APP - The Well Behaved Zimmerman TRIAL Thread

opinion: strategically I think state should have closed with the mother, not the doctor. that doctor was just all over the place, there is no way the jury finds him credible. that was just dumb.

Fact: The prosecution should have ended the day, without giving the Defense time to counter the testimony from the Mother and Brother; because this would have given the jury the entire weekend with their testimonty as their last recollection.

Opinion: Now the jury will have the weekend to weigh the testimony from both families and I think the comments from the Uncle will have a huge impact. Plus did anyone expect either of the mothers to say anything else; but that the voice THEY heard was that of their son(s)?
Fact: The prosecution should have ended the day, without giving the Defense time to counter the testimony from the Mother and Brother; because this would have given the jury the entire weekend with their testimonty as their last recollection.

that's not a fact, that's an opinion.

opinion/analysis: while they may have wanted to do that, they simply couldn't have gone that deep into the day. it's not like they could have randomly ended the day at noon. but obv ideally what you said would be the best scenario for them.

Opinion: Now the jury will have the weekend to weigh the testimony from both families and I think the comments from the Uncle will have a huge impact. Plus did anyone expect either of the mothers to say anything else; but that the voice THEY heard was that of their son(s)?

opinion/analysis: obv not... and truthfully I don't give a shit what either mother thinks. This whole "I am a mother I know my childs voice because reasons" thing I just don't buy. At the end of the day they have human ears. Much more advanced scientific, highly tuned equiment can't tell the difference.
The mother's testimony should be treated like any other expert witness. The prosecution has one, the defense has one. This case is not going to hinge on whose voice can or cannot be discerned on the tape. That anyone is relying on that tape, speaks to the weak nature of the case itself.
The mother's testimony should be treated like any other expert witness. The prosecution has one, the defense has one. This case is not going to hinge on whose voice can or cannot be discerned on the tape. That anyone is relying on that tape, speaks to the weak nature of the case itself.

I disagree.

OPINION: The screams, along with multiple Zimmerman umm...contradictions, his own words and refusal to follow directions, will secure at least a manslaughter conviction.
opinion: strategically I think state should have closed with the mother, not the doctor. that doctor was just all over the place, there is no way the jury finds him credible. that was just dumb.

Opinion: I think the last part of your statement was fact, he was a terrible witness.
imo, there will be mostly celebrations in the streets if he is convicted with some counter demonstrations and riots in the streets with some counter demonstrations if he is acquitted

but mostly, i do not care except that z acted like a jerk and will not draw a safe breath for the rest of his life
imo, there will be mostly celebrations in the streets if he is convicted with some counter demonstrations and riots in the streets with some counter demonstrations if he is acquitted

but mostly, i do not care except that z acted like a jerk and will not draw a safe breath for the rest of his life

That was real civilized and christian of you, Don.

Question 1. do you think defense might call trayvons father?

Trayvons father said that he didn't think the voice was trayvons. That could help to bolster the defense more.

On the other hand, defense might have more or less neutralized this issue already, presenting two witnesses of their own saying it's zimmermans voice. They may not want to get another sympathetic witness for the state on the stand, even if they can use that person to make points.

Question 2: How does the all women jury benefit/hurt both sides? Both sides seemed very content with the jury makeup, so there most be pluses for both.

I think for the state it's obvious, they get to really slam home the emotional testimony, they get to bank on 5 of the jurors being mothers and likely sympathizing more with trayvon, trayvons mother, etc.

But why the defense? You would think at first glance that you would want a man or two on the jury that could seem themselves defending themselves with guns as well.

I see two main reasons:

one, they think the women can be more sympathetic, understand the frightening situation zimmerman claims to be in.

Two, I think they think that the women could more easily understand why someone might fear for their life having their head smashed against concrete, whereas a man (that is more likely to have been in fights - face it) might have a thought process of "pff I have had fights worse than that and didn't shoot anyone"
Women are far more likely than white men to view being followed by a man as a threatening act...I wouldn't have known that until all the white guys on here told me they're "entitled" to follow me around for four hours and wait outside stores for me. I fully grasp white male entitlement, but did not know it extended to stalking women and black teenangers as well.

If the defense is happy anyway, it could have something to do with the high percentage of white women who are racist assholes, as anyone who has read Paula Deens' fb page recently is well aware.
OPINION: I hope the defense doesn't only bring up Zimmerman's co-workers and friends to testify that was him screaming. The first witness, who called him Georgie, is a horrible witness.
OPINION: I hope the defense doesn't only bring up Zimmerman's co-workers and friends to testify that was him screaming. The first witness, who called him Georgie, is a horrible witness.

opinion: disagree, I found him very credible, especially with talking about his history as an officer and how seriously he takes his oath. Guy was clutch. He initially stayed out of the whole ordeal because it could have been a conflict of interest. Good character witness too.
Fact: Mr. Martin said that he listened to the 911 call an estimated 20 times, in order to try and figure out what happened that night, and that he is now convinced that the screaming voice is Trayvon's.

Opinion: I'm sure he has convinced himself that the voice is Trayvon's; because otherwise he would have to admit that it was Zimmerman's voice crying out, as Trayvon assaulted him.
opinion: disagree, I found him very credible, especially with talking about his history as an officer and how seriously he takes his oath. Guy was clutch. He initially stayed out of the whole ordeal because it could have been a conflict of interest. Good character witness too.

The first witness was a woman. The one who wrote the book about Zimmy. Second was her husband, who paid Zimmy's bail and let him and his wife live with them. He never stayed out of anything.

Now...if you're referring to the husband of the real estate woman, his testimony has just been struck from the record.