And if it's too "dangerous" to tape,
it's too dangerous to vote.
Check C-SPAN: it is a joint session of Congress:
And if it's too "dangerous" to tape,
it's too dangerous to vote.
You are lying, Frank. It's called 'word stuffing'.
You don't get to speak for everyone, Frank! You are not God!
Check C-SPAN: it is a joint session of Congress:
There is, however, a DVD of Jesus writing the US Constitution, right AssFuck?
Here it is:
Check C-SPAN: it is a joint session of Congress:
that's not the vote.
he's just reading some stuff.
i saw no voting.
This is a video of Congress choosing electors for various States, which they are not authorized to do.
It is them counting the ballots sent to them by the state Electors.
It was clearly filmed. The whole premise of this thread is nonsense.
I think the only vote is for those states with objections by each house. Once they decide against the objections that state's electors are accepted. Then, it is just involves counting those votes and declaring the winner. I don't think the House and Senate vote for the final result.
Seven States never chose electors.
Sorry. Congress has NO authority to choose the electors for any State.
I think the only vote is for those states with objections by each house. Once they decide against the objections that state's electors are accepted. Then, it is just involves counting those votes and declaring the winner. I don't think the House and Senate vote for the final result.
It is them counting the ballots sent to them by the state Electors.
It was clearly filmed. The whole premise of this thread is nonsense.
Lie. Seven States never chose electors.All 50 states, plus the District of Columbia chose Electors, who met and voted.
No, they didn't.You may not like the Electors they chose, but they certainly chose them.
No, they weren't.The Electors ballots were certified and sent into the Congress.
All 50 states, plus the District of Columbia chose Electors, who met and voted. You may not like the Electors they chose, but they certainly chose them. The Electors ballots were certified and sent into the Congress.
You are being openly delusional.
I think the only vote is for those states with objections by each house. Once they decide against the objections that state's electors are accepted. Then, it is just involves counting those votes and declaring the winner. I don't think the House and Senate vote for the final result.
And if it's too "dangerous" to tape,
it's too dangerous to vote.
Election rules were changed unconstitutionally.
The result should be set aside prima facie.
Deep state strong armed the senate on 1/6 into approving the mess without debating objections or actually voting.
There is no tape of the vote.
Ever since you when on Trump's Clorox therapy, you never were the same.