If we apply that logic, it means that Democrats don't tend to support candidates they identify with. But they DO appear to support Dummycrat candidates that they identify with. For instance all of the following Democrat candidates were elected into office (with a couple of exceptions)...

Butt-ugly, screaming , vulgar, cretin Rosie O'Donnell :eek2:

The pop-eyed, pencil-necked, pathological liar, Democrat Congressman: Adam "Shifty" Schiff. :lies:

The drivelling, demented, corrupt, treasonous, cowardly, sexual deviant Pop Biden (golf clap please for our glorious President - Elect) :fogey: :clap:

The Cud-chewing Catholic, 80 -year- old Democrat establishment hypocrite and former pal of the Rev Jim Johnson - Speaker of the House: Nancy Pelosi. :inno:

The former prostitute and nasty, "woke", racist bitch Senator/ Vice President -Elect: KAH-MAH-LAH "legs Up" Harris. (Aka "Spank").:yay:

The Muslim mocker, fraud artist and anti-semite who thought 9/11 was no big deal - Ilhan "Allah u Akbar" Omar. :nuke:

Senate Minority Leader :Cryin' Chuck Schumer..."FIRST WE TAKE GEORGIA - THEN WE TAKE AMERICA !!! YAAAAY !! :crybaby::toilet:

The corrupt, racist, Senior Black Democrat with an IQ of 69 and a face like a bucket- full of camel's ass-holes (Euuw !)) Maxine Waters ! Waters was filmed by the media relatively recently exhorting a mob of democrat rat-bags to physically harass conservative persons whenever and wherever they encountered them in day-to-day public life. I couldn't imagine a more pleasant way to spend an hour than chatting with charming Maxine. :tardthoughts: :barf:

The faux American Indian, who brazenly scammed her way into Harvard Law School on an Affirmative Action program by claiming she was a real Redskin, yes it's the the hard-left woke, "socialist," clown Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren.(a socialist who is worth $12,000,000 ?) :barf:

Then we have class acts like the 45-year career criminal snake and privileged, ruling class, Alinskyite "wet-dreamer", not to mention feminist witch, the "deplorable" Hillary Rotton Clinton. :lies::lies::lies::lies: :barf::barf::barf:

Seedy Eric Salwell who sits on the House Intelligence Committee is another unsavoury Democrat who spent years in an "off and on" relationship with a Chinese Communist Party spy named "Christine" Fang Fang" enjoying lots of "Fang Fang, Bang Bang." Obviously a pervert, Swalwell has been uncharacteristically quiet since his idiocy was exposed. Funny that ?? Don't let your daughters anywhere near Eric, people, he has the morals of an alley cat. Any American who plays "hide the sausage" with a Chinese Communist whore is unpatriotic and lacks any modicum of self respect. Disgusting !! :cheer::cheer:

Bill "Slick Willie" Clinton is another salacious Liberal specimen. He defiled the dignity of the Oval Office by having a young girl, Monica Lewinski, administer regular blow jobs to him in that room. And returned the favour by inserting his favourite Cuban cigars up her "Hoo Har". All this while his wife Hillary was prowling around the White House. Another dirty Democrat dog !!:sneak::sneak::sneak:

Chairwoman of the Black Congressional Caucus, Karen Bass is another delight, a radical leftist she, she was a frequent visitor to Cuba and chummy with it's brutal, socialist dictator Fidel Castro. A man who murder, tortured and imprisoned many of his own people and a thorn in America's side for decades. She has also been affiliated with a number of other armed, Marxist communist/socialist revolutionary organisations in the US. Not the kind of person you would invite to your home for Sunday Roast. A dangerous, f**king, moron is the best way to sum her up, and why individuals are not promptly and permanently deported from America as threats to national security I do not know.:blowup::blowup::dunno:

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez - "stupidity on steroids" is all I have to say. :whoa: :whoa:

These are the kind of individuals who make up the Democrat supporters on this forum: oddballs; misfits; feminists and other fugly, hairy-legged, fat women; sexual deviants like Dutch Uncle) , idiots (like young) BidenPresident (??!! WHAT A DOOFUS !!; people who are so ignorant they do not know the key historical events of the 20th century (re: totalitarian socialist/communist regimes, how LBJ sowed the seeds of America's decline, etc.); people who think it is cool to be "woke", liars (who lie so much they no longer realise that they are actually lying); HYPOCRITES; people who have been indoctrinated at college/university by neo-Marxist/Postmodernist left-wing ideologies and are now brainwashed for life, people who are critical of America and Western culture but love living in the White man's Anglosphere, because it provides such a superior quality of life to any alternative (like China, like Cuba, like Venezuela; like North Korea !!); people who do not realise that OBAMAGATE was the greatest political crime in America's history and so on, and so on...

Later, Dummycrats


Wow. You're so proud of your obsession with Democratic politicians that you would take an hour to type a post that no one will ever read? Good job, sport. :laugh:
Wow. You're so proud of your obsession with Democratic politicians that you would take an hour to type a post that no one will ever read? Good job, sport. :laugh:
I’m impressed you actually read his posts, I scroll by, I haven’t got time for his imaginary world.
Trump has a super effective rhetorical style where he is able deliver very heavy and wise advise but often mixes it with "taking the mickey" out of himself - having a laugh about his funny hair style or boasting about how very handsome he thinks he is, and so on. :) Humour is a great way to get an important point across.

But his most important "political" values are very elemental. One is never, ever giving up when the heat comes down on you (if you believe you are fighting to do the (morally) right thing. Another is making sure he always remembers takes good care of the small group of people who are closest to him and love him the most, that is is family and closest family friends. This is group is what the great Father of Conservative politics, Edmund Burke (1729 - 1797), the brilliant 18th century political Member of the British Parliament, political philosopher and essayist, famously called the "little platoon".... Burke wrote (in 1787, I think ?).

"To be attached to the subdivision, to love the little platoon we belong to in society, is the FIRST PRINCIPLE ( the germ as it were) of public affections. It is the first link in the series by which we proceed towards a love to our country and to mankind."

Burke was like Trump in that he was a straight - talker - there was no flowery, abstract, high falutin', waffle and bullshit about him (like Obama, for example, who was a very slippery sophist), he hated ivory tower academics and pretentious intellectuals who gave lectures and wrote complex rationalistic theories about what they thought would make for the ideal political system. He called them "Fools"!! and attacked them in his essays and other writings. Some of the more pompous high-brows got a major "bee in their bonnets", and became embroiled in long - running bun-fights with Burke. Burke would say that politics is about people (human being) and you can never use a slide rule and a calculator to work out what human nature is; and if you can never have have a complete rational/logic understanding of human nature, then you can never have a complete cut-and-dried exact and complete understanding of politics. If you can not grasp that you are f**king crazy !!

BTW: "PLATOON" is a military term. A platoon is made up of three or four squads, it has from 20 to 50 soldiers. and is commanded by a lieutenant

This is KWELL, watch it and learn !!!....

The "REAL DONALD TRUMP" is a classless moron...and so are the people who continue to support him.

Thanks for the laugh.
I'm surprised that you don't have a hanky hanging from your pocket?

I want to tell you something honestly. You referred to "rough trade" and this pocket hanky thing. I had to look up both of them because I have never heard either reference. As you can imagine, I discovered:

1.) Both references seem to have been used in the 1970s. I was born in 1983, so, Grandpa, anyone under the age of 40 likely has no idea what you're talking about. You are old as shit.

2.) You know way more gay slang/customs than I do. You, Primavera, are a closet case. Men of your nearly extinct generation were terribly repressed from a sexual standpoint. I do feel badly about that, but I didn't contribute to it. My generation was the first one to widely express same sex romantic affection in public. We secured hate crime legislation. We had our right to marry affirmed. I'm sorry that you felt unable to explore your male-on-male sexual desires, but sweetheart, you are barking up the wrong tree. I wouldn't fuck you with some homeless guy's dick. You are a revolting, withering husk of a human. What precious little time you have left in your wasted life you spend anonymously insulting strangers on the internet. Your time has passed, but I do wish you some measure of peace in your waning days.
That's hot. I might have just discovered a new kink.

:laugh: My friends universally tell me that my type is men who identify as straight. I would have to consult my journal to tell you how many "straight" guys I've hooked up with. I'm not proud of being a slut, but I don't regret my decisions either. Give it a try! Worst that could happen is that your bar buddy can't make eye contact with you for a couple days. :good4u:
Hmm, definitely a troll. Banned from now on.

I'm a troll? You brain dead bitch. I didn't say shit to you. You showed up out of nowhere talking about my ass. I am not going to fuck you. I wouldn't even let you watch me get dressed. I'm sure you're used to rejection. Get over it, pussy.
I’m impressed you actually read his posts, I scroll by, I haven’t got time for his imaginary world.

I've been here for several months, but I'm still figuring out who is who. I don't think I've seen Dachshund before yesterday. He will likely be on my subconscious scroll over soon.
:laugh: My friends universally tell me that my type is men who identify as straight. I would have to consult my journal to tell you how many "straight" guys I've hooked up with. I'm not proud of being a slut, but I don't regret my decisions either. Give it a try! Worst that could happen is that your bar buddy can't make eye contact with you for a couple days. :good4u:

I'm actually a girl. But I would love to dominate a guy by making him suck an alpha male's dick.
Dachshund is one these dorks who never got any girls. He obviously masturbated himself into insanity.

You got it half right, Taco. Insane? Yes, probably. But it was the fact that when I was a younger man I was very handsome (I hasten to add that I am still, of course, a very good looking man !) and women kept begging me to "service" them. I lost count of how many I ended up screwing - it must have been hundreds and hundreds. (It's all just a hairy, gooey, pink - and somewhat malodorous - blur now.) Unfortunately, it took its toll on my state of mind, because any male who spends too much time around women - especially in intimate contact with them - eventually gets sent crazy by the stupid, irrational bullshit that comes out of their mouths. And when you're stuck in bed with them, you can't avoid hearing it - you can't really escape. It's like the "Chinese Water Torture" - once too many "drops" of the nonsense women speak hit your head, you lose your mind and become a gibbering, "stunned" basketcase. (Like the character, Captain Kurtz, as - staring into some middle-distance - he utters his famous, final words in Conrad's great novel "Heart of Darkness"..."The Horror ! The Horror !"

It's a "Catch-22" situation; - all young guys want to screw as many hot-looking chicks as they can as often as they can, but if you have too much exposure to them (i.e. the way they think) at close quarters, it inevitably sends you barking mad (seriously). It's like what the great, German philosopher, Nietzsche, said about staring down into the frightening depths of the abyss: "When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares into you."

If you think about it, that's why nature designed men in such a way that when they are having sex with a woman, as soon as they ejaculate, they feel a strong desire to go to sleep. This is because when they are asleep, they won't hear any of the nonsensical BS that their partner would otherwise be prattling at them (if they were awake). It's a neat example of an evolutionary survival mechanism.

Finally, looking back at things, I think I would have been much better off masturbating during my youth, as opposed to constantly nailing "hotties". But, of course, everyone knows that too much masturbating sends you blind ! So what was I - a virile man with large testicles and abnormally high blood testosterone levels - to do ?!

It seems that I was (sob) destined for tragedy..."Those whom God wishes to destroy, he first makes mad." Euripides (c.485 - 406 BC)

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You got it half right. Insane? Yes, probably. But it was the fact that when I was a younger man I was very handsome and women kept begging me to service them. I lot count of how many I ended up screwing. Unfortunately, it took its toll on my state of mind, because any male who spends too much time around women eventually gets sent crazy by the stupid, irrational bullshit that comes out of their mouths. And when you're stuck in bed with them, you can't avoid hearing it - you can't really escape. It's like the Chinese Water Torture - once too many "drops" of the nonsense women speak hits your head, you lose your mind.

It's a "Catch-22" situation; - all young guys want to screw as many women as they can as often as they can, but if you have too much exposure to them (i.e. the way they think) at close quarters, it inevitably sends you barking mad (seriously). It's like what the great, German philosopher, Nietzsche, said about staring down into the frightening depths of the abyss: "When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares into you."

If you think about it, that's why nature designed men in such a way that when they are having sex with a woman, as soon as they ejaculate, they feel a strong desire to go to sleep. This is because when they are asleep, they don't hear any of the nonsensical BS that their partner would otherwise be prattling at them if they were awake. It's a neat example of an evolutionary survival mechanism.


Lol.....Sure you were.....Sure you did. No doubt you were a legend in your own mind, just like

Now, you are just a sad pathetic moron.
Trump has a super effective rhetorical style where he is able deliver very heavy and wise advise but often mixes it with "taking the mickey" out of himself - having a laugh about his funny hair style or boasting about how very handsome he thinks he is, and so on. :) Humour is a great way to get an important point across.

But his most important "political" values are very elemental. One is never, ever giving up when the heat comes down on you (if you believe you are fighting to do the (morally) right thing. Another is making sure he always remembers takes good care of the small group of people who are closest to him and love him the most, that is is family and closest family friends. This is group is what the great Father of Conservative politics, Edmund Burke (1729 - 1797), the brilliant 18th century political Member of the British Parliament, political philosopher and essayist, famously called the "little platoon".... Burke wrote (in 1787, I think ?).

"To be attached to the subdivision, to love the little platoon we belong to in society, is the FIRST PRINCIPLE ( the germ as it were) of public affections. It is the first link in the series by which we proceed towards a love to our country and to mankind."

Burke was like Trump in that he was a straight - talker - there was no flowery, abstract, high falutin', waffle and bullshit about him (like Obama, for example, who was a very slippery sophist), he hated ivory tower academics and pretentious intellectuals who gave lectures and wrote complex rationalistic theories about what they thought would make for the ideal political system. He called them "Fools"!! and attacked them in his essays and other writings. Some of the more pompous high-brows got a major "bee in their bonnets", and became embroiled in long - running bun-fights with Burke. Burke would say that politics is about people (human being) and you can never use a slide rule and a calculator to work out what human nature is; and if you can never have have a complete rational/logic understanding of human nature, then you can never have a complete cut-and-dried exact and complete understanding of politics. If you can not grasp that you are f**king crazy !!

BTW: "PLATOON" is a military term. A platoon is made up of three or four squads, it has from 20 to 50 soldiers. and is commanded by a lieutenant

This is KWELL, watch it and learn !!!....

As usual, Trump spent 15 minutes saying don't give up and Dog finds profundity. This was as deep as those late-night commercials that promise they will make you wealthy. This was damn near childish.