This is how the racist right lies about Black voter turnout

When you serve your time, you become a regular member of society again. Politicians still have an impact on their lives. they are entitled to vote. Is a crime a life sentence for you?
nope......but they are not entitled to vote......the law says the exact opposite........
Dude, 3 million more voters voted for Clinton.

Its not voter turn out, it's cheating by the racist right.

10 million more voters can turn out, but as long as there is voter fraud, suppression and the EC it will NEVER be fair.

sorry chump, but the electoral college is not cheating by the racist right......if 10 million more voters turn out in California it will make no difference and it will not be fraud, suppression or unfair........
some times yes

republicans have been known to give too few machines to the poor areas and or black areas

?????......demmycrats run politics in black areas........if someone is refusing to give blacks voting machines it would be the demmycrats running the voting precincts........go buy your own fucking voting machines......why should we give them to you?......

When 13% of the population commits 50% of the violent crimes, there is no probably to it.

Maybe that's why lefties automatically go to skin color when something in general is mentioned. Even they know blacks do such things on a highly disproportionate level.
Poor, uneducated, and underprivileged people commit more violent crime because they lack empathy.

Race has nothing to do with it unless a particular race is over-represented in the above category due to societal flaws.

Banjofuck-type cretins who live in "Deliverance country" are white as the driven snow,
at least the once a month that they shower,
and they commit more crimes, I would bet, than anybody.

Their mirror-sunglasses wearing fat-ass sheriffs do nothing about it because they're too busy looking for black people to abuse.
Poor, uneducated, and underprivileged people commit more violent crime because they lack empathy.

Race has nothing to do with it unless a particular race is over-represented in the above category due to societal flaws.

Banjofuck-type cretins who live in "Deliverance country" are white as the driven snow,
at least the once a month that they shower,
and they commit more crimes, I would bet, than anybody.

Their mirror-sunglasses wearing fat-ass sheriffs do nothing about it because they're too busy looking for black people to abuse.

Blacks commit more crimes because they don't know any better. When it's bred into them, it comes naturally.

With as many crimes as blacks commit compared to other groups, it's not hard to find a criminal among them.
Where, then, is that benign black criminal who finally takes your ass out, Banjofuck?

Is he/she a lazy slacker after all?

When you suddenly stop posting, we'll know that he/she finally got off his/her ass.

You are one sick motherfucker. And I doubt that even the mother you fuck would miss you.
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