its been the law for over 200 it our fault if demmycrats haven't figured out how it works yet?.......
Maybe they're still waiting for a left wing judge to declare it unconstitutional.
its been the law for over 200 it our fault if demmycrats haven't figured out how it works yet?.......
nope......but they are not entitled to vote......the law says the exact opposite........When you serve your time, you become a regular member of society again. Politicians still have an impact on their lives. they are entitled to vote. Is a crime a life sentence for you?
Yes, when Blacks commit the crime.
Dude, 3 million more voters voted for Clinton.
Its not voter turn out, it's cheating by the racist right.
10 million more voters can turn out, but as long as there is voter fraud, suppression and the EC it will NEVER be fair.
some times yes
republicans have been known to give too few machines to the poor areas and or black areas
nope......but they are not entitled to vote......the law says the exact opposite........
seriously?......that's your game? this thread about Florida?......No it does not. it varies by state. Do you ever get anything right?
Being black statistically means you're more like to commit one.
The sad part about your response is that the reference was about felons in general and you automatically went to skin color.
Poor, uneducated, and underprivileged people commit more violent crime because they lack empathy.
Race has nothing to do with it unless a particular race is over-represented in the above category due to societal flaws.
Banjofuck-type cretins who live in "Deliverance country" are white as the driven snow,
at least the once a month that they shower,
and they commit more crimes, I would bet, than anybody.
Their mirror-sunglasses wearing fat-ass sheriffs do nothing about it because they're too busy looking for black people to abuse.