The who you can beat up thread

this is the board at work nothing going on chief's off all indians workday rant. Tools here are too stupid to post stock's so we talk about fighting since they can only play video games at home.
So that translates to cocky and uncoordinated?
LOL. I've worked as a bouncer in a gangster bar. Getting drunk doesn't make you a better fighter. They were young, trained and hammered, and I didn't see them win even one fight against us...

LOL. I've worked as a bouncer in a gangster bar. Getting drunk doesn't make you a better fighter. They were young, trained and hammered, and I didn't see them win even one fight against us...


Now Damo, you are one I could see as someone who would see when it was time to fight all out, and would avoid the fight otherwise.
Grind, I disagree that you can own Wanderingbear. There are certain posters that simply cannot be beaten, because they do not subscribe to real-world physics, etc., and this list includes WB, as well as Asshate, Kathaksung, CanadianChild, and probably a few other posters. For example, pwning Dixie at 1/3 is not humanly possible.

Otherwise, you do pwn a lot of people.
That's a pretty accurate description. I have rarely found it necessary to fight.


Dalton: "If somebody gets in your face and calls you a cocksucker, I want you to be nice. Ask him to walk. Be nice. If he won't walk, walk him. But be nice. If you can't walk him, one of the others will help you, and you'll both be nice. I want you to remember that it's a job. It's nothing personal."

Dalton: "I want you to be nice until it's time to not be nice."
Hmmm it seems that in addition to being young, trained, and hammered, I'm also unaware of posts I make. Regardless, put me at the top. I fight dirty and am the only one here I know of to back up my claim for an ass kicking (though unfortunately CK never showed).
everyone always talks about who can beat up who. So I am going to start making a jpp tree that way whenever a fight starts we can just point to said chart, so everyone knows their roll :good4u:

I think I can beat up most of the older females, older dudes (55+) watermark (liberal pussies are easy), and adam weinberg. epic could probably own me cause he's gangsta and threedee has been in the military. ib1 is a cointoss but i will give the edge to him even though he's a washington douchebag.

Desh Tutu Meme Wanderingbear usaloyal ice dancer uscitizen zappas
watermark adam weinberg annie donquixote, socrtease(?)

You can't even "beat" yourself Grind, but delusions of grandeur are quite common for a wet behind the ears douche-bag-dork like yourself.

You are a constant source of amusement though....:good4u:

Dalton: "If somebody gets in your face and calls you a cocksucker, I want you to be nice. Ask him to walk. Be nice. If he won't walk, walk him. But be nice. If you can't walk him, one of the others will help you, and you'll both be nice. I want you to remember that it's a job. It's nothing personal."

Dalton: "I want you to be nice until it's time to not be nice."
Road House is a great flick....
A unsuspected head-butt to the nose, followed by a knee to the testicles/ovaries is also quite effective.
No training is a serious disadvantage. But the bigger disadvantage is to be worried about how it looks, hesitating to do harm, or failing to press the attack.

Most fights can be avoided. But if they cannot be avoided, screw the techniques and go for the blows that will end the fight. Punching the face is a waste of time. Take out the kneecaps. Drive their nuts into their gut. Use your elbow in their kidney. Then you can pretty much do what you want.

screw all that... too much work... just hit them in the throat... can't breath... can't fight :)