I am going to break down my post line by line because even billy can't believe I am being mostly truthful here. Of course.. my ... theatrics certainly are trolly, the truth behind my words are not.
✔ True
(X) Mostly True. Debatable what I actually think about illegal kids. Obama comment is troll.
✔ True
✔ True
✔ True
✔ True
(X) Partially True. I don't mind if you come in legally.
✔ Obviously True
I love seeing illegals deported back to their shithole countries. It makes me so happy.
✔ True
To be honest I am kind of let down we didn't put those criminal kids in cages like obama did. Obama gets all the credit for the good things!
(X) Mostly True. Debatable what I actually think about illegal kids. Obama comment is troll.
Remember, in america, if both your parents rob a bank, the state is going to take custody of your kids. Maybe put them in foster care or split them up if they have too. It's no different when you are 3rd world trash illegally crossing our border.
✔ True
For all we know, they are child sex ring traffickers.
✔ True
These illegal aliens are dopey mouthbreathers and have no documentation, so how are we to know?
✔ True
I think it's a great thing to let illegals know that if you try to invade us with your shithole nature, we are going to take your kids, and fuck you over hardcore.
✔ True
Stay the fuck out of our country.
(X) Partially True. I don't mind if you come in legally.
I love it when liberals cry.
✔ Obviously True