You got it half right, Taco. Insane? Yes, probably. But it was the fact that when I was a younger man I was very handsome (I hasten to add that I am still, of course, a very good looking man !) and women kept begging me to "service" them. I lost count of how many I ended up screwing - it must have been hundreds and hundreds. (It's all just a hairy, gooey, pink - and somewhat malodorous - blur now.) Unfortunately, it took its toll on my state of mind, because any male who spends too much time around women - especially in intimate contact with them - eventually gets sent crazy by the stupid, irrational bullshit that comes out of their mouths. And when you're stuck in bed with them, you can't avoid hearing it - you can't really escape. It's like the "Chinese Water Torture" - once too many "drops" of the nonsense women speak hit your head, you lose your mind and become a gibbering, "stunned" basketcase. (Like the character, Captain Kurtz, as - staring into some middle-distance - he utters his famous, final words in Conrad's great novel "Heart of Darkness"..."The Horror ! The Horror !"

It's a "Catch-22" situation; - all young guys want to screw as many hot-looking chicks as they can as often as they can, but if you have too much exposure to them (i.e. the way they think) at close quarters, it inevitably sends you barking mad (seriously). It's like what the great, German philosopher, Nietzsche, said about staring down into the frightening depths of the abyss: "When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares into you."

If you think about it, that's why nature designed men in such a way that when they are having sex with a woman, as soon as they ejaculate, they feel a strong desire to go to sleep. This is because when they are asleep, they won't hear any of the nonsensical BS that their partner would otherwise be prattling at them (if they were awake). It's a neat example of an evolutionary survival mechanism.

Finally, looking back at things, I think I would have been much better off masturbating during my youth, as opposed to constantly nailing "hotties". But, of course, everyone knows that too much masturbating sends you blind ! So what was I - a virile man with large testicles and abnormally high blood testosterone levels - to do ?!

It seems that I was (sob) destined for tragedy..."Those whom God wishes to destroy, he first makes mad." Euripides (c.485 - 406 BC)


That is the foulest, lying-est post I have ever read. You are a withered virgin.
Huge if true.

In the beyebl e Job was called the most righteous man on the planet.
Here’s what Job said at the end of the book.
“ I have heard of you by the hearing of the ear but now I have seen you by the face. I’ve uttered words that I did not know, I cover my mouth and repent in ashes and I despise myself.”

The point is kid, even when the most holy person you or I know is on their very best behavior, they are still miserably violating the character of God.
But, ... God loved the world and paid our debt and offers eternal life to us if we will admit like Job, our true natures, and humble ourselves and accept that which we did not deserve, a propitiation, we shall live! Eternal in true love and in childlike forgiveness for one another.
Bless you my son
In the beyebl e Job was called the most righteous man on the planet.
Here’s what Job said at the end of the book.
“ I have heard of you by the hearing of the ear but now I have seen you by the face. I’ve uttered words that I did not know, I cover my mouth and repent in ashes and I despise myself.”

The point is kid, even when the most holy person you or I know is on their very best behavior, they are still miserably violating the character of God.
But, ... God loved the world and paid our debt and offers eternal life to us if we will admit like Job, our true natures, and humble ourselves and accept that which we did not deserve, a propitiation, we shall live! Eternal in true love and in childlike forgiveness for one another.
Bless you my son

There is no god, you troll.
No, you may not suck my dick. You repulse me. Fuck off.

FFS ! If the photograph that you are currently using as an avator is a photograph of you (?) then it is obvious that you are a girl. Because even from the limited view of the gross anatomical morphology we are given in the avatar, almost immediately, we can confirm that this person is a female, and relatively young ( say early 20's to 25 y.o max) It is mainly the contours and proportioning of the buttocks that are the "tell-tale" trait. You have got what is now known as an "Inverted Heart" type of butt...

Some medical science wonk in America, took photographs of the naked (he was a registered Doctor so he was allowed to do this) butts of over 100,000 healthy and fit young women. Then he processed all of the photographs using a computer program that screened the images to see if there were any identifiable categories of female butt that were distinctive with respect to their overall shape (what they looked like from behind). If you've been to college and you know what "Factor Analysis" is, well that's pretty much what this guy was doing; though in his case, I would call it "Factor ANALysis. (goes without saying that this dude was a major pervert).

So, getting back to your avatar....the research I just mentioned (above) confirmed that women (and I should emphasise that the women this research studied were all White Anglo-Americans) have FIVE different types of butt:

(1) The "V" - SHAPED BUTT





You're lucky, you've got the most feminine type of butt - the "INVERTED - HEART". In terms of classical Western aesthetics ,and properties like: contour, proportion and esp gradual variation, the "INVERTED - HEART" is the most (OBJECTIVELY) beautiful form of female ass. You'll be interest to know that I can tell this from the contours of the white top in the avatar as well, because I took two subjects in gross anatomy at a world - renowned University, where we did all of our practicals using relatively fresh human cadavers.You don't deserve to have the most (aesthetically) beautiful type of female butt, actually; because if what you write in your posts contains any modicum of truth you are a total ass-hole AND a sexual deviant.

As to which of the five types of butt men like the most (?), that's a complex question. Women like Jay-lo and the Kardashians are said to be sexy and they have the "ROUND - SHAPED" kind of butt, which is quite common in African - Americans. But I do not them attractive at all. In the porn industry this type of bottom is called a "Bubble - Butt" (For example, a DVD I used to own: "Bubble - Butt MILFS Like it Big) I have much more refined tastes now, so personally, the "ROUND" type of butt no longer appeals to me. It kind of "sticks out like dog's balls" - if you know what I mean - and things that are BUMptious, unrefined and "in your face" (God Forbid ! God Forbid !) are basically kitsch and lack class.

I think the "INVERTED HEART" butt (which is the kind of ass that today's Bikini Models all have) is the form which appeals the most to any man who has at least passable good Taste, that is, any main who knows what objective aesthetic standards must be met to be correct in judging any woman to be beautiful or very beautiful . To put it briefy, the correct or objective standards that determine true facial and bodily beauty were set down by the ancient Greeks 1000's of years ago, and they still apply today.

Getting back to butts, the ancient Greeks who studied and "codified" the necessary criteria for physical (bodily/facial) beauty in women, identified the "INVERTED - HEART SHAPED" as the most beautiful kind of female butt. The best example of this is probably a marble statue that was sculpted in 300 BC in Athens called the "Aphrodite Kallipygos", which means "Venus of the beautiful butt" when it is translate If you google up an image of this sculpture, you will see that she does indeed have an "INVERTED - HEART" shaped ass.

Looks like I've raved on too long, so I'll stop. It's just that I'm fascinated by philosophical aesthetics. There are lots of political dimensions to beauty as well . For example have you ever noticed how American mainstream media companies like CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, etc; are bum-boys for the Democratic Party, but when it comes to who they hire as news anchors and journalists they only ever hire a small number of newsreaders from racial minorities, especially Blacks (like Don Lemon). The overwhelming majority of the talking heads on CNN are relatively young, White (Anglo-European) American women who are beautiful. They pretty much meet all of the classiccal Greek standards that you had to meet to be an official "hottie" , say, 3,000 years ago in Athens. I mean, there's a few minor issues, like some of these CNN girls are brunettes and the Greeks view was that ideally, girls who wanted to be regarded as beautiful should have fair-coloured hair. Anyway, the reason CNN hires all these "Hellenic" classical beauties is that as soon a male or a female see a genuinely beautiful object they IMMEDIATELY experience the feeling/emotion of LOVE. You instantly feel it - it doesn't involve any kind of thought process; it happens before you can think ! just like the way you feel coldness if someone presses an ice - block on your arm:(1) you feel the coldness immediately (2) while the ice-block is there you keep feeling coldness, there's no way you can stop it while its pressed against your skin I don't mean lust, or the desire for physical sex, that is, they don't immediately get horney and want to f**k the daylights out of beautiful object. By love, I must stress that I am referring to a social emotion, one that draws them towards the beautiful object (young women in this case), and makes feel they would like to be close to them and get to know them - offer them affection, attentiveness, tenderness, kindness and bestow comfort, good cheer and endearment for them -, in short, treat them really nicely. So ,in the context of physical beauty, that's what I mean by "LOVE". The upshot is that, if your are at home and you turn on one of the many mainstream Democrat, propaganda mouthpieces, like: CNN, CBS or MSNBC, and a hot-looking, beautiful, young woman appears, you are immediately drawn to her and feel that she is a wonderful person who you want to me with. So, you sit down and watch her as long as her show or segment lasts and you stay put in your chair listening to everything she says.This, of course, is exactly what CNN wants you to do - sit still and pay attention to the woke socialist bullshit they're pumping out of your television. So, the reason that they only throw in the odd Black newsreader is because Black African-American women aren't beautiful according to the modern Western conception of bodily beauty and its aesthetic criteria (that are operational right now in 2021), and still ,after 1,000's of years, essentially the same as the ancient Greek conception of beauty (amazing isn't it). They have throw in the odd darkie, Latino Chinese talking head (1) because in America there are 17 million Blacks a nd 60 million Latinos/Hispanic and quite a few million Asians (2) the Democrat Party are committed to a policies of racial/ethnic diversity, so even though these coloured races are not beautiful with respt to the Western aesthetic form female physical beauty, they have to put the odd one or two on the nightly news hour so they can say *Y'all can see we're committed to promoting diversity in America because we've got Don Lemon (a gay, darkie dim-wit) reading prime-time news for us ! (4) But I shouldn't use Don Lemon as an example because physical beauty in people is something that only WOMEN have. We don't say that MEN are beautiful, nor did the ancient Greeks; their term for physical beauty was kallon and they would not have used that term to describe a male that women found attractive. To continue. You'll notice how these media companies are careful not to hire too many African-American or Hispanics or Asians as news anchors or news reports or members of current affairs shows like "The Five". The reason is that -I'm afraid I'll have to be blunt here - they are NOT physically beautiful. Therefore people at home watching television will not be inclined to sit down and attentively watch them. This would leading to a drop in ratings and a drops in ratings means a loss of money and when diversity starts to cost CNN and MSNBC and Co. MONEY it starts to evaporate very quickly, AND THIS SERVES TO PROVIDE US WITH A NEAT EXAMPLE OF ONE OF THE DEMOCRAT PARTY'S HALLMARK CHARACTERISTICS...SHAMELESS HYPOCRISY


All women are obsessed with their physical (facial and bodily) beauty. So you might find these tips useful:

(1) Physical beauty is something that only YOUNG (adolescent to, say 35 y.o. max) WOMEN can have.

(2) Beauty in young women is an OBJECTIVE quality. That is, it is a REAL thing. It is not "IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER." If a guy has a girl friend who looks like Whoopi Goldberg and he genuinely thinks she's beautiful. It's not a case of, "Well he's justified in thinking that because , after all, "BEAUTY IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER." No, no, no. He is wrong. Whoopi Goldberg is a very ugly piece of work. FACT. She did not: "Come all the way from China in a silk-lined matchbox." Whoopi Goldberg never was, is not, and never will be beautiful.

(3) Long, fair-coloured hair is most beautiful. You can add tresses, plaits, if you want.

(4) The "INVERTED - HEART" is most beautiful. It tends to come with a sinuous , hour-glass waist contouring which is also beautiful.

(5) Very pallid white skin is most beautiful. The alabaster tone that beautiful English girls have is a good moder-day example.

(6) Breasts should be firm, smooth, ample, but not over-large, elegantly curvaceous.

(7) Eyes should be large, gentle and ideally fair-coloured, but darker shades can also be beautiful.

(8) Use black eye-liner to be beautiful and cosmetics like lipstick applied in modest amounts (never use excessive quantities of cosmetics - keep it understated and tasteful).

(9) No tattoos or piercings ANYWHERE ( or earlobe guaging. Euuw !!)

(10) FACE. 2,500 years ago in ancient Greece a mathematician and sculptor discovered that if you drew a straight line then divided that line into two segments in the ratio of 1:1.618 a pleasing effect was created. That is, if you have a straight length of string that is 2.168 feet long, if you draw a black spot 1 foot from one end of the string to mark off two sections, when you look at the two sections you sense a pleasing harmony of proportions. This ration of proportion was named phi after Phidias, and it is called "The Golden Ration." He used this ratio 1:1.618 to help make his sculptures beautiful.

When the features of a young woman's face: eyebrows, nose, lips, eyes, chin, jaw (and facial shape) conform to the Golden Ratio, phi, of 1:1.618 she will be beautiful. Or rather, the closer the proportioning of her facial features approaches phi, the more beautiful she will be. For example:

(i) The distance from the top of the nose to the centre of the lips should be 1.618 times the distance from the centre of the lips to the chin.

(ii) The hairline to the upper eyelid should be 1.618 times the length of the top of the upper eye brow to the lower eyelid.

(iii) The ideal ratio of upper to lower lip volume should be 1.618 (the lower lip should have slightly more volume).

And so on, and so on.

These days you can go to a cosmetic surgeon to get your face "GOLDEN RATIO-ED" if you need to, or if you just want to be more perfectly beautiful.

So, now that you know all about what true/real/objective female physical beauty is. You can sort yourself out, clean up your act, and help make America a more beautiful place !!

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FFS ! If the photograph that you are currently using as an avator is a photograph of you (?) then it is obvious that you are a girl. Because even from the limited view of the gross anatomical morphology we are given in the avatar, almost immediately, we can confirm that this person is a female, and relatively young ( say early 20's to 25 y.o max) It is mainly the contours and proportioning of the buttocks that are the tell-tale trait. You have got what is now known as an "Inverted Heart" type of butt...

Some medical science wonk in America, took photographs of the naked (he was a registered Doctor so he was allowed to do this) butts of over 100,000 healthy and fit young women. Then he processed all of the photographs using a computer program screened the images to see if there were any identifiable categories of female butt that were distinctive with respect to their overall shape (what they looked like from behind). If you've been to college and you know what "Factor Analysis" is, well that's pretty much what this guy was doing; though in his case, I would call it "Factor ANALysis. (goes without saying that this dude was a major pervert).

So, getting back to your avatar....the research I just mentioned (above) confirmed that women (and I should emphasise that the women this research studied were all White Anglo-Americans) have FIVE different types of butt:

(1) The "V" - SHAPED BUTT





You're lucky, you've got the most feminine type of butt - the "INVERTED - HEART". In terms of classical Western aesthetics ,and properties like: contour, proportion and esp gradual variation, the "INVERTED - HEART" is the most (OBJECTIVELY) beautiful form of female ass. You'll be interest to know that I can tell this from the contours of the white top in the avatar as well, because I took two subjects in gross anatomy at a world - renowned University, where we did all of our practicals using relatively fresh human cadavers.You don't deserve to have the most (aesthetically) beautiful type of female butt, actually; because if what you write in your posts contains any modicum of truth you are a total ass-hole AND a sexual deviant.

As to which of the five types of butt men like the most (?), that's a complex question. Women like Jay-lo and the Kardashians are said to be sexy and they have the "ROUND - SHAPED" kind of butt, which is quite common in African - Americans. But I do not them attractive at all. In the porn industry this type of bottom is called a "Bubble - Butt" (For example, a DVD I used to own: "Bubble - Butt MILFS Like it Big) I have much more refined tastes now, so personally, the "ROUND" type of butt no longer appeals to me. It kind of "sticks out like dog's balls" - if you know what I mean - and things that are BUMptious, unrefined and "in your face" (God Forbid ! God Forbid !) are basically kitsch and lack class.

I think the "INVERTED HEART" butt (which is the kind of ass that today's Bikini Models all have) is the form which appeals the most to any man who has at least passable good Taste, that is, any main who knows what objective aesthetic standards must be met to be correct in judging any woman to be beautiful or very beautiful . To put it briefy, the correct or objective standards that determine true facial and bodily beauty were set down by the ancient Greeks 1000's of years ago, and they still apply today.

Getting back to butts, the ancient Greeks who studied and "codified" the necessary criteria for physical (bodily/facial) beauty in women, identified the "INVERTED - HEART SHAPED" as the most beautiful kind of female butt. The best example of this is probably a marble statue that was sculpted in 300 BC in Athens called the "Aphrodite Kallipygos", which means "Venus of the beautiful butt" when it is translate If you google up an image of this sculpture, you will see that she does indeed have an "INVERTED - HEART" shaped ass.

Looks like I've raved on too long, so I'll stop. It's just that I'm fascinated by philosophical aesthetics. There are lots of political dimensions to beauty as well . For example have you ever noticed how American mainstream media companies like CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, etc; are bum-boys for the Democratic Party, but when it comes to who they hire as news anchors and journalists they only ever hire a small number of newsreaders from racial minorities, especially Blacks (like Don Lemon). The overwhelming majority of the talking heads on CNN are relatively young, White (Anglo-European) American women who are beautiful. They pretty much meet all of the classiccal Greek standards that you had to meet to be an official "hottie" , say, 3,000 years ago in Athens. I mean, there's a few minor issues, like some of these CNN girls are brunettes and the Greeks view was that ideally, girls who wanted to be regarded as beautiful should have fair-coloured hair. Anyway, the reason CNN hires all these "Hellenic" classical beauties is that as soon a male or a female see a genuinely beautiful object they IMMEDIATELY experience the feeling/emotion of LOVE. You instantly feel it - it doesn't involve any kind of thought process; it happens before you can think ! just like the way you feel coldness if someone presses an ice - block on your arm:(1) you feel the coldness immediately (2) while the ice-block is there you keep feeling coldness, there's no way you can stop it while its pressed against your skin I don't mean lust, or the desire for physical sex, that is, they don't immediately get horney and want to f**k the daylights out of beautiful object. By love, I must stress that I am referring to a social emotion, one that draws them towards the beautiful object (young women in this case), and makes feel they would like to be close to them and get to know them - offer them affection, attentiveness, tenderness, kindness and bestow comfort, good cheer and endearment for them -, in short, treat them really nicely. So ,in the context of physical beauty, that's what I mean by "LOVE". The upshot is that, if your are at home and you turn on one of the many mainstream Democrat, propaganda mouthpieces, like: CNN, CBS or MSNBC, and a hot-looking, beautiful, young woman appears, you are immediately drawn to her and feel that she is a wonderful person who you want to me with. So, you sit down and watch her as long as her show or segment lasts and you stay put in your chair listening to everything she says.This, of course, is exactly what CNN wants you to do - sit still and pay attention to the woke socialist bullshit they're pumping out of your television. So, the reason that they only throw in the odd Black newsreader is because Black African-American women aren't beautiful according to the modern Western conception of bodily beauty and its aesthetic criteria (that are operational right now in 2021), and still ,after 1,000's of years, essentially the same as the ancient Greek conception of beauty (amazing isn't it). They have throw in the odd darkie, Latino Chinese talking head (1) because in America there are 17 million Blacks a nd 60 million Latinos/Hispanic and quite a few million Asians (2) the Democrat Party are committed to a policies of racial/ethnic diversity, so even though these coloured races are not beautiful with respt to the Western aesthetic form female physical beauty, they have to put the odd one or two on the nightly news hour so they can say *Y'all can see we're committed to promoting diversity in America because we've got Don Lemon (a gay, darkie dim-wit) reading prime-time news for us ! (4) But I shouldn't use Don Lemon as an example because physical beauty in people is something that only WOMEN have. We don't say that MEN are beautiful, nor did the ancient Greeks; their term for physical beauty was kallon and they would not have used that term to describe a male that women found attractive. To continue. You'll notice how these media companies are careful not to hire too many African-American or Hispanics or Asians as news anchors or news reports or members of current affairs shows like "The Five". The reason is that -I'm afraid I'll have to be blunt here - they are NOT physically beautiful. Therefore people at home watching television will not be inclined to sit down and attentively watch them. This would leading to a drop in ratings and a drops in ratings means a loss of money and when diversity starts to cost CNN and MSNBC and Co. MONEY it starts to evaporate very quickly, AND THIS SERVES TO PROVIDE US WITH A NEAT EXAMPLE OF ONE OF THE DEMOCRAT PARTY'S HALLMARK CHARACTERISTICS...SHAMELESS HYPOCRISY


All women are obsessed with their physical (facial and bodily) beauty. So you might find these tips useful:

(1) Physical beauty is something that only YOUNG (adolescent to, say 35 y.o. max) WOMEN can have.

(2) Beauty in young women is an OBJECTIVE quality. That is, it is a REAL thing. It is not "IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER." If a guy has a girl friend who looks like Whoopi Goldberg and he genuinely thinks she's beautiful. It's not a case of, "Well he's justified in thinking that because , after all, "BEAUTY IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER." No, no, no. He is wrong. Whoopi Goldberg is a very ugly piece of work. FACT. She did not "Come all the way from China in a silk-lined matchbox" Whoopi Goldberg never was, is not, and never will be beautiful.

(3) Long, fair-coloured hair is most beautiful. You can add tresses, plaits, if you want.

(4) The "INVERTED - HEART" is most beautiful. It tends to come with a sinuous , hour-glass waist contouring which is also beautiful.

(5) Very pallid white skin is most beautiful. The alabaster tone that beautiful English girls have is a good moder-day example.

(6) Breasts should be firm, smooth, ample, but not over-large, curaceous.

(7) Eye should be large, gentle and ideally fair-coloured, but darker shades can also be beautiful.

(8) Use black eye-liner to be beautiful and cosmetics like lipstick applied in modest amounts (never use excessive quantities of cosmetics - keep it subtle and tasteful.

(9) No tattoos or piercings ANYWHERE ( or earlobe guaging Euuw !!)

(10) FACE. 2,500 years ago in ancient Greece a mathematician and sculptor discovered that if you drew a straight line then divided that line into two segments in the ratio of 1:1.618 a pleasing effect was created. That is, if you have a straight length of string that is 2.168 feet long, if you draw a black spot 1 foot from one end of the string to mark off two sections, when you look at the two sections you sense a pleasing harmony of proportions. This ration of proportion was named phi after Phidias, and it is called "The Golden Ration." He used this ratio 1:1.618 to help make his sculptures beautiful.

When the features of a young woman's face: eyebrows, nose, lips, eyes, chin, jaw (and facial shape) conform to the Golden Ratio, phi, of 1:1.618 she will be beautiful. Or rather, the closer the proportioning of her facial features approaches phi, the more beautiful she will be. For example:

(i) The distance from the top of the nose to the centre of the lips should be 1.618 times the distance from the centre of the lips to the chin.

(ii) The hairline to the upper eyelid should be 1.618 times the length of the top of the upper eye brow to the lower eyelid.

(iii) The ideal ratio of upper to lower lip volume should be 1.618 (the lower lip should have slightly more volume).

And so on, and so on.

These days you can go to a cosmetic surgeon to get your face "GOLDEN RATIO-ED" if you need to, or if you just want to be more perfectly beautiful.

So, now that you know all about what true/real female physical beauty is. You can sort yourself and make America a more beautiful place !!



There is no god, you troll.

I don't know if there's a god or if there isn't, but I also know that no one else knows. Let's give Peace n Safety the benefit of the doubt and assume that he believes in gawd like he says he does. Now let's scroll through his posting history, which I'm sure mirrors his true life and thoughts. He is a racist who calls people niggers. He is a homophobe who calls people faggots. He threatens harm to people. He's a liar. I don't know if he goes to church or not, but he's the textbook case of a fake Christian. He lectures and preaches at people and then in the same breath, behaves like a worse person than most people. He's a hypocrite and a phony -- as are most religious people, in my experience.

Did you force a guy on some other guy yet? :laugh:
I don't know if there's a god or if there isn't, but I also know that no one else knows. Let's give Peace n Safety the benefit of the doubt and assume that he believes in gawd like he says he does. Now let's scroll through his posting history, which I'm sure mirrors his true life and thoughts. He is a racist who calls people niggers. He is a homophobe who calls people faggots. He threatens harm to people. He's a liar. I don't know if he goes to church or not, but he's the textbook case of a fake Christian. He lectures and preaches at people and then in the same breath, behaves like a worse person than most people. He's a hypocrite and a phony -- as are most religious people, in my experience.

He's just a troll. I'm sure he's not even racist or homophobic, he's just trying to pick a fight with an SJW.

Did you force a guy on some other guy yet? :laugh:

I might do that next weekend. :cool:

I've actually been familiar with this fetish before, it's called "Forced Bi." It's really hot.
But what you told me, about straight guys bullying gays, but then sucking them off, that one is new to me.
FFS ! If the photograph that you are currently using as an avator is a photograph of you (?) then it is obvious that you are a girl. Because even from the limited view of the gross anatomical morphology we are given in the avatar, almost immediately, we can confirm that this person is a female, and relatively young ( say early 20's to 25 y.o max) It is mainly the contours and proportioning of the buttocks that are the "tell-tale" trait. You have got what is now known as an "Inverted Heart" type of butt...

Some medical science wonk in America, took photographs of the naked (he was a registered Doctor so he was allowed to do this) butts of over 100,000 healthy and fit young women. Then he processed all of the photographs using a computer program that screened the images to see if there were any identifiable categories of female butt that were distinctive with respect to their overall shape (what they looked like from behind). If you've been to college and you know what "Factor Analysis" is, well that's pretty much what this guy was doing; though in his case, I would call it "Factor ANALysis. (goes without saying that this dude was a major pervert).

So, getting back to your avatar....the research I just mentioned (above) confirmed that women (and I should emphasise that the women this research studied were all White Anglo-Americans) have FIVE different types of butt:

(1) The "V" - SHAPED BUTT





You're lucky, you've got the most feminine type of butt - the "INVERTED - HEART". In terms of classical Western aesthetics ,and properties like: contour, proportion and esp gradual variation, the "INVERTED - HEART" is the most (OBJECTIVELY) beautiful form of female ass. You'll be interest to know that I can tell this from the contours of the white top in the avatar as well, because I took two subjects in gross anatomy at a world - renowned University, where we did all of our practicals using relatively fresh human cadavers.You don't deserve to have the most (aesthetically) beautiful type of female butt, actually; because if what you write in your posts contains any modicum of truth you are a total ass-hole AND a sexual deviant.

As to which of the five types of butt men like the most (?), that's a complex question. Women like Jay-lo and the Kardashians are said to be sexy and they have the "ROUND - SHAPED" kind of butt, which is quite common in African - Americans. But I do not them attractive at all. In the porn industry this type of bottom is called a "Bubble - Butt" (For example, a DVD I used to own: "Bubble - Butt MILFS Like it Big) I have much more refined tastes now, so personally, the "ROUND" type of butt no longer appeals to me. It kind of "sticks out like dog's balls" - if you know what I mean - and things that are BUMptious, unrefined and "in your face" (God Forbid ! God Forbid !) are basically kitsch and lack class.

I think the "INVERTED HEART" butt (which is the kind of ass that today's Bikini Models all have) is the form which appeals the most to any man who has at least passable good Taste, that is, any main who knows what objective aesthetic standards must be met to be correct in judging any woman to be beautiful or very beautiful . To put it briefy, the correct or objective standards that determine true facial and bodily beauty were set down by the ancient Greeks 1000's of years ago, and they still apply today.

Getting back to butts, the ancient Greeks who studied and "codified" the necessary criteria for physical (bodily/facial) beauty in women, identified the "INVERTED - HEART SHAPED" as the most beautiful kind of female butt. The best example of this is probably a marble statue that was sculpted in 300 BC in Athens called the "Aphrodite Kallipygos", which means "Venus of the beautiful butt" when it is translate If you google up an image of this sculpture, you will see that she does indeed have an "INVERTED - HEART" shaped ass.

Looks like I've raved on too long, so I'll stop. It's just that I'm fascinated by philosophical aesthetics. There are lots of political dimensions to beauty as well . For example have you ever noticed how American mainstream media companies like CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, etc; are bum-boys for the Democratic Party, but when it comes to who they hire as news anchors and journalists they only ever hire a small number of newsreaders from racial minorities, especially Blacks (like Don Lemon). The overwhelming majority of the talking heads on CNN are relatively young, White (Anglo-European) American women who are beautiful. They pretty much meet all of the classiccal Greek standards that you had to meet to be an official "hottie" , say, 3,000 years ago in Athens. I mean, there's a few minor issues, like some of these CNN girls are brunettes and the Greeks view was that ideally, girls who wanted to be regarded as beautiful should have fair-coloured hair. Anyway, the reason CNN hires all these "Hellenic" classical beauties is that as soon a male or a female see a genuinely beautiful object they IMMEDIATELY experience the feeling/emotion of LOVE. You instantly feel it - it doesn't involve any kind of thought process; it happens before you can think ! just like the way you feel coldness if someone presses an ice - block on your arm:(1) you feel the coldness immediately (2) while the ice-block is there you keep feeling coldness, there's no way you can stop it while its pressed against your skin I don't mean lust, or the desire for physical sex, that is, they don't immediately get horney and want to f**k the daylights out of beautiful object. By love, I must stress that I am referring to a social emotion, one that draws them towards the beautiful object (young women in this case), and makes feel they would like to be close to them and get to know them - offer them affection, attentiveness, tenderness, kindness and bestow comfort, good cheer and endearment for them -, in short, treat them really nicely. So ,in the context of physical beauty, that's what I mean by "LOVE". The upshot is that, if your are at home and you turn on one of the many mainstream Democrat, propaganda mouthpieces, like: CNN, CBS or MSNBC, and a hot-looking, beautiful, young woman appears, you are immediately drawn to her and feel that she is a wonderful person who you want to me with. So, you sit down and watch her as long as her show or segment lasts and you stay put in your chair listening to everything she says.This, of course, is exactly what CNN wants you to do - sit still and pay attention to the woke socialist bullshit they're pumping out of your television. So, the reason that they only throw in the odd Black newsreader is because Black African-American women aren't beautiful according to the modern Western conception of bodily beauty and its aesthetic criteria (that are operational right now in 2021), and still ,after 1,000's of years, essentially the same as the ancient Greek conception of beauty (amazing isn't it). They have throw in the odd darkie, Latino Chinese talking head (1) because in America there are 17 million Blacks a nd 60 million Latinos/Hispanic and quite a few million Asians (2) the Democrat Party are committed to a policies of racial/ethnic diversity, so even though these coloured races are not beautiful with respt to the Western aesthetic form female physical beauty, they have to put the odd one or two on the nightly news hour so they can say *Y'all can see we're committed to promoting diversity in America because we've got Don Lemon (a gay, darkie dim-wit) reading prime-time news for us ! (4) But I shouldn't use Don Lemon as an example because physical beauty in people is something that only WOMEN have. We don't say that MEN are beautiful, nor did the ancient Greeks; their term for physical beauty was kallon and they would not have used that term to describe a male that women found attractive. To continue. You'll notice how these media companies are careful not to hire too many African-American or Hispanics or Asians as news anchors or news reports or members of current affairs shows like "The Five". The reason is that -I'm afraid I'll have to be blunt here - they are NOT physically beautiful. Therefore people at home watching television will not be inclined to sit down and attentively watch them. This would leading to a drop in ratings and a drops in ratings means a loss of money and when diversity starts to cost CNN and MSNBC and Co. MONEY it starts to evaporate very quickly, AND THIS SERVES TO PROVIDE US WITH A NEAT EXAMPLE OF ONE OF THE DEMOCRAT PARTY'S HALLMARK CHARACTERISTICS...SHAMELESS HYPOCRISY


All women are obsessed with their physical (facial and bodily) beauty. So you might find these tips useful:

(1) Physical beauty is something that only YOUNG (adolescent to, say 35 y.o. max) WOMEN can have.

(2) Beauty in young women is an OBJECTIVE quality. That is, it is a REAL thing. It is not "IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER." If a guy has a girl friend who looks like Whoopi Goldberg and he genuinely thinks she's beautiful. It's not a case of, "Well he's justified in thinking that because , after all, "BEAUTY IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER." No, no, no. He is wrong. Whoopi Goldberg is a very ugly piece of work. FACT. She did not: "Come all the way from China in a silk-lined matchbox." Whoopi Goldberg never was, is not, and never will be beautiful.

(3) Long, fair-coloured hair is most beautiful. You can add tresses, plaits, if you want.

(4) The "INVERTED - HEART" is most beautiful. It tends to come with a sinuous , hour-glass waist contouring which is also beautiful.

(5) Very pallid white skin is most beautiful. The alabaster tone that beautiful English girls have is a good moder-day example.

(6) Breasts should be firm, smooth, ample, but not over-large, elegantly curvaceous.

(7) Eyes should be large, gentle and ideally fair-coloured, but darker shades can also be beautiful.

(8) Use black eye-liner to be beautiful and cosmetics like lipstick applied in modest amounts (never use excessive quantities of cosmetics - keep it understated and tasteful).

(9) No tattoos or piercings ANYWHERE ( or earlobe guaging. Euuw !!)

(10) FACE. 2,500 years ago in ancient Greece a mathematician and sculptor discovered that if you drew a straight line then divided that line into two segments in the ratio of 1:1.618 a pleasing effect was created. That is, if you have a straight length of string that is 2.168 feet long, if you draw a black spot 1 foot from one end of the string to mark off two sections, when you look at the two sections you sense a pleasing harmony of proportions. This ration of proportion was named phi after Phidias, and it is called "The Golden Ration." He used this ratio 1:1.618 to help make his sculptures beautiful.

When the features of a young woman's face: eyebrows, nose, lips, eyes, chin, jaw (and facial shape) conform to the Golden Ratio, phi, of 1:1.618 she will be beautiful. Or rather, the closer the proportioning of her facial features approaches phi, the more beautiful she will be. For example:

(i) The distance from the top of the nose to the centre of the lips should be 1.618 times the distance from the centre of the lips to the chin.

(ii) The hairline to the upper eyelid should be 1.618 times the length of the top of the upper eye brow to the lower eyelid.

(iii) The ideal ratio of upper to lower lip volume should be 1.618 (the lower lip should have slightly more volume).

And so on, and so on.

These days you can go to a cosmetic surgeon to get your face "GOLDEN RATIO-ED" if you need to, or if you just want to be more perfectly beautiful.

So, now that you know all about what true/real/objective female physical beauty is. You can sort yourself out, clean up your act, and help make America a more beautiful place !!


It should be embarrassing for a supposedly grown man to copy and paste his utterly Neanderthalic dating app profile onto JPP. Your education failed you. I'm a man. I have no doubt that you have never been loved in your entire life.
He's just a troll. I'm sure he's not even racist or homophobic, he's just trying to pick a fight with an SJW.

I might do that next weekend. :cool:

I've actually been familiar with this fetish before, it's called "Forced Bi." It's really hot.
But what you told me, about straight guys bullying gays, but then sucking them off, that one is new to me.

I will never understand internet trolls. I have met many (I'm sure we all have). Peace n Safety fits the mould, so I will probably conclude that you are right about him. Such an uninteresting, strange, rather pitiful way to spend one's days. I should look into the psychological side of trolling after the internet was invented and try to understand why people do it.

As to the other thing, I agree that Forced Bi is hot. I have played every role in that game with different combinations of players. I don't want to write four pages that will be tedious to read, but I have some well developed theories. I've done a lot of academic research about human sexuality, but I have also extensively explored nearly every facet of it personally. From conversations with plutonic friends to conversations with sexual partners to actual sexual experiences, I have filled hundreds of handwritten journal pages about sex, sexuality, sexual orientation, and gender. I live about halftime in Asia and Europe and the other half in the US. They don't have enough in common to be useful to this post, so I will restrict my comments to my American experience.

American male bravado is no secret to anyone. The US is the land of cowboys and cigarette smoking dudes who grunt to communicate and deny emotion. Remember when metrosexuality became a thing in the 1990s? Straight men wearing clothes that fit them and washing their bodies and teeth and fingernails before they walked outside? The horror! Hygiene and grooming were called the feminization of the American male. Now, granted a lot of women were conditioned over generations to be attracted to the stereotypical tough guy. I have been told more than once by a woman that she was attracted to me until she found out that I have had sexual relationships with men.

Now, back to the guys who bullied me and then secretly sucked my dick. There have been so many -- more than I care to admit to here. I became friends with a lot of these guys, so I'm not just making it up when I type the rest of this. It will come as no surprise that a lot of them called me a fag in order to impress their male friends who were around them. In fact, I can't ever remember a time when a guy, by himself, harassed me for my sexual orientation. It was almost always a display for other people. Secondly, a more masculine man insulting another man's masculinity can be seen as attractive by some women. Another display for other people.

I never backed down from the bullying. I always got right in their face and defended myself while trying to expand their mental limitations. Needless to say that that was a worthless exercise in high school and only a marginally successful exercise in college. I haven't experienced a lot of discrimination related to my sexual orientation since my early- to mid-twenties. I got into some physical fights for sure, especially if alcohol was involved. More often than not, though, the attacker would say something like, "Chill, bro. I was just fucking with you. I don't care who you fuck. You shouldn't care what I think about you." In that way, I would earn some sort of fucked up respect. Most of my bullies became my friends. Most of those bully-friends, unsurprisingly, eventually admitted that they made fun of me because they weren't straight themselves and that made them uncomfortable. How could I be so comfortable about not being straight while they couldn't even acknowledge it? Well, I'm not a therapist. If I was, I would be busy for 60 hours a week for decades counseling male closet cases. Instead, these guys ended up blowing me. There was often a broader sexual relationship. Sometimes it happened once. Sometimes it carries on for years, including to this day.

I wrote more than I promised I would write. Point being: In my extensive experience, most American men who discriminate against non-straight men are not straight themselves. If it wasn't a violation of privacy and decency (and probably the forum's rules), I could show you lots of case in point examples in my JPP PMs. I'm not trying to date or marry any closet case, but I will let them suck me off, especially after they puffed their chests and pretended to be more manly than me on a sidewalk or in a hallway. I wasn't joking when I said that if you asked any one of my friends, they would tell you I have a type: "straight" guys. It can be relatively counterproductive in the grand scheme of life, but it sure is fun as hell. Good luck next weekend. ;)
I am so not surprised that you're into that. :laugh:

What makes you think I'm LGBTQ!?

Because I have a pretty face!?

I'm Hetero.

I just like you.
I'd love to be with a smart, mild mannered female with a sense of humor like you.

Besides, me & Biden President aren't working out, I think it's her time of the month or something.