the prosecution.

The injuries don't speak to a life and death struggle.

the only thing that speaks to a life and death struggle is a bullet hole in a teenagers chest.
then why did zimmy have such a small amount of injuries?

why did most of the witnesses see Zimmy on top?

Since it's such a small amount, please allow me to bang your head on a sidewalk.
I'll stop when you feel you've reached your limit.

How many of those "witnesses" either changed their story or came forward, AFTER all the plubicity?

The forensics expert has yet to testify.
What's going to be your excuse when he explains how Trayvon's injuries are consisitent with him being the one on top?
hes actually right the burden of proof lies with the prosecution.

The injuries don't speak to a life and death struggle.

the only thing that speaks to a life and death struggle is a bullet hole in a teenagers chest.

You seem to be willfully ignoring the testimoney that it's not necessary for someone to wait and reach a point where you're dying, it's only if you think you're in immenent danger of doing so.
in florida if you are found not guilty in a criminal case you can not be sued civilly. I just learned that yesterday.
fact: which benefits the defense as a matter of law

That's an opinion. The screaming does not tell us anything certain about whether Zimmerman was justified in using deadly force anyway. It might influence the degree of his crime, i.e., murder 2 vs manslaughter, but I don't think it does much more. I agree with rana, it will probably be ignored.
I agree the screaming is a wash. (personally I think it is zimmerman, I think it sounds like zimmerman) but it is a wash in terms of having a high degree of confidence. That benefits the defense though. If the jury is saying "I dont know" or they can't tell one way or the other, that always benefits the defense.
I agree the screaming is a wash. (personally I think it is zimmerman, I think it sounds like zimmerman) but it is a wash in terms of having a high degree of confidence. That benefits the defense though. If the jury is saying "I dont know" or they can't tell one way or the other, that always benefits the defense.

Again, I think it might help Zimmerman on murder 2 vs manslaughter. If it could be proven that Trayvon was yelling for help then it's hard to imagine that Zimmerman was not demonstrating a depraved mind. If Zimmerman was yelling for help it does nothing to establish he was justified in using deadly force.
If it could be proven that Trayvon was yelling for help

it hasn't been proven yet baxter. The State has rested their case. There is no more evidence coming in on behalf of the state. Anything significant pertaining to that issue would have already come into play. It's non-existent. The martins had 3 witnesses, two which at one point said it was not trayvon. The defense brought in 7(?) all definitively saying it was george.

it hasn't been proven yet baxter. The State has rested their case. There is no more evidence coming in on behalf of the state. Anything significant pertaining to that issue would have already come into play. It's non-existent. The martins had 3 witnesses, two which at one point said it was not trayvon. The defense brought in 7(?) all definitively saying it was george.

Which is why I said, "if it could."

Opinion: None of their opinions are very compelling. And...

Fact: not all of Zimmerman's witnesses were definitive. For instance, Mark Osterman said "it sounded like George."

They are listening to poor audio recordings. They can claim they are certain all they like. They are at best making an honest guess and may well be biased.

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Which is why I said, "if it could."

but it can't. So I don't really understand your line of thought.

Maybe you were being more philosophical than I interpreted.

Fact: not all of Zimmerman's witnesses were definitive. For instance, Mark Osterman said "it sounded like George."

perhaps, but there were many that were, and when you have an avalanche of witnesses I don't think you can deny them having a strong effect on the minds of the jurors.
Did the defense decide not to bring in the THC evidence? I have heard random things pertaining to that.