Sorry S-freak. An entire staff of trained, non-partisan CBO accountants and economists probably spent months doing this analysis. For you to claim you read, digested, and analyzed the entire report, and debunked it in a five minute timespan, is simply not a credible claim. You may have cherrypicked a few facts that may look "suspicious" to you, but you really can't claim to have done a credible analysis.
Even a CATO researcher, attempting to debunk the CBO report, would have spent at least a few days reading it, and digesting ALL the details and context, before coming to any conclusions.
His reaction is not rational, and he expects everyone to jump on board with his irrational conclusions.
This to me, is the same as religious fervor, and I'm pretty much done with it.
As I said, the idea that some guy on the internet is going to debunk the CBO and I'm going to disregard the CBO because of it, is ludicrous on its face.
On the bright side, I still did get that laugh, which started this thread. It was about falwell, you know!