The Wonderful NAZIS!

You've been fixed, you can't fix anything.

Well let's put it to the test. Tell me any particular thing I said anywhere that you think is untrue. Let me see if I can fix it. Though admittedly, it would probably be pretty hard to do. Because as I've heard it said, "You can't fix stupid." But I bet I could.
Here's what I take away from this, you're "fucking LYING!!!".

i'm used to dealing with idiots who want to revise history concerning alot of things, especially the 2nd Amendment, but to actually believe that THOUSANDS of troops, american and russian, are LYING tops even the amount of stupidity that it takes people to believe that the 2nd Amendment is only to preserve the right of the government to have's MONUMENTALLY RETARDED!!!!!!!!
i'm used to dealing with idiots who want to revise history concerning alot of things, especially the 2nd Amendment, but to actually believe that THOUSANDS of troops, american and russian, are LYING tops even the amount of stupidity that it takes people to believe that the 2nd Amendment is only to preserve the right of the government to have's MONUMENTALLY RETARDED!!!!!!!!

As I said before, fuck the Russians. At least bring up what British and French forces supposedly saw. And as I said, they were all LYING! Why? Because they were fighting and dying for their own sides. Which turned out to be the winning sides. To say differently would have probably been viewed as treason. You just don't have a clue. So I will shortly supply one in a new thread called "American Evil." Keep an eye out for it. It will blow your socks off.

As for your stuff about guns, (not that has anything to do with anything) the constitution gives Americans the right to bear arms. When that law was written, they only had flintlocks. If they had machine guns back then like they do today, there is a good chance that the law would have remained the same. So anybody today should be allowed to own fully automatic machine guns too.
As I said before, fuck the Russians. At least bring up what British and French forces supposedly saw. And as I said, they were all LYING! Why? Because they were fighting and dying for their own sides. Which turned out to be the winning sides. To say differently would have probably been viewed as treason. You just don't have a clue. So I will shortly supply one in a new thread called "American Evil." Keep an eye out for it. It will blow your socks off.
I have zero desire to read your bullshit alternate reality fiction.
I have zero desire to read your bullshit alternate reality fiction.

In looking around for things about the Nazis, look what I found. You may have no desire to read about the real reality. But luckily for you, there are actual pictures for you to look at. I would like to hear what you think about them.