This is what you call Republican run healthcare

Minimum wage is just a form of Socialism in that the government is practicing wage controls on the market. Collective bargaining often becomes political pandering. That's why the Beck case is so important.

What does a worker do when their union is handing over globs of cash to politicians they personally despise and hate and union membership is forced (aka "Closed shop.")?

Then quit bitching. Middle class wages grew because of unions. You hate them. Lack of minimum wage allows employers like Walmart to pay low wages so that their employees can utilize government programs. These are problems you have no interest in fixing. So stop whining about the outcome.
I call it Republican run healthcare because if it were not for them, we would have universal care and not be ranked last.
FDR was the cause of our current health insurance system using wage and price controls (like Harris wants to do) during WW 2.

As for a universal, government run, system we could end up like say, England where the system is so ponderous, expensive, and economically consuming that it is driving the nation into bankruptcy. Or, like Mexico or Canada, where competing private systems cater to the rich and they get great healthcare while everybody else has to spend days trying to be seen at an understaffed, underfunded, and badly managed clinic of some sort.
FDR was the cause of our current health insurance system using wage and price controls (like Harris wants to do) during WW 2.

As for a universal, government run, system we could end up like say, England where the system is so ponderous, expensive, and economically consuming that it is driving the nation into bankruptcy. Or, like Mexico or Canada, where competing private systems cater to the rich and they get great healthcare while everybody else has to spend days trying to be seen at an understaffed, underfunded, and badly managed clinic of some sort.

Single payer is not government run healthcare. There are no wages controls on doctors.
Then quit bitching. Middle class wages grew because of unions. You hate them. Lack of minimum wage allows employers like Walmart to pay low wages so that their employees can utilize government programs. These are problems you have no interest in fixing. So stop whining about the outcome.
No, middle class wages grew because that's what the market would bear. Union wages have usually hovered around 6 to 10% greater than non-union

Unions tend to be with larger corporations who have better pay and benefits regardless. In most cases, where you compare comparable union and non-union jobs, the union worker's slightly higher pay is mostly gobbled up in dues.

There may have been a time, decades upon decades ago where unions made good sense, but today for the most part, they aren't worth bothering with.

Walmart and other retailers pay what they do because that's the market price for low skill workers. Stockers, cashiers, and such don't draw a high wage because their work isn't so skilled or valuable as to deserve it. Forcing employers to pay workers more than they're worth accomplishes nothing.
If not the government, then who runs that monopoly?

Single payer? The same people who run it now. Government is the payer. Private Doctors are the providers. Private health insurance provides supplemental or alternate coverage. It is the Medicare model. Are you against Medicare?
Single payer? The same people who run it now. Government is the payer. Private Doctors are the providers. Private health insurance provides supplemental or alternate coverage. It is the Medicare model. Are you against Medicare?
its great as long as you have an advantage plan instead of the government run system........
Someone I know installs the card readers for businesses. They say there's plenty of little shops--particularly on the East Coast--that specialize that sort of thing. The sell somebody $5 worth of "groceries" like a bag of potato chips or something for $20 and hand the person $5 to $10 in change cash. They make $5 to $10 on the transaction and the amount is too small per transaction to get anyone's attention.

There's a SNAP to cash app fraud scheme that's hot right now too. Look that one up.

The program is rife with fraud.
They send in people to test the stores on a regular basis. They have detailed records of what was supposedly sold, and can simply watch to see if that is what the recipient left with. The fraud on SNAP is actually very low.

The one exception is not on the East Coast. There are religious communities in the Southwest that run stores, and also have only their members as customers. They claim to be single, underage mothers, when applying for SNAP, but their religion considers them polygamous wives.
its great as long as you have an advantage plan instead of the government run system........

Who exactly do you think pays the advantage plans, dipshit? The government. Medicare Advantage programs were CREATED BY THE GOVERNMENT. Why don't you learn something for a change?
We have better healthcare in Medicare and ex-soldiers get better care at the VA than the average American gets. Both those systems could be folded into universal healthcare. It is not just health treatment that is damaged by our system, but it impacts businesses and employers. Our companies compete internationally with companies that do not have to provide healthcare and systems that handle it, It is a huge expense.
Suppose you want to start a business. you have to deal with healthcare. If an employee wants to change jobs, he usually has a health coverage gap to deal with. If he or his family gets injured or ill during the gap, you can have lifetime costs to deal with.
Our system exists because very rich and powerful people are making huge amounts of money from it. They will not cede to a fairer and better system.
the last time we discussed this issue it was discovered that the difference was that while the US counts miscarriages as a death, while the EU and Commonwealth nations do not.......I wonder if that has changed.......
Wrong Again, the number one cause of death for young people is the overdose of fentanyl
that was imported into the U.S. by Biden and Harris's open borders.

The leading cause of death among children and teens is gunshots. Automobile accidents are second. Drugs are not even close.
Single payer? The same people who run it now. Government is the payer. Private Doctors are the providers. Private health insurance provides supplemental or alternate coverage. It is the Medicare model. Are you against Medicare?
So, it is government run health insurance, like FEMA and flood insurance. Yes, I am against Medicare. It was a terrible idea forced on us by LBJ and his disastrous "Great Society" program. He originally told the public it wouldn't cost more than $1 billion after 10 years... What a whopper of a lie that was!

The whole reason the healthcare industry is so expensive and fucked up in terms of payers is because OF GOVERNMENT! More government won't solve the problem!
Wrong Again, the number one cause of death for young people is the overdose of fentanyl
that was imported into the U.S. by Biden and Harris's open borders.
No open borders. Fentanyl is tiny, so very easy to get over our secure borders. It is impossible to secure them enough to keep fentanyl out.

That is why trump could not keep it out. We could close the borders nearly completely, and while our economy was collapsing, there would still be fentanyl.

And if we ever were able to stop fentanyl, which is about 100 times more dense than heroin, then red neck drug gangs would start importing carfentanil. Carfentanil is about 100 times more dense than fentanyl, and 10,000 times more dense than heroin.

These are complex problems. The type of problems that trump has no hope of understanding, much less making a significant difference in.
Who exactly do you think pays the advantage plans, dipshit? The government. Medicare Advantage programs were CREATED BY THE GOVERNMENT. Why don't you learn something for a change?
????.....I pay for my advantage plan......I also pay for my Medicare.......governments have nothing.......they take money from taxpayers and spend it.......
So, it is government run health insurance, like FEMA and flood insurance. Yes, I am against Medicare. It was a terrible idea forced on us by LBJ and his disastrous "Great Society" program. He originally told the public it wouldn't cost more than $1 billion after 10 years... What a whopper of a lie that was!

The whole reason the healthcare industry is so expensive and fucked up in terms of payers is because OF GOVERNMENT! More government won't solve the problem!

Ask the people who have it. You think private insurance for seniors would be better? Good grief.