There is no tape of the senate approving 2020 election. why not?

no. we are. you are not.

drop boxes and such violate "chain of custody" concepts, and facilitate ballot harvesting and hoaxes.


mystery boxes of ballots appear after counting has "stopped".

That is all a story from a twisted mind...that of a child-man who has never conceded defeat in anything...and who has lived his life as a constant con-man.

YOUR side does not want everyone voting. And you want to present it as if you are just trying to keep the voting honest. Since it is your side most likely to be dishonest, that seems like a poor excuse for a fable.

Anyway, we will never be able to reach accord on any of this, because you see my position as twisted thinking...and I see yours that same way.

That our nation has come to this is horrendous, but it has.

We may not survive the chaos.
That is all a story from a twisted mind...that of a child-man who has never conceded defeat in anything...and who has lived his life as a constant con-man.

YOUR side does not want everyone voting. And you want to present it as if you are just trying to keep the voting honest. Since it is your side most likely to be dishonest, that seems like a poor excuse for a fable.

Anyway, we will never be able to reach accord on any of this, because you see my position as twisted thinking...and I see yours that same way.

That our nation has come to this is horrendous, but it has.

We may not survive the chaos.


you want to cheat because your ideas are anti-human and not actually popular. You have to cheat.

Thank you for agreeing that I do not ideas are not anti-human...and my ideas are popular.

In contrast, my ideas are Draconian, wildly unpopular, and understood and appreciated only by the globe's intellectually elite.
It's such a burden to bear, but I move on for as long as I can, Frank. Che peccato, amico mio.
If the changes were would have been brought to court...and the results changed.

They weren't.

Case closed.

But for the suckers taken in so incredibly by the moron, Trump, do keep on struggling. It is a delight to watch.


It was brought to court, it was ruled unconstitutional, and therefore therefore the election faulted. Pennsylvania never chose any electors.

It's like closing the barn door after the horse gets out and is running. It's 2 years later and there's no point in it. Big mistakes were made, though.

The Senate should not have certified the election so quickly.

The Senate has no authority to certify any election. See Article II (as amended).
Matt, Trump and his people did everything they could to cast doubt on the election...WHICH HE LOST IN A RUNAWAY. He lost by over 7,000,000 votes in the popular contest...and he won in the Electoral College in a landslide.

Trump lost.

He was not man enough to acknowledge that he lost...and his supporters are apparently not smart enough (nor ethical enough) to acknowledge that fact.

The President is not elected by popular vote.
There was no electoral college. Seven States never chose their electors.

It is not possible to lose what never took place.
The law was passed by the Pennsylvania Republican controlled legislature...
No, it wasn't.
...and almost certainly will be upheld by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.
The ruling already stands. The changes were unconstitutional. You are now locked in paradox. You have admitted to your lies. You can't argue both sides of a paradox, dude.
The ruling was of an individual judge with Republican connections...and seems to be a joke.
Which is it, dude?
But...hang on to the hopes, AssHat. It is almost all your side has anymore. might work out although I, and lots of other observers, think not.
In any case, the law WAS in effect during the election...and nothing will change.
It's ALREADY changed, dumbass!
Too bad that, Matt.

The easier we make voting...the better for our nation.

Democrats want to make voting easier.
True. They want to make so easy that:
* non-citizens (aliens) can vote.
* dead people can vote.
* you can vote more than once.
* people that no longer live in a State can vote in that State.
* election workers can vote many times.
Independents want to make voting easier.
Read: Democrats.
Republicans...not so much.
Correct. We don't want dead people voting, for example.
Why is the assumption that low voter turnouts favors Republicans so prevalent?

Why are Republicans so sure that lowering turnout is to their benefit?
Because we uphold the Constitution.