The West is racing towards WW3

Putin is waiting for his pee pal Trump to win! Then Trump will have us funding Putin's war!
We have discovered that Ukraine can survive for months without US aid. trump wants to end the war quickly. he might just start sending Putin aid to help with genocide.
separate from NATO?
It has been a long standing agreement that countries are allowed to decide what alliances they want. The USSR pushed for that.

Besides the bigger issue is the EU. If Ukraine joins the EU, and becomes a successful economy, the next question is why is Russia not a successful economy? At least with Estonia, Russians could say they were a very different ethnicity.

I think Ukraine should be successful members of the EU, if that is what they desire. If that pushes Russia to be less corrupt... That is ever better for me.
It has been a long standing agreement that countries are allowed to decide what alliances they want. The USSR pushed for that.

Besides the bigger issue is the EU. If Ukraine joins the EU, and becomes a successful economy, the next question is why is Russia not a successful economy? At least with Estonia, Russians could say they were a very different ethnicity.

I think Ukraine should be successful members of the EU, if that is what they desire. If that pushes Russia to be less corrupt... That is ever better for me.
are you aware that Ukraine is CIA controlled puppet government?
Glad we're now on the same page in regards to negotiations with Russia. Some people seem willing to continue to risk World War III for what I think amounts to misteps mostly made by western Ukraine and the western powers that backed it.
Looks like Putin has no interest in negotiating now.

Oh well.

I think it's important to note who funds the Institute of War, which runs the website you linked to:
ISW was founded in response to the stagnation of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, with core funding provided by a group of defense contractors;[6] it continues to be supported by defense contractors as well as private donations.[7]

Full article:

Naturally, defense contractors would like to keep the cash flowing, and war does that nicely. Now let's compare your article with an article from RT that was just published today wherein Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban and President Putin were discussing the 'shortest way out' of the Ukraine conflict. Quoting from the article:
The Russian president has reiterated Moscow’s readiness to resolve the hostility through negotiations. The Ukrainian leadership, however, appears to be still incapable of abandoning its idea of waging a war “until the end,” Putin noted.

Moscow is seeking to reach lasting, sustainable peace rather than opting for a temporary ceasefire or a “frozen conflict” of any sort, the Russian president warned.

There should not be a “ceasefire or some kind of pause that the Kiev regime could use to recover losses, regroup, and rearm. Russia is in favor of a complete and final end to the conflict,” he stressed.


Full article:

I imagine that last bit comes in no small part due to Putin's disappointment with the former Minsk agreements:
I think it's important to note who funds the Institute of War, which runs the website you linked to:
ISW was founded in response to the stagnation of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, with core funding provided by a group of defense contractors;[6] it continues to be supported by defense contractors as well as private donations.[7]

Full article:

Naturally, defense contractors would like to keep the cash flowing, and war does that nicely. Now let's compare your article with an article from RT that was just published today wherein Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban and President Putin were discussing the 'shortest way out' of the Ukraine conflict. Quoting from the article:
The Russian president has reiterated Moscow’s readiness to resolve the hostility through negotiations. The Ukrainian leadership, however, appears to be still incapable of abandoning its idea of waging a war “until the end,” Putin noted.

Moscow is seeking to reach lasting, sustainable peace rather than opting for a temporary ceasefire or a “frozen conflict” of any sort, the Russian president warned.

There should not be a “ceasefire or some kind of pause that the Kiev regime could use to recover losses, regroup, and rearm. Russia is in favor of a complete and final end to the conflict,” he stressed.


Full article:

I imagine that last bit comes in no small part due to Putin's disappointment with the former Minsk agreements:
Almost all of the think tanks are majorly funded by the WarPigs.

L/R R/D does not matter.

Its a UniParty.
Says that we are headed for certain nuclear annihilation:

Shocking Defeat: NATO's Desperate Struggle as Ukraine Crumbles – Is Taiwan Next? | Gerald Celente​
