This in a nutshell.....

Yet when surveyed, historians tend to have Reagan in the top 10. Are they 'conservatards'???

Reagan was far from perfect and had many things that were not good about his Presidency. That said, the good he did far outweighed the bad, which is why historians view him favorably relative to the others who have been in that office.

As usual, you avoid the salient points and respond by changing tack.

Try responding to this, SuperFlea;

It was Reagan that began the destruction of the middle class, the outsourcing of jobs, the conversion from manufacturing to a "service" economy.

Wow, you just lost all credibility with me. What a sucker you truly are.
What the fuck is wrong with you? It was Reagan that began the destruction of the middle class, the outsourcing of jobs, the conversion from manufacturing to a "service" economy.

Wow, you just lost all credibility with me. What a sucker you truly are.

Reagan took office in the midst of double digit inflation and unemployment. The economy began booming after the forced recession of 81/82. It continued to do so (with minor setbacks) until the market downturn in March of 2000. Reagan butted heads with O'Neil, but to their credit they got things done.

Side note: I think you mean off-shoring, not outsourcing. That began in the late 70's. GE was one of the first. This is not to suggest it was Carters fault or any such nonsense. It was and always will be a business decision.
Yet when surveyed, historians tend to have Reagan in the top 10. Are they 'conservatards'???

Reagan was far from perfect and had many things that were not good about his Presidency. That said, the good he did far outweighed the bad, which is why historians view him favorably relative to the others who have been in that office.

By the way, much of the "good" attributed to Reagan was actually the result of other's actions entirely.
As usual, you avoid the salient points and respond by changing tack.

I didn't change tack. I responded to your assertion that only 'conservatards' would think Reagan one of the better Presidents.

Try responding to this, SuperFlea;

It was Reagan that began the destruction of the middle class, the outsourcing of jobs, the conversion from manufacturing to a "service" economy.

Wow, you just lost all credibility with me. What a sucker you truly are.

already did.
All but Reagan. Reagan was a criminal fool, but a good orator, like Obama. Only a true Conservatard would think Reagan a great president. Don't be a conservatard Simp.

When Reagan was a Democrat you would have adored him... but that was 1964 when he switched... long before you were born
By the way, much of the "good" attributed to Reagan was actually the result of other's actions entirely.

Many times this does happen, with the good and the bad. But if you would like to discuss, fire up the first area you would like to cover and we can discuss.
He didn't say that. He just said how surprising her standing is.
This country cannot possibly afford another inexperienced idealist for president.
The only possible chance we have is to get Hillary back into the White House, and 8 years too late at that.

oh ye of so little faith
When Reagan was a Democrat you would have adored him... but that was 1964 when he switched... long before you were born

Reagan ballooned the deficit.

Reagan sold arms for hostages.

Reagan Race baited.

Reagan deregulated and the people got fucked.

what exactly was great about Reagan?
Yet he escalated deficit spending beyond Bush's HORRENDOUS!!!!! $500B, he escalated the war in Afghanistan, escalated drone bombing, catered to his cronies, forced a bad piece of costly legislation down our throats (Bush pill bill *100), escalated spying on American citizens, targeted enemies via the IRS... etc...

He is horrid. Worse than Bush.

The national debt appears to be on track to be cut in half by the end of his second term.
Reagan ballooned the deficit.

Not nearly as much as Obama and he had to clean up Carters mess.
Reagan sold arms for hostages.

yep... saved American lives.

Reagan Race baited.

Given how much race baiting you do, you must think the above a good thing.

Reagan deregulated and the people got fucked.

Carter began the deregulation. Reagan continued. But it was Clinton that really fucked us by deregulating the financial sector.
Yet when surveyed, historians tend to have Reagan in the top 10. Are they 'conservatards'???

Reagan was far from perfect and had many things that were not good about his Presidency. That said, the good he did far outweighed the bad, which is why historians view him favorably relative to the others who have been in that office.

Reagan will be considered the second best of the modern presidents.

His accomplishments on the economy are similar to President Obama's, but he did not accomplish anything socially. Really, other than economics what is Reagan known for?
Reagan will be considered the second best of the modern presidents.

His accomplishments on the economy are similar to President Obama's, but he did not accomplish anything socially. Really, other than economics what is Reagan known for?

Really Jarod on the economy? And the whole cold war thing?
The national debt appears to be on track to be cut in half by the end of his second term.

I think you mean the annual deficit... not debt.

That said, when you raise the deficit (the two parties together) from $450B to $1.4T, it is not a great accomplishment to have a deficit of $700B as that is still far over crisis level deficit spending levels.
Reagan will be considered the second best of the modern presidents.

His accomplishments on the economy are similar to President Obama's, but he did not accomplish anything socially. Really, other than economics what is Reagan known for?

They are not similar Jarod. Reagan actually produced a solid economic recovery. Obama has not. They are not close.

I assume you mean Reagan did not do anything domestically on the social aspect?

What time frame do you consider 'modern'?
Really Jarod on the economy? And the whole cold war thing?

Here we go. Reagan did not end the cold war. Laughing my fucking ass off.

Same with the economy, retard. His own vice president called his policy voodoo economics. As it was. He started a snow ball rolling down a big hill, it is still rolling, and it is huge now, thanks to him.
Not nearly as much as Obama and he had to clean up Carters mess.

yep... saved American lives.

Given how much race baiting you do, you must think the above a good thing.

Carter began the deregulation. Reagan continued. But it was Clinton that really fucked us by deregulating the financial sector.

Reagan inherited an economic mess, but it was not even close to as bad as the one President Obama inherited. Its a joke to even compare the two.