This in a nutshell.....

Obama a disaster? How so? I think he's done a praise worthy job digging us out of the Bush Shit Hole.

When was the last time 4 of 5 Americans are affected by poverty?
Corporations sitting on 2 trillion in cash and refuse to hire or invest?
Outsourcing has risen.
We have become the de-facto terrorists of the world through the use of drones?
Americans no longer enjoy due process as provided by the Constitution?
The Stock Market is a roaring success yet food stamps need to be expanded every year to prevent general revolt?
Obama has pursued pot growers far more so than Bush dreamed of.
He has expanded police powers of the state to a totalitarian and fascist nature.
Need I continue? I can if you like.
When was the last time 4 of 5 Americans are affected by poverty?
Corporations sitting on 2 trillion in cash and refuse to hire or invest?
Outsourcing has risen.
We have become the de-facto terrorists of the world through the use of drones?
Americans no longer enjoy due process as provided by the Constitution?
The Stock Market is a roaring success yet food stamps need to be expanded every year to prevent general revolt?
Obama has pursued pot growers far more so than Bush dreamed of.
He has expanded police powers of the state to a totalitarian and fascist nature.
Need I continue? I can if you like.

I just don't think that can all be laid at Obama's feet. I think given what he was handed, he did a pretty good job. Could Hillary have done better? Maybe, maybe not - they would have hounded her for being a woman and for being married to Bill.
Pres. Obama has done a lot of good things in his terms; it's possible if he had been longer in the Senate he could have built more relationships and done even better. Of course, we've had governors run for president and do just fine without ever having been in the Senate.

Re -

I personally think health care and education should be run by the govt, rather than by private industry; and that having a social security safety net (along with food stamps, etc) is the mark of a civilized country.

Yes, dear but a Governor is an executive, as is the president, not a legislator.
I just don't think that can all be laid at Obama's feet. I think given what he was handed, he did a pretty good job. Could Hillary have done better? Maybe, maybe not - they would have hounded her for being a woman and for being married to Bill.

You mean the way Obama was hounded for being black? The way the stated and only goal of the GOP was to make him a one term president to the complete and utter detriment of the entire country/world?

Sorry, but there is no maybe about it. Hillary, with Bill's help would have been entirely more an order of magnitude.

Judge Ken Starr couldn't tough the Clintons despite spending untold one else would have been able to either.

Finally Obama's biggest and worse mistake by far;

Not prosecuting war crimes by the previous administration, thereby leaving the door open to future abuses forever, abuses which he himself is participating in.

No way would Hillary have taken that path.
Why don't you go ahead and explain otherwise, Great Oracle of Misinformation?

You mean explain it AGAIN? How many times must we refute this nonsense???

1) Who controls the purse strings? Congress or the President?

2) Who controlled Congress during Reagan and Bush Sr? Who controlled Congress during Clintons tenure?

3) Who controlled Congress in 2007-2013?

4) If you insist upon the nonsense that we only look at who was President, then Obama is by far the worst... not even close.
You mean explain it AGAIN? How many times must we refute this nonsense???

1) Who controls the purse strings? Congress or the President?

2) Who controlled Congress during Reagan and Bush Sr? Who controlled Congress during Clintons tenure?

3) Who controlled Congress in 2007-2013?

4) If you insist upon the nonsense that we only look at who was President, then Obama is by far the worst... not even close.

1, 2, 3, Who signs the bills making them into laws, Simp?
4. What choice did he have after 8 years of Cheney and neocon control?
The Good news for Senator Clinton is that people know her, and still a majority support her. People don't know Elizabeth Warren so her numbers will likely go down if she runs. People often lose support as they become better known.

I agree it is looking very good for Senator Clinton, but three years is forever in politics and fortunes often will change three or four times between now and then.
I think the Republican party's backing of 8 years of GWB, ( I pray for his speedy recovery ) cost them possibly 16 years in exile when it comes to the executive branch.
The question I have on Warren is if nominated she would be the first true liberal Democratic Presidential candidate since Dukakis. Could she compete against an experienced operator and center right Republican like Christie? The rest of the Republican field I think she could trounce.

So the question here is.....will Hilliary run and if not, would Warren then be the Democratic front runner?

She had an ugly campaign against Brown, I believe she will do just fine.
She had an ugly campaign against Brown, I believe she will do just fine.

The people of Mass like her and love her, that does not necessarily mean she can win Florida, Ohio and Virginia.
No, that is an answer. I know it is not a familiar concept to you.

No, it was avoidance. I asked you who controls the purse strings and you responded with a question.

You didn't answer who controlled Congress when Reagan, Bush Sr and Clinton were in office... AVOIDANCE

You didn't answer who controlled Congress from 2007-2013... AVOIDANCE

You then made a false statement about who had control prior to Obama. DEMS controlled Congress (of which Obama was a part) from 2007-2008. Thus there was no grand 'neocon' control for 8 years as you proclaimed. You then try to make excuses for Obama and Congress's spending spree.
I think the Republican party's backing of 8 years of GWB, ( I pray for his speedy recovery ) cost them possibly 16 years in exile when it comes to the executive branch.

Funny how the sides make such nonsensical proclamations. When is the last time Dems held the WH for more than 8 consecutive years?