This in a nutshell.....

When was the last time 4 of 5 Americans are affected by poverty?
Corporations sitting on 2 trillion in cash and refuse to hire or invest?
Outsourcing has risen.
We have become the de-facto terrorists of the world through the use of drones?
Americans no longer enjoy due process as provided by the Constitution?
The Stock Market is a roaring success yet food stamps need to be expanded every year to prevent general revolt?
Obama has pursued pot growers far more so than Bush dreamed of.
He has expanded police powers of the state to a totalitarian and fascist nature.
Need I continue? I can if you like.
To state the obvious....the majority of Americans don't agree with your conclusions.

He ended the immoral war in Iraq. He's windng down the justified war in Afghanistan in which the Bush administration pissed away our strategic advantage. He set a precedent and began the much needed and long over due reform to our health care system to modernize it. He prevented the Bush recesion from becoming the Bush Great Depression with his actions. He saved the US autoindustry. Doesn't exactly sound like a disaster to me.

Has he been perfect? No. Is he a great President. No, far from it, he's an average to above average US President. Has he had significant accomplishments and built upon a positive legacy? Absolutely he has. Digging this nation out of the Bush Shithole is legacy enough but he also saved the US auto Industry, got us out of the Immoral war in Iraq and reformed our healthcare systems that 11 Presidents prior to him had tried and failed to do.

To describe Obama's Presidency as "a failure" is pure hyperbole and are the conclusions of an ideological purist that is not shared by the majority of voters.
Look, the Republicans fucked it up so badly that a very liberal Black man named Hussein was able to win in Virginia... Ohio... and Florida twice...
The people of Mass like her and love her, that does not necessarily mean she can win Florida, Ohio and Virginia.

I think it would suprise you, coming out against the big bad banks, everyone is on board for getting the banks.
To state the obvious....the majority of Americans don't agree with your conclusions.

He ended the immoral war in Iraq. He's windng down the justified war in Afghanistan in which the Bush administration pissed away our strategic advantage. He set a precedent and began the much needed and long over due reform to our health care system to modernize it. He prevented the Bush recesion from becoming the Bush Great Depression with his actions. He saved the US autoindustry. Doesn't exactly sound like a disaster to me.

Has he been perfect? No. Is he a great President. No, far from it, he's an average to above average US President. Has he had significant accomplishments and built upon a positive legacy? Absolutely he has. Digging this nation out of the Bush Shithole is legacy enough but he also saved the US auto Industry, got us out of the Immoral war in Iraq and reformed our healthcare systems that 11 Presidents prior to him had tried and failed to do.

To describe Obama's Presidency as "a failure" is pure hyperbole and are the conclusions of an ideological purist that is not shared by the majority of voters.

History will judge him as one of the greats, rightfully or wrongly.

He is the first Black President, he got two terms, he pulled us from an economic morass, ObamaCare is named after him, He was able to accomplish health care reform that was started by Teddy Roosevelt attempted by many but not accomplished until Obama was President. He opened the door to the civil rights movement of our time, Gay Rights.

He ended the unjust and costly war in Iraq. Who knows what else he might accomplish in the next three years.

He has made a lot of mistakes and could have done more if he had more friends in congress, but he will go down as the greatest in modern times.
How is that relevant to what I said...?

Both sides like to proclaim the other is in 'exile' yada yada yada... it is ridiculous to make such statements. Especially when the Dems haven't been able to maintain control for more than two terms since FDR and Truman.
Both sides like to proclaim the other is in 'exile' yada yada yada... it is ridiculous to make such statements. Especially when the Dems haven't been able to maintain control for more than two terms since FDR and Truman.

Still not relevant to what I said....
History will judge him as one of the greats, rightfully or wrongly.

He is the first Black President, he got two terms, he pulled us from an economic morass, ObamaCare is named after him, He was able to accomplish health care reform that was started by Teddy Roosevelt attempted by many but not accomplished until Obama was President. He opened the door to the civil rights movement of our time, Gay Rights.

He ended the unjust and costly war in Iraq. Who knows what else he might accomplish in the next three years.

He has made a lot of mistakes and could have done more if he had more friends in congress, but he will go down as the greatest in modern times.
That's hyperbole Jarod. Obama will be a historically significant President for being the first African American president but that's not a legacy to hang your hat on. Obama is an average to above average US President and by the standards of most US Presidents, that's high praise indeed. Most of our Chief executives have been quite good with only a handful that truly Bush.
No, it was avoidance. I asked you who controls the purse strings and you responded with a question.

You didn't answer who controlled Congress when Reagan, Bush Sr and Clinton were in office... AVOIDANCE

You didn't answer who controlled Congress from 2007-2013... AVOIDANCE

You then made a false statement about who had control prior to Obama. DEMS controlled Congress (of which Obama was a part) from 2007-2008. Thus there was no grand 'neocon' control for 8 years as you proclaimed. You then try to make excuses for Obama and Congress's spending spree.

I am the one who is supposed to be stoned, not you. (I am not )

Are you posting drunk again?
To state the obvious....the majority of Americans don't agree with your conclusions.

He ended the immoral war in Iraq.

No, he did not. The Iraq war ended as set up by the Iraqi government and the Bush administration.

He's windng down the justified war in Afghanistan in which the Bush administration pissed away our strategic advantage.

LMAO... so he escalated that war (not to mention drone bombing numerous other countries) and somehow you want to give him credit now that it is winding down?

He set a precedent and began the much needed and long over due reform to our health care system to modernize it.

Which did nothing to address the actual problem... the COST of health care and its above over all inflation growth rate. It is such a cluster fuck that he keeps delaying its implementation.

He prevented the Bush recesion from becoming the Bush Great Depression with his actions.

LMAO ... what actions of his did this?

He saved the US autoindustry. Doesn't exactly sound like a disaster to me.

Back here in reality, he squandered tax payers money to 'save' the auto companies... then they filed bankruptcy and he created second class citizens by protecting some shareholders (unions) and letting the tax payers and other shareholders take the hit.

Has he been perfect? No. Is he a great President. No, far from it, he's an average to above average US President. Has he had significant accomplishments and built upon a positive legacy? Absolutely he has. Digging this nation out of the Bush Shithole is legacy enough but he also saved the US auto Industry, got us out of the Immoral war in Iraq and reformed our healthcare systems that 11 Presidents prior to him had tried and failed to do.

In no way is he in the top half. None.

That shithole was a product of both parties creating a housing bubble... but I know... to you Dems the national Dem party had nothing to do with it.

To describe Obama's Presidency as "a failure" is pure hyperbole and are the conclusions of an ideological purist that is not shared by the majority of voters.

Nonsense. It is a failure. He is Bush on crack. One failed idea after another.
That's hyperbole Jarod. Obama will be a historically significant President for being the first African American president but that's not a legacy to hang your hat on. Obama is an average to above average US President and by the standards of most US Presidents, that's high praise indeed. Most of our Chief executives have been quite good with only a handful that truly Bush.

Iraq is on the edge of a civil war, so I not sure what he means by the war has ended. I can see a terrifying scenario where Iraq, Syria and Lebanon all get mixed up in a Shia Sunni disaster.
Obama isn't Bush on crack, but he has been a bad President.

By any measure, he has essentially failed. He was too slow to end the wars. He has taken half-measures to address the economy. He allowed corporations to have too big of a hand in writing his one major piece of legislation, for healthcare. His policy on marijuana is virtually indefensible.

Just in general, the guy is not a born leader, or even close. At this point in his admin, I have absolutely no idea what he stands for, or what he'll do next.