The Wonderful NAZIS!

sometimes a sizable group of people will join their enemy in lieu of execution. the fight or flight response is varied, depending upon the character of the individual. there is also the Helsinki syndrome to account for. the majority of these people that willingly join the enemy for fear of execution are usually called democrats or republicans.

That's an interesting point of bullshit. They wore Nazi uniforms and fought for the Nazis because, if they didn't, they would be executed. Did you ever stop to think that the reason they did was because the Nazis were in the right? All of these decades later, with hindsight being 20/20, I can tell you as a fact that the Nazis were in the right. I will show you a picture of an accomplished American who didn't have all those decades of hindsight. But he knew. Because he was THERE at the time. He couldn't be influenced by bullshit. Because he saw with his own eyes.
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This thing going again? It might as well be called the wonderful bowel obstructions. Nazi's definitely do keep things from moving forward in the world. How about an autobiography. Nazi's, When Germany sat on it's balls.

Are insults the best you can do jewboy. (Or jewslave) Also, if it an autobiography you want, enter into your browser, "Adolf Hitler: The greatest story NEVER told." Watch it.
It might interest you to know that around 150,000 Jews actually fought FOR the Nazis. So they couldn't have been as "racist" or "anti-semitic" as you have been led to believe. I will show you some pictures of non-whites who fought for the Nazis. Just for good measure, I will add a picture with quote of a well known negro athlete. Unless you can first wrap your head around the truth, any other problem you may talk about at this forum, either real or imagined, is like a dog chasing its tail.
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The nazis really got a bad rap didn't they. Some of them were fine people, there were fine people on both sides.
That's an interesting point of bullshit. They wore Nazi uniforms and fought for the Nazis because, if they didn't, they would be executed. Did you ever stop to think that the reason they did was because the Nazis were in the right? All of these decades later, with hindsight being 20/20, I can tell you as a fact that the Nazis were in the right. I will show you a picture of an accomplished American who didn't have all those decades of hindsight. But he knew. Because he was THERE at the time. He couldn't be influenced by bullshit. Because he saw with his own eyes.
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let me see if I understand you correctly. you're saying that the jews who sided with the nazis, wore the uniform, maybe even joined them in combat, did so because they felt that the nazis final solution of exterminating the jews was the right thing?????????

Am I understanding that correctly?
let me see if I understand you correctly. you're saying that the jews who sided with the nazis, wore the uniform, maybe even joined them in combat, did so because they felt that the nazis final solution of exterminating the jews was the right thing?????????

Am I understanding that correctly?

I doubt if you can understand anything. There was no "Final Solution." That is just bullshit made up by the victors. How about moving down a little farther on the list and reading my thread "The holocaust lie." Then you will understand correctly.