There is No White Privilege. But There Is BLACK Privilege

The Gilded Need to Get Gelded

Says the Legion Troll puppet. Typical house negro thinking he's actually doing something other than doing the massah's bidding.

The born-rich who control these lawn jockeys despise, hate, and most of all fear all other White people. Their Daddies, without whose money they'd be a fringe group of powerless nobodies, made them think they were born with superior genes and have evolved into a superior New Age race that was Born to Rule over all others. Until we depose the entire ruling class, we have no one to blame but ourselves for having our earned racial privileges taken away. The Right Wing of the plutocratic vulture flaps out, "We got ours; we're not going to let you get yours," while its Left Wing signals, "We got ours and we're going to give yours away."
Your communist cousins dug over a hundred million graves all over the world trying to create the perfect man.

You're a disease that began to invade this continent from Europe in the early - mid nineteenth century.

In the 1960's, you crawled from your Woodstock shit hole and began the systematic destruction of the country's moral foundation and did it deliberately. Then you got older and invaded the country's political and business communities and brought all your filth and your degradation along with you.

That's collectively if we're doing race and religion collectively.

Communism is the only antidote to fascism. The liberals are too weak to face you head on.
You poor fucking white, Christian male victim. Generations of lynchings, unable to vote, overt and subtle discrimination. How did you ever survive?

Maybe Stormfront can offer some survival tips.

Maybe they refused to stay victims, stood up, and worked at making things better for themselves and their children.
Poverty begets poverty, wealth begets wealth, pal. When you start out with a couple strikes on you, it's difficult to keep that batting average up.

Tell me you would rather have been born black, since they have so much more privilege.

So no Blacks, that were born into poverty, ever became wealthy!! :palm:
When the only thing you're good at is making excuses, you're not good for anything else.

Plenty of whites have risen from poverty. Are you saying blacks can't do the same?

Gomer thinks they can't; because they ARE Black.
He's opened the door to his closet racism and bigotry.
What white supremacist site did you cut and paste this from?

Poor fucking white, male Christian victim. I feel so fucking sorry for you. Jealous of not being born black.

(Edit) - Nevermind. I see it was Stormfront.

Explain to him exactly where he's wrong.....

Tell him about all the colleges that have a White Students Union....
Tell him about the all the states that have a White Legislative Caucus...
How about the Congressional White Caucus in Washington DC
Tell him about the White Cultural Center at your favorite university...
Tell him about White History Month... I forget when it is....
And don't forget the White Miss USA contest
and the White Only dorms on college campuses

Protectionist don't know what the hell he's talking about....


If people would put MORE effort into THINKING-about the effort REQUIRED to be born White....they might be more-grateful to actually KNOW a White-person!!!!


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Nope. I'm saying the hole for blacks is deeper.

Quite the contrary. Blacks do not have a "hole". They have a hill to stand on above where whites are. It's called Affirmative Action. And it is just that which is the hole that whites are in. I realize you libbys get this backwards stuff thrown at you constantly by liberal media, but at the same time, how stupid can you be ?
You poor fucking white, Christian male victim. Generations of lynchings, unable to vote, overt and subtle discrimination. How did you ever survive?

Maybe Stormfront can offer some survival tips.

Why are you talking about things that were before most Americans were even born ? What is relevant NOW is the past 55 years right up to the present, of Affirmative Action racist discrimination against whites, which racist Obama, and racist Hillary both support.
Poverty begets poverty, wealth begets wealth, pal. When you start out with a couple strikes on you, it's difficult to keep that batting average up.

Tell me you would rather have been born black, since they have so much more privilege.

Of course they have more privilege (Affirmative Action) - they have it in college admissions, college financial aid, job hiring, job promotions, business loans, etc etc. Liberals are incredibly ignorant.