Hey Frank, do you believe “your side” actually thinks the Senate can get the Trump “Executive Privilege” claim through the court before the election? Do you think they believe they can win that case in a Supreme Court with 5 Republican judges Frank? Think Frank! They simply want to force the Senate to prolong this farce all the way to the election to simply hold it over the head of Trump and smear him with it. It’s elementary my dear Frank!
I think "my side" is doing everything it can to protect our Republic.
Obviously you disagree.
Fine. Disagree away.
I think the Republicans know “your side” Frank has a fat ZERO impeachment and removal case. I think they know there’s ZERO chance this President will be removed. I think your side has known that from the get go Frank! I think Nancy and her henchmen are just patronizing your party’s far communist left and your party’s mad rabid junkyard dog voters with their hair on fire Frank. I think it’s high time your Gestapo party give it up and face the fact that the Republicans are gonna win back the House and add even more Republicans to the Senate and Trump, (the best President of our lifetimes Frank), will be reelected by a gigantic landslide. Be prepared Frank!
I am prepared for whatever happens, Robo.
And in my opinion, Trump will go down in history as THE worst president ever.