The who you can beat up thread

E=Damocles;575373]Again, "I was in fear for my life."

again....reasonable force....

The reasonable response to such a fear if you cannot run is what? There are even answers as to why you didn't run, such as, "He said he had a gun and would use it if I ran. I believed him." However I wouldn't tell somebody to start a fight then say these things. I said, and I was clear on it, "a fight you didn't choose."

Anyway, I'd prefer to be alive and in trouble, explaining things to the police to dead because I feared using force to end a danger to me or mine. However reasonable force is much different for me than for an untrained fighter.

First. I am explaining to an untrained person how to end a fight in a way that doesn't take much training, a fight that they couldn't run from, I believe that was clear in the phrase "a fight you didn't choose". Those who are untrained have a different level of "reasonable force" than a fully trained and armed person.

Second. If you are in a fight you didn't choose it is already reasonable to assume that duty to retreat has been met. Your first and best defense is to not be there.

Lastly, it is reasonable in your defense to use the force that I listed. They "can" kill somebody, but it is unlikely. It is far more likely that you will simply get yourself the ability to apply the "duty to retreat" portion of the reasonable force law of whichever state you may be in.

Do it quick and get out of there. Don't stick around for any recovery.

reasonable force is a fact specific issue....i have no idea what you mean by "Those who are untrained have a different level of "reasonable force" than a fully trained and armed person"....

that is not the definition of a reasonable person using the reasonable amount of force to defend themselves or another. the person using the force is not the one who determines what force is necessary......
Just what makes you think you can so easily add me to this list? Then again, I suppose if someone had asked me if I could clobber you, the answer would have been absolutely.

I haven't started a fight since 7th grade. While I don't really see the value of fighting for personal reasons, if somebody took a serious swing at me, it would be on.

It's the libertarian in me. Starting a fight is wrong. Ending an attack against you is the just and proper thing to do.

i dont' know man I get a vibe that I would have quicker reflexes or something
again....reasonable force....

reasonable force is a fact specific issue....i have no idea what you mean by "Those who are untrained have a different level of "reasonable force" than a fully trained and armed person"....

that is not the definition of a reasonable person using the reasonable amount of force to defend themselves or another. the person using the force is not the one who determines what force is necessary......
It is different in every State. It would be difficult to tell a jury that I didn't mean to kill somebody with the amount of training, say, my friend Chet (who teaches me Kung Fu) or my Sensei (Ninjitsu) has. However an untrained individual in fear of their life striking with open hands (as I described) would most definitely be easily seen as 'reasonable force' if that rare and unfortunate circumstance happens.

Reasonable is almost always based on what a normal citizen would find reasonable. A quick and rarely deadly response is fully reasonable. My first response to your mention of "reasonable force" was in jest and I shouldn't have continued it as long as I did, you clearly have taken me seriously.

I am not advising anybody to use deadly force when it is unnecessary, I only mentioned it for those who were squeamish about the small possibility that they may cause such.
It is different in every State. It would be difficult to tell a jury that I didn't mean to kill somebody with the amount of training, say, my friend Chet (who teaches me Kung Fu) or my Sensei (Ninjitsu) has. However an untrained individual in fear of their life striking with open hands (as I described) would most definitely be easily seen as 'reasonable force' if that rare and unfortunate circumstance happens.

Reasonable is almost always based on what a normal citizen would find reasonable. A quick and rarely deadly response is fully reasonable. My first response to your mention of "reasonable force" was in jest and I shouldn't have continued it as long as I did, you clearly have taken me seriously.

I am not advising anybody to use deadly force when it is unnecessary, I only mentioned it for those who were squeamish about the small possibility that they may cause such.

Detective: "Why did you shoot the burgler?"
Person: "I was scared."
Detective: "Why did you shoot him 6 times?"
Person: "I was REALLY scared."
Being mentally prepared is the absolute best plan. Having thought it out will make it easier to put into action.

You don't usually have a lot of time to think each situation out, though. It seems best to do what is probably least expected, thus least likely to be countered.
You don't usually have a lot of time to think each situation out, though. It seems best to do what is probably least expected, thus least likely to be countered.

That is why thinking things out in advance is very helpful. If you plan what you would do, you will have information on which to base your actions.

Its like repeating an action over and over to teach your muscles.