This is the worst fucking message-board on the planet

Originally Posted by Jerome
Or -- and stay with me here -- opposition to a president who cozies up with an enemy, opposition to a president who gasses and shoots peaceful protestors, and opposition to a president who actually exacerbates a pandemic that has killed 135,000 and counting, might be more of our "best retorts" that you just don't listen to.

This president is an utter and complete failure by literally every metric. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.

Yet you're the one so addicted to partisanship that you can't bring yourself to agree that he's failed in any way, shape or form.

What if 135,000 died of a pandemic on Obama's watch? What would you be saying? I'm sure it would have lots of racial slurs....

Which Holy book are you quoting.

Please cite the chapter and verse.

Is this anti-American an operative?:

NYS Gov Cuomo said during a news conference in Manhattan:
“Trump’s COVID scandal makes Nixon’s Watergate look innocent.
No one died in the Watergate scandal.
Thousands of people are going to die in this COVID scandal
and that is all the difference in the world.”

FYI, it's mass-insanity. Again.
Which Holy book are you quoting.

Please cite the chapter and verse.

Is this anti-American an operative?:

NYS Gov Cuomo said during a news conference in Manhattan:
“Trump’s COVID scandal makes Nixon’s Watergate look innocent.
No one died in the Watergate scandal.
Thousands of people are going to die in this COVID scandal
and that is all the difference in the world.”

FYI, it's mass-insanity. Again.

I have literally never seen so many pro-trump russia bots on one message board forum.


Does anyone actually moderate this piece of shit? It's just fucking extraordinary. Trump has microscopic approval, and yet it seems ALL of his supporters are here....

Trumpcucks are a small but very vocal minority. I wouldn't be surprised if they have multiple accounts here and post on multiple forums.
HA HA HA. such tripe. Stay with you here for what? partisan rants?
There is no Russian collusion/conspiracy -although I'm sure you eagerly swallowed that

"Cozying up" shows you have absolutely no idea of how diplomatic protocol works
I'm not about to waste my time explaining it to your fevered brain, but thats what heads of state do with each other.

To blame Trump is your mindsest of "Orangeman bad" for the pandemic when Trump banned Chinese flights that Biden called "racist"

etc etc.. you are either a completer fraud or a dumb ass consumer of fake news -I'm thinking some of both

I wont even get into "Russian bounties" - you cum gargled that one as well

"Don't believe anything you see or hear", say the Trumpsexuals. "Except Trump."

You're in a cult, dude. It's that simple.
I have literally never seen so many pro-trump russia bots on one message board forum.


Does anyone actually moderate this piece of shit? It's just fucking extraordinary. Trump has microscopic approval, and yet it seems ALL of his supporters are here....

Not really different than most boards that have minimal moderation IMHO. It attracts trolls, and Trump trolls are ignorant and loud. In my view, it's impossible to present a logical, fact based defense of Trump. He is so corrupt, so incompetent, and so devoid of ideas that there isn't any room for meaningful discussion. Policy differences are enjoyable to debate. Trump has no policy. I guess the closest thing is 'build the wall', but that's a grade school debate. No discussion of immigration reform, just build a wall and keep brown people out. End of discussion. I admit this is a bit of a guilty pleasure, but it helps me to understand the mindset. It's bizarre.
Not really different than most boards that have minimal moderation IMHO. It attracts trolls, and Trump trolls are ignorant and loud. In my view, it's impossible to present a logical, fact based defense of Trump. He is so corrupt, so incompetent, and so devoid of ideas that there isn't any room for meaningful discussion. Policy differences are enjoyable to debate. Trump has no policy. I guess the closest thing is 'build the wall', but that's a grade school debate. No discussion of immigration reform, just build a wall and keep brown people out. End of discussion. I admit this is a bit of a guilty pleasure, but it helps me to understand the mindset. It's bizarre.

I'm honestly trying to gauge how many of these cretins are serious. And is it any indicator of the population at large...?
I have literally never seen so many pro-trump russia bots on one message board forum.


Does anyone actually moderate this piece of shit? It's just fucking extraordinary. Trump has microscopic approval, and yet it seems ALL of his supporters are here....

Wow. You whine like a bitch.
I think some of the Trumptards are funny people!

Some of them are actually nice people!

You have to look at this stuff as entertainment and do not- I'll repeat- DO NOT take anything personal!

It's all in fun!
I'm honestly trying to gauge how many of these cretins are serious. And is it any indicator of the population at large...?

Just a guess, but think the number of hard core Trump supporters like the ones you see here is maybe 15-20%. Most people who approve of Trump are either evangelicals who don't know better but want to stack the court or people who are uninformed. This crowd is the ignorant and proud of it crowd. The ones who have a visceral anger at the fact they are losers in life, and think Trump is going to make them rich or something by making sure the brown people don't take their hard earned money. They don't know anything. Fortunately, we'll be rid of them soon enough. I long for the discussions I've had with real conservatives who have real ideas. The Trumptards have given me a whole new appreciation of those folks, even if I don't agree with them on many policy issues.

"Trump’s COVID scandal makes what Nixon did at Watergate look innocent.
Nobody died in the Watergate scandal. Thousands of people are going to die in this COVID scandal,
and that is all the difference in the world. You look at the facts, the facts clearly demonstrate Trump
was wrong from day one, and New Yorkers have been right from day one.
There’s no argument. There’s nothing to tweet about. The facts are in, the numbers are in.
Look at the number of bodies, look at the infection rate, New York’s numbers have declined
while the nation is going up. New York is down 70%, these other states up over 800%.
Florida up 1300%. Who’s right, who’s wrong? What’s there to argue about?
Those are the numbers. Tell me the numbers are wrong."

So New York was the source of the woes of the rest of the US?


New York was the source of the woes of the rest of the US.
"Trump’s COVID scandal makes what Nixon did at Watergate look innocent.
Nobody died in the Watergate scandal. Thousands of people are going to die in this COVID scandal,
and that is all the difference in the world. You look at the facts, the facts clearly demonstrate Trump
was wrong from day one, and New Yorkers have been right from day one.
There’s no argument. There’s nothing to tweet about. The facts are in, the numbers are in.
Look at the number of bodies, look at the infection rate, New York’s numbers have declined
while the nation is going up. New York is down 70%, these other states up over 800%.
Florida up 1300%. Who’s right, who’s wrong? What’s there to argue about?
Those are the numbers. Tell me the numbers are wrong."

So New York was the source of the woes of the rest of the US?


New York was the source of the woes of the rest of the US.

Oh, OK.
I have literally never seen so many pro-trump russia bots on one message board forum.


Does anyone actually moderate this piece of shit? It's just fucking extraordinary. Trump has microscopic approval, and yet it seems ALL of his supporters are here....

What's keeping you here you whiny dumb fuck? If you leave the forum, the IQ level would go up. No one would miss you. NO one would care. :palm:
No, it's not.

I post on some others and they're just as infected with the #TRE45ON cultists as this place is. JPP, however, has some excellent LW posters, and a few RW posters who are intelligent, civil, and interested in debate that doesn't include the usual screeching, poo-flinging, and chest-thumping you get from most of the other Reichwingers.