Things that make me smile

I am going to break down my post line by line because even billy can't believe I am being mostly truthful here. Of course.. my ... theatrics certainly are trolly, the truth behind my words are not.

I love seeing illegals deported back to their shithole countries. It makes me so happy.


To be honest I am kind of let down we didn't put those criminal kids in cages like obama did. Obama gets all the credit for the good things!

(X) Mostly True. Debatable what I actually think about illegal kids. Obama comment is troll.

Remember, in america, if both your parents rob a bank, the state is going to take custody of your kids. Maybe put them in foster care or split them up if they have too. It's no different when you are 3rd world trash illegally crossing our border.


For all we know, they are child sex ring traffickers.


These illegal aliens are dopey mouthbreathers and have no documentation, so how are we to know?


I think it's a great thing to let illegals know that if you try to invade us with your shithole nature, we are going to take your kids, and fuck you over hardcore.


Stay the fuck out of our country.

(X) Partially True. I don't mind if you come in legally.

I love it when liberals cry.

Obviously True
I am going to break down my post line by line because even billy can't believe I am being mostly truthful here. Of course.. my ... theatrics certainly are trolly, the truth behind my words are not.


(X) Mostly True. Debatable what I actually think about illegal kids. Obama comment is troll.





(X) Partially True. I don't mind if you come in legally.

Obviously True

My opinion; Your focus is misguided.
The culprits are the Agents of the Corporate Owners (Congress).
These are the people making it possible to bring in Cheap Labor into the Country to suppress American Labor.
The Immigrants are simply pawns in the Big Scheme.

It's ALL about the Money.
Wait just a minute here! I thought "Grind is one of the internets most beloved and influential political thinkers and deep-level theorists in the modern era."

Obviously also True

The two are not mutually exclusive, boot.
Quote Originally Posted by Jackoff View Post
Wait just a minute here! I thought "Grind is one of the internets most beloved and influential political thinkers and deep-level theorists in the modern era."

what bizarre alternate universe are you from?......
i have a question.

If Americans who hired illegals were shot in the Public Square, does anyone think Americans might stop hiring illegals, thereby removing the incentive for illegals to come here?

Anybody watch 'Chinatown' (if you can't bring water to L.A. ... bring L.A. to the water). Meaning: 'If you can't bring your Business to Cheap Labor ... bring Cheap Labor to your Business'.

Cheap Labor benefits the Shareholding Class. It suppresses Wage Growth of the American Working Class.

If Americans who supported giving social welfare to illegals were shot in the public squared, does anyone think they might stop supporting those incentives for illegals to come here?
what bizarre alternate universe are you from?......

I believe 'Legion' is a quacking duck (he should change his avatar to a Yellow Duck, and have his Motto as: "Quack, Quack, Quack"
My first conversation with him I said that: "America was primarily a WASP nation a hundred years ago."
And his response was: "Do you have any statistics on that?"

I stopped the conversation, realizing 'Legion' just wanted to hear himself talk. A real quacking duck if there ever was one. :(
If Americans who supported giving social welfare to illegals were shot in the public squared, does anyone think they might stop supporting those incentives for illegals to come here?

They come here for economic reasons. They take the jobs Americans USED to have. They outwork Americans and work for LESS, ... just like the Agents of the Donor Class (Congress) intended.
(Why, when immigrants knock on the door, we let them in, separate the children and adults, and have Hearings? Why not just slam the door and put a sign out that says: CLOSED )
They come here for economic reasons. They take the jobs Americans USED to have. They outwork Americans and work for LESS, ... just like the Agents of the Donor Class (Congress) intended.
(Why, when immigrants knock on the door, we let them in, separate the children and adults, and have Hearings? Why not just slam the door and put a sign out that says: CLOSED )

Oh, another one that can't distinguish between those that come under the law and those that are criminals because they don't like immigration laws.
Oh, another one that can't distinguish between those that come under the law and those that are criminals because they don't like immigration laws.

I oppose ANY immigration. Automation and Robotics are replacing humans. We will need to institute a Universal Basic Income to support Americans that can't find jobs. WHY bring in MORE people that can't find jobs and add them to the UBI? The Common Wealth of America should go to those born here. NOT for people looking for a Free Lunch.
I love seeing illegals deported back to their shithole countries. It makes me so happy. To be honest I am kind of let down we didn't put those criminal kids in cages like obama did. Obama gets all the credit for the good things!

Remember, in america, if both your parents rob a bank, the state is going to take custody of your kids. Maybe put them in foster care or split them up if they have too. It's no different when you are 3rd world trash illegally crossing our border. For all we know, they are child sex ring traffickers. (<--- not against rule 12b, so don't bother). These illegal aliens are dopey mouthbreathers and have no documentation, so how are we to know? I think it's a great thing to let illegals know that if you try to invade us with your shithole nature, we are going to take your kids, and fuck you over hardcore. Stay the fuck out of our country.

I love it when liberals cry.

That’s because you’re Irish Catholic.
I must admit, I have attempted 'humor' here on the JPP Forum, and have come up a little short on more than one occasion. :(

Trust me. You can’t gauge humor by feedback from conservatives since they don’t really have a sense of humor to begin with.