This in a nutshell.....

History will judge him as one of the greats, rightfully or wrongly.

He is the first Black President, he got two terms, he pulled us from an economic morass, ObamaCare is named after him, He was able to accomplish health care reform that was started by Teddy Roosevelt attempted by many but not accomplished until Obama was President. He opened the door to the civil rights movement of our time, Gay Rights.

He ended the unjust and costly war in Iraq. Who knows what else he might accomplish in the next three years.

He has made a lot of mistakes and could have done more if he had more friends in congress, but he will go down as the greatest in modern times.

You left out:

And the dish ran away with the spoon.

Obama isn't Bush on crack, but he has been a bad President.

By any measure, he has essentially failed. He was too slow to end the wars. He has taken half-measures to address the economy. He allowed corporations to have too big of a hand in writing his one major piece of legislation, for healthcare. His policy on marijuana is virtually indefensible.

Just in general, the guy is not a born leader, or even close. At this point in his admin, I have absolutely no idea what he stands for, or what he'll do next.

Yet he escalated deficit spending beyond Bush's HORRENDOUS!!!!! $500B, he escalated the war in Afghanistan, escalated drone bombing, catered to his cronies, forced a bad piece of costly legislation down our throats (Bush pill bill *100), escalated spying on American citizens, targeted enemies via the IRS... etc...

He is horrid. Worse than Bush.
History will judge him as one of the greats, rightfully or wrongly.

No, they won't

He is the first Black President, he got two terms, he pulled us from an economic morass, ObamaCare is named after him, He was able to accomplish health care reform that was started by Teddy Roosevelt attempted by many but not accomplished until Obama was President. He opened the door to the civil rights movement of our time, Gay Rights.

His being black will have nothing to do with whether he is judged as a great President or not. He didn't pull us out of an economic morass, we are still in it. At best his policies slowed the bleeding. Obamacare being named after him will not end well as that legislation is a cluster fuck. He 'opened the door' to gay rights? ROFLMAO... no Jarod, he was forced into making a stand by Biden. Otherwise he would likely have remained on the fence.

He ended the unjust and costly war in Iraq.

No, he didn't. No matter how many times you spout this nonsense, it will still remain that in reality the Iraq war ended according to the plan Bush put in place with the Iraqi government.

Who knows what else he might accomplish in the next three years.

perhaps another Peace Prize for bombing all those brown people?

He has made a lot of mistakes and could have done more if he had more friends in congress, but he will go down as the greatest in modern times.

ROFLMAO... only if 'modern times' is redefined to mean 'time Obama spent in office'.

Reagan, Clinton and Bush Sr were all superior to Obama as Presidents. Not... even... close.
Yet he escalated deficit spending beyond Bush's HORRENDOUS!!!!! $500B, he escalated the war in Afghanistan, escalated drone bombing, catered to his cronies, forced a bad piece of costly legislation down our throats (Bush pill bill *100), escalated spying on American citizens, targeted enemies via the IRS... etc...

He is horrid. Worse than Bush.

For starters, the deficit spending was purposeful; you may not agree w/ the economic theory behind it, but it wasn't mindless.

Second, he didn't create disasters like Bush did; he was just bad in dealing w/ them. Bush was like a child throwing a tantrum or something; he set things in motion that there was no easy way out of.

No way he's worse than Bush. Obama is a guy who shouldn't be President, but Bush is a guy who shouldn't have even been considered for Mayor of a small town. Bush was an absolute disaster.
For starters, the deficit spending was purposeful; you may not agree w/ the economic theory behind it, but it wasn't mindless.

actually, it was mindless and it didn't follow any common line of economic theory. It was that same old faux Keynesian crap that the Dems love, because it gets them votes. To run up $5.5-6 TRILLION in additional debt and still be mired in economic uncertainty shows precisely how pathetic he has been.

Second, he didn't create disasters like Bush did; he was just bad in dealing w/ them. Bush was like a child throwing a tantrum or something; he set things in motion that there was no easy way out of.

Iraq I will grant you. What other disasters did Bush create?

No way he's worse than Bush. Obama is a guy who shouldn't be President, but Bush is a guy who shouldn't have even been considered for Mayor of a small town. Bush was an absolute disaster.

Yet Obama has followed Bush's line, walked the same path, just at a faster pace. He is far worse than Bush at this point.
Wait. Now y'all are lovin on Reagan again?

Try reading. I said specifically that Reagan, Clinton and Bush Sr were superior Presidents to Obama.

I have always stated Reagan was a very good President and the best since Ike. Clinton would be third behind Ike and Reagan. Bush Sr a distant fourth.
actually, it was mindless and it didn't follow any common line of economic theory. It was that same old faux Keynesian crap that the Dems love, because it gets them votes. To run up $5.5-6 TRILLION in additional debt and still be mired in economic uncertainty shows precisely how pathetic he has been.

Iraq I will grant you. What other disasters did Bush create?

Yet Obama has followed Bush's line, walked the same path, just at a faster pace. He is far worse than Bush at this point.

Iraq isn't enough?

Iraq consumed Bush's Presidency. You try to argue that Bush had little or nothing to do w/ the economic crash, but close to 8 years of tunnel vision on Iraq and fiscal irresponsibility most certainly made it deeper and more lasting that it would have been.

And you say Obama is worse because he "escalated" things. To me, sending in more troops isn't even in the same ballpark as making the initial decision to invade or commit forces. Bush was reckless, and thoughtless. Obama inherited all of that. I don't agree w/ how he has handled most of the issues, but it's a far, far cry from creating the mess to begin with.
Iraq isn't enough?

You stated that Bush had created disasters, plural. I was therefore curious as to what other disasters you thought he created.

Iraq consumed Bush's Presidency. You try to argue that Bush had little or nothing to do w/ the economic crash, but close to 8 years of tunnel vision on Iraq and fiscal irresponsibility most certainly made it deeper and more lasting that it would have been.

So in other words, Bush is just like Obama and Obama like Bush... neither handled the economy very well. To talk about Bush's fiscal irresponsibility is valid... which brings me back to Obama has been worse fiscally than any other President in the past half century.

And you say Obama is worse because he "escalated" things. To me, sending in more troops isn't even in the same ballpark as making the initial decision to invade or commit forces. Bush was reckless, and thoughtless. Obama inherited all of that. I don't agree w/ how he has handled most of the issues, but it's a far, far cry from creating the mess to begin with.

Bush was reckless going into Iraq. Obama inherited an Iraq that was winding down according to the agreement between Bush and the Iraqi government. He did nothing there but let it run the course already set. Obama escalated Afghanistan, increased drone bombing etc... economically he has been god awful. $6T in additional debt with little change in employment, the jobs we are getting are predominantly part time. The top 1% have been the primary benefactors of the Obama economy.
To state the obvious....the majority of Americans don't agree with your conclusions.

He ended the immoral war in Iraq. He's windng down the justified war in Afghanistan in which the Bush administration pissed away our strategic advantage. He set a precedent and began the much needed and long over due reform to our health care system to modernize it. He prevented the Bush recesion from becoming the Bush Great Depression with his actions. He saved the US autoindustry. Doesn't exactly sound like a disaster to me.

Has he been perfect? No. Is he a great President. No, far from it, he's an average to above average US President. Has he had significant accomplishments and built upon a positive legacy? Absolutely he has. Digging this nation out of the Bush Shithole is legacy enough but he also saved the US auto Industry, got us out of the Immoral war in Iraq and reformed our healthcare systems that 11 Presidents prior to him had tried and failed to do.

To describe Obama's Presidency as "a failure" is pure hyperbole and are the conclusions of an ideological purist that is not shared by the majority of voters.

Note that you ignored my most important points, but whatever.
I apologize. I did take a great liberty. As to the mechanics, I simply copied and pasted it from the other thread.

Why bother. He clearly doesn't understand mechanics. What is he a real estate salesman or something?
No, he did not. The Iraq war ended as set up by the Iraqi government and the Bush administration.

LMAO... so he escalated that war (not to mention drone bombing numerous other countries) and somehow you want to give him credit now that it is winding down?

Which did nothing to address the actual problem... the COST of health care and its above over all inflation growth rate. It is such a cluster fuck that he keeps delaying its implementation.

LMAO ... what actions of his did this?

Back here in reality, he squandered tax payers money to 'save' the auto companies... then they filed bankruptcy and he created second class citizens by protecting some shareholders (unions) and letting the tax payers and other shareholders take the hit.

In no way is he in the top half. None.

That shithole was a product of both parties creating a housing bubble... but I know... to you Dems the national Dem party had nothing to do with it.

Nonsense. It is a failure. He is Bush on crack. One failed idea after another.

For once I agree with you. I must be sick or something.
Obama isn't Bush on crack, but he has been a bad President.

By any measure, he has essentially failed. He was too slow to end the wars. He has taken half-measures to address the economy. He allowed corporations to have too big of a hand in writing his one major piece of legislation, for healthcare. His policy on marijuana is virtually indefensible.

Just in general, the guy is not a born leader, or even close. At this point in his admin, I have absolutely no idea what he stands for, or what he'll do next.

Oncelor, you are back!
Yet he escalated deficit spending beyond Bush's HORRENDOUS!!!!! $500B, he escalated the war in Afghanistan, escalated drone bombing, catered to his cronies, forced a bad piece of costly legislation down our throats (Bush pill bill *100), escalated spying on American citizens, targeted enemies via the IRS... etc...

He is horrid. Worse than Bush.

No, not worse than Bush. Bush opened all the doors Obama walked through. He is clearly a corporatist, a liar, and his biggest fault was not prosecuting the Bush administration's war crimes, but rather expanding them.

The use of drones cannot be justified.

The elimination of due process for American citizens cannot be justified.
No, they won't

His being black will have nothing to do with whether he is judged as a great President or not. He didn't pull us out of an economic morass, we are still in it. At best his policies slowed the bleeding. Obamacare being named after him will not end well as that legislation is a cluster fuck. He 'opened the door' to gay rights? ROFLMAO... no Jarod, he was forced into making a stand by Biden. Otherwise he would likely have remained on the fence.

No, he didn't. No matter how many times you spout this nonsense, it will still remain that in reality the Iraq war ended according to the plan Bush put in place with the Iraqi government.

perhaps another Peace Prize for bombing all those brown people?

ROFLMAO... only if 'modern times' is redefined to mean 'time Obama spent in office'.

Reagan, Clinton and Bush Sr were all superior to Obama as Presidents. Not... even... close.

All but Reagan. Reagan was a criminal fool, but a good orator, like Obama. Only a true Conservatard would think Reagan a great president. Don't be a conservatard Simp.
Try reading. I said specifically that Reagan, Clinton and Bush Sr were superior Presidents to Obama.

I have always stated Reagan was a very good President and the best since Ike. Clinton would be third behind Ike and Reagan. Bush Sr a distant fourth.

What the fuck is wrong with you? It was Reagan that began the destruction of the middle class, the outsourcing of jobs, the conversion from manufacturing to a "service" economy.

Wow, you just lost all credibility with me. What a sucker you truly are.
All but Reagan. Reagan was a criminal fool, but a good orator, like Obama. Only a true Conservatard would think Reagan a great president. Don't be a conservatard Simp.

Yet when surveyed, historians tend to have Reagan in the top 10. Are they 'conservatards'???

Reagan was far from perfect and had many things that were not good about his Presidency. That said, the good he did far outweighed the bad, which is why historians view him favorably relative to the others who have been in that office.