This is what you call Republican run healthcare

Port Tack

Verified User
The healthcare systems of 10 countries ranked: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

I call it Republican run healthcare because if it were not for them, we would have universal care and not be ranked last.

None of these countries are socialist yet ALL of them have some type of Universal care except the USA. Republicans like to say it would be too expensive yet none of these countries pay a fraction of what the United States does for their care.

The healthcare systems of 10 countries ranked: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

I call it Republican run healthcare because if it were not for them, we would have universal care and not be ranked last.

None of these countries are socialist yet ALL of them have some type of Universal care except the USA. Republicans like to say it would be too expensive yet none of these countries pay a fraction of what the United States does for their care.

Did you bother to read that tripe?

Look at what they scored the systems they reviewed on... Things like



"Access to Care."

Their scoring system is grossly in favor of socialized, government run, healthcare systems.

Here's just one alternative measure to what the Commonwealth Fund did. Wait times by nation. That is, the average time you wait for an appointment.

Did you bother to read that tripe?

Look at what they scored the systems they reviewed on... Things like



"Access to Care."

Their scoring system is grossly in favor of socialized, government run, healthcare systems.

Here's just one alternative measure to what the Commonwealth Fund did. Wait times by nation. That is, the average time you wait for an appointment.

Your fucking stupid post shows that you wait longer to see a doctor in the USA than ANY of the other countries.
All those countries are subsidized by the U.S.. taxpayer. If they had to provide their own military, they could not afford that lifestyle. Not to mention, countries like Germany that have extreme trade surpluses, which we don't.
Port Tack wants white lib slavery, nazi welfare State.

Where non workers threaten workers with violence, if the workers don't give them money.

Where the self disciplined healthy pay for the gluttons, the lazy, the drug users, trans surgery and fake tits for criminals and illegals.
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Your fucking stupid post shows that you wait longer to see a doctor in the USA than ANY of the other countries.
That's not the point. My point is showing that the Commonwealth Fund's study is flawed, badly flawed. It isn't about healthcare so much as rating universal, government run, healthcare systems while kicking the US to the curb for not having one.
This isn't the commonwealth I suppose all of the rankings are biased?

World Health Organization Assesses the World's Health Systems
The World Health Organization has carried out the first ever analysis of the world's health systems. Using five performance indicators to measure health systems in 191 member states. The U.S. health system spends a higher portion of its gross domestic product than any other country but ranks 37 out of 191 countries according to its performance
Port Tack wants white lib slavery, nazi welfare State.

Where non workers threaten workers with violence, if the workers don't give them money.

Where the self disciplined healthy pay for the gluttons, the lazy, the drug users, trans surgery and fake tits for criminals and illegals.
So, the other 9 countries are Nazi welfare states? What a fucking dumbshit.
That's not the point. My point is showing that the Commonwealth Fund's study is flawed, badly flawed. It isn't about healthcare so much as rating universal, government run, healthcare systems while kicking the US to the curb for not having one.
So when the facts say differently you just resort to the same thing you dumbfucks did with the 2020 election. Deny the truth, you can't seem to face it.
Here's just one alternative measure to what the Commonwealth Fund did. Wait times by nation. That is, the average time you wait for an appointment.

So it takes on average three weeks just to get an appointment to see a doctor. That is not including the millions who cannot see a doctor at all. In the other countries on your list, it always takes less than 2 weeks on average, and in one it takes two days.
Clinton reformed Welfare to limit continuous payments to 2 years, and lifetime payments to 5 years. No one is living a lifetime on Welfare.
45% of families are exempt from the federal limit.

The 60-month time limit on federal assistance applies nationwide, but not all families on welfare are subject to the limit. The survey of states found that about 55 percent of all families currently on welfare are subject to the federal 60-month time limit.Dec 31, 2001

Welfare Time Limits: State Policies, Implementation ... - ASPE​

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