None. He did his duty and reported filthy Communists and their sympathizers to the authorities, as was right and proper. :D

:rolleyes: Suspected Communist sympathizers. No individual or group should have that much power over others' lives.

Hollywood blacklist

In 1947, the committee held nine days of hearings into alleged communist propaganda and influence in the Hollywood motion picture industry. After conviction on contempt of Congress charges for refusal to answer some questions posed by committee members, "The Hollywood Ten" were blacklisted by the industry. Eventually, more than 300 artists – including directors, radio commentators, actors, and particularly screenwriters – were boycotted by the studios. Some, like Charlie Chaplin, Orson Welles, Alan Lomax, Paul Robeson, and Yip Harburg, left the U.S or went underground to find work. Others like Dalton Trumbo wrote under pseudonyms or the names of colleagues. Only about ten percent succeeded in rebuilding careers within the entertainment industry.
Prove it.

I'll understand if you can't, of course.

Reagan was a DEMOCRAT until 1962 . He was 51.

Of course, you would use those silly memes. There were books written about Reagan being ignored and Nancy assuming incredible powers with no legal mandate. During his presidency, they still had press conferences and he answered to the press. His handlers made it clear that when he talked to the people there would be a very narrow topic. They dreaded it when he went off the script. He would say things like Trump does. Then his people would try and patch things up. The insiders wrote tell all books when they left.
Reagan was a joke when he was in office. But he seemed for awhile able to remember a script. It was known.
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By presidential standards, Ronald Reagan was a moron and a complete intellectual lightweight.

It does not cut the mustard to juxtapose Bedtime for Bonzo with jokes that purport to shine a spotlight on the lack of freedom in the USSR.

Ronald Reagan did not give a rat's ass about the freedom and human rights of Russian people.

If you want a spokesperson for Russian freedom and dignity, look to Andrei Saharov and the Soviet dissidents. Who you might be surprised to learn received substantial support from Jimmy Carter, more so than from Bedtime for Bonzo.

Ronald Reagan did not genuinely give a rat's ass about human freedom and human dignity more generally.
If an evil dictator was rightwing and conservative, Reagan could not contain his love and support for them.

Reagan was a pawn of the military industrial complex and of American corporate hegemony. His only interest was securing, maintaining, and prolonging American global political and economic hegemony. He literally did not genuinely give a shit about freedom, human dignity, free and fair elections, or democracy.
I cant disagree, but when you compare him to tRUMP, he looks a godsend.
Yes, I get it and cannot fault you for that. It was a different era, and Reagan at least had a superficial propriety and etiquette appropriate and commensurate with the office of the presidency.

I just get personally offended when there is any attempt to juxtapose Bedtime for Bonzo with allusions to the lack of freedom in the USSR.

Reagan literally did not care about the human rights of Russian people. Or any other citizens of the world. The love and admiration Reagan showed for appalling rightwing dictators utterly undermined his phony and embellished rhetoric about freedom and shining cities on hills.
Yes, I get it and cannot fault you for that. It was a different era, and Reagan at least had a superficial propriety and etiquette appropriate and commensurate with the office of the presidency.

I just get personally offended when there is any attempt to juxtapose Bedtime for Bonzo with allusions to the lack of freedom in the USSR.

Reagan literally did not care about the human rights of Russian people. Or any other citizens of the world. The love and admiration Reagan showed for appalling rightwing dictators utterly undermined his phony and embellished rhetoric about freedom and shining cities on hills.

He called Russia an "evil empire." I thought that was despicable.
He called Russia an "evil empire." I thought that was despicable.

Over the top.

Everybody knows the Soviet regime was totalitarian and undemocratic. There are ways to support Soviet dissidents and human rights, without being an inflammatory jackass.

Outlandish rhetoric like that was highly offensive to many Russian people. The Russians I know thought it was just stupid and insulting. Unremitting criticism coming from outside, by a person like Reagan who actually did now jack sh*t about Russia, is neither helpful nor welcomed in my opinion.
Reagan conducted himself with class. Sadly, that is a trait that the current president does not have. That said, "Reaganomics" turned out to be quite a bust.

The economy was quite good because of Reaganomics.

Trickle down economics was vilified but proven correct. When people get to keep more of THEIR own money via tax cuts they spend that extra money which grows the economy. It leads to more jobs which means more tax payers which furthur expands the economy.
Yes he was. I have his book. Signed by him. ;)

He was an intellect with a serious sense of humor who understood the threat of Socialism.

Ronald Reagan Warning to America

Yet these trash liberal morons call him stupid. His speech looks like he was a psychic lol. Several levels ahead of most. Just like trump only smoother.
Reagan was an intellectual lightweight. But he was upbeat, personable, and had class.

There is no way he belongs as high on the list of presidents as he presently is (that will change as time goes on), but he was a shitload closer to Lincoln or Washington than to Trump...who will absolutely go down in history as THE WORST PRESIDENT EVER.

So, yeah, I'd drink a toast to Ronald Reagan any day. Trump deserves to be pissed on!
Reagan was an "acting" president. The difference between him and Daffy is Ronnie listened to his advisers. He could learn his lines and speak them,at least in the beginning. Trump is the world's oldest teenager.
Yet these trash liberal morons call him stupid. His speech looks like he was a psychic lol. Several levels ahead of most. Just like trump only smoother.

Look, you have to consider the source. These are Fascistic, low IQ, uneducated, pompous dumb fucks who think that becoming a dependent ward of the State is awesome. They hate anyone who disagrees with their Marxist dogma.

Reagan was an intellectual lightweight. But he was upbeat, personable, and had class.

I always find it ironic when dishonest, leftist, intellectual lightweight losers on a political blog, who have accomplished NOTHING in their lives, claim that men of great achievement were intellectual lightweights. I am pretty sure you're too stupid to see that irony because idiots are the last to realize what idiots they are.

Reagan was an "acting" president. The difference between him and Daffy is Ronnie listened to his advisers. He could learn his lines and speak them,at least in the beginning. Trump is the world's oldest teenager.


MORON. :rolleyes:
The economy was quite good because of Reaganomics.

Trickle down economics was vilified but proven correct. When people get to keep more of THEIR own money via tax cuts they spend that extra money which grows the economy. It leads to more jobs which means more tax payers which furthur expands the economy.

He was the guy who proved to rightys that the debt does not matter. The Repubs have cranked it up one after another and when Dems get in they weep about the debt.