The Wonderful NAZIS!


New member
It might interest you to know that around 150,000 Jews actually fought FOR the Nazis. So they couldn't have been as "racist" or "anti-semitic" as you have been led to believe. I will show you some pictures of non-whites who fought for the Nazis. Just for good measure, I will add a picture with quote of a well known negro athlete. Unless you can first wrap your head around the truth, any other problem you may talk about at this forum, either real or imagined, is like a dog chasing its tail.
Negro Truth.jpg Non-white Nazis 1.jpg
Non-white Nazis 2.jpg Non-white Nazis 3.jpg
Non-white Nazis 4.jpg
I was referencing your video, Jade. In fact, I was going to ask if you got that gif. from Stormfront.

It's from a stupid little computer animation thing, or something, called counter strike. Someone just added the word dumbass for effect. All I saw was a doofy dumbass, and don't get how it's racist.
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It might interest you to know that around 150,000 Jews actually fought FOR the Nazis. So they couldn't have been as "racist" or "anti-semitic" as you have been led to believe. I will show you some pictures of non-whites who fought for the Nazis. Just for good measure, I will add a picture with quote of a well known negro athlete. Unless you can first wrap your head around the truth, any other problem you may talk about at this forum, either real or imagined, is like a dog chasing its tail.
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Any fighting with the neonazis america is arming and supporting in Ukraine now?
It's from a stupid little computer game thing, or something, called counter strike. Someone just added the word dumbass for effect. All I saw was a doofy dumbass, and don't get how it's racist.

Don't worry about it, Jade. It's just that the featured character looks like an animated man from a minstrel show. If the reference escapes you, it might be because of your comparative youth. The figure appears to be in "blackface."
Don't worry about it, Jade. It's just that the featured character looks like an animated man from a minstrel show. If the reference escapes you, it might be because of your comparative youth. The figure appears to be in "blackface."

Probably is my youth, as I've never heard of that. I might recognize it, but the name escapes me.
sometimes a sizable group of people will join their enemy in lieu of execution. the fight or flight response is varied, depending upon the character of the individual. there is also the Helsinki syndrome to account for. the majority of these people that willingly join the enemy for fear of execution are usually called democrats or republicans.
Sorry, but this is how we see you.

Be that as it may, how do you see the pictures I posted. Oh. I forgot. You were probably too afraid to look. And given what you said here, I guess there's no point in my asking you to leave a reply in my thread, "Slandering the Nazis." Also, I would prefer if you saw me like this.
Hitler flipoff.jpg
Any fighting with the neonazis america is arming and supporting in Ukraine now?

You seem to ask a question. But I don't know why. Though I will say this. There are MANY in the Ukraine who admire Hitler. And rightfully so. They in reality suffered far worse from the jewish Russian Bolsheviks than was even lied about with the jews and the "holocaust."
This thing going again? It might as well be called the wonderful bowel obstructions. Nazi's definitely do keep things from moving forward in the world. How about an autobiography. Nazi's, When Germany sat on it's balls.