there was a time when Americans were proud to help each other

Yes he did and it proved why nuking is not good huh?

Deshy is someone preventing you from digging into your bank account and helping the poor yourself? Is it your own greed stopping you? Why won't you take personal responsibility for your own beliefs? Why do you outsource your compassion?

Are you this guy?

why do you pretnd your party deserves the power it STOLE from the people by cheating in elections?
why do you pretnd your party deserves the power it STOLE from the people by cheating in elections?

That's alright Deshy, you stay cooped up in your little one bedroom apartment ripping off illegal immigrants counting your shekels. We will do the heavy lifting you are too lazy to do.
Take it easy on Deshy. She's just a dumb little Communist cunt.

We can see you're a fucking misogynistic asshole.

Louisiana was a great place to live while the Kingfish, Huey Long was governor!

If more politicians had his attitude we would have a country that worked for everybody not just the 1 percent or those who got lucky in the gene pool!
Did we beat Hirohito without them?

Yes, we did! Not one things was gained by dropping the bombs on Japan; the armistice we signed after the bombs was the same one that he had agreed to before the bombs were dropped. Nothing was gained by dropping those bombs except a real world test on live people!
yep. People want a truly Conservative party, not a GOP that talks out of both sides of its mouth just like the Democrats do. There are no Conservatives in the Democrat party. They are all extremist Leftwing nutjobs.

Hey dumbass misgynist, there is no such thing as the Democrat Party! I bet you wear loafers because shoe strings baffle you!
Fixed for truth

You wouldn't know a communist if he took a bite out of your ass, you're still struggling with shoelaces!

It was only last week that you learned to put the spoon in your mouth.

It's going to be a while before you are comfortable with hard things like knots.
The problem with government lovers like Deshy the twat is that they think government alone can resolve the problems of hunger and poverty.

If you knew half the history you claim to know you would know that government has generally done a good job on poverty when it has spend the necessary funds to do it. The Social Security program greatly reduced poverty among the elderly. What is poverty; a lack of money! How do you fix poverty? Give people either a job or give them money. Most people would prefer a job instead of money but when there are no jobs and millions have fallen permanently out of the job market then we have a problem that must be solved with more jobs or more money! We can only sell so many cheap burgers. People are going to have to have employment that pays for their groceries and their rent.
Nope. Destroy Hitler, and nuke Russia. This way Communism would never have infiltrated the US in the first place.

You're too stupid for words! Marx was writing for the New York Tribune when Lincoln was reading it back in Illinois!

You're evidence that Republicans are stupid as hell!
I didnt read the thread yet....but Americans are still happy to help each other. Look at the outpouring of donations during disasters? The support for all sorts of organizations? I participated in 2 charity trail rides last month and the donations were amazing. Any church or community I know has loads of people volunteering time, skills, and $. Food drives? When they advertise them on the news? Cars are lined up to get into the parking lots to drop off...there's one this a freaking windstorm. Just showed it on the news (not sure how much longer I'll have power)

The KEY here: it's voluntary.
I didnt read the thread yet....but Americans are still happy to help each other. Look at the outpouring of donations during disasters? The support for all sorts of organizations? I participated in 2 charity trail rides last month and the donations were amazing. Any church or community I know has loads of people volunteering time, skills, and $. Food drives? When they advertise them on the news? Cars are lined up to get into the parking lots to drop off...there's one this a freaking windstorm. Just showed it on the news (not sure how much longer I'll have power)

The KEY here: it's voluntary.

Exactly. Voluntary. Everyone should help their fellow man. It is the Christian thing to do. That doesn't however extend to the government taking the property of another against their will and distributing it for votes.