Tax payers built the roads and infrastructure. The wealthy are among the hardest hit tax payers. In fact decades ago wealthy tax payers had 70 plus percent of their income stolen from them by government. So it's safe to say that I pay my fair share for those roads and infrastructure. As a home owner I pay for the education of kids I no longer have in school via property taxes. So all the leftist garbage you just typed above is horse shit.
All roads and infrastructure are there for all. Even the poor can use them......and they didnt contribute a nickle to its construction. So the poor can live on my back. Drive on my road. Sleep in my dwelling. Visit my doctor. Eat my food. Wear my clothes. Talk on my phone. Surf on my internet service. I work hard for them to do that while they produce nothing. Like a parasite they take and take. Live off the backs and sweat of others. Very sad really.
Btw they say the more money you make the more bills you have. They say that for a reason and its true.
No they are not. The wealthy have had their tax rates cut from Reagan on, over and over. Corporate tax cuts have been slashed. When Ike was in office the top tax rate was 90 percent. It has been slashed over and over,.
I read people saying that the majority of taxes are paid by the wealthy. It is amusing because they do not understand the real lesson that gives. As rates are cut and the wealthies percentage of overall taxes grows, you should understand that it means they have all the fucking money. It shows the wealth gap and concentration, not that they are being robbed.