This is what you call Republican run healthcare

Stay in your lane bro. Which I think involves what you heard over Brandies yesterday at the club. I know Medicare Advantage backwards, forwards, up and down. This is the point I tried to make with you yesterday, you fucking pompous ass. Just because you know one thing, it does not mean you know another. I would not be stupid enough to debate you about engineering. But you are stupid enough to attempt to debate me about Economics, and PMP is stupid enough to debate me about Medicare Advantage. This is the reason you ARE a pompous ass. Like your cult leader, you think you know more about every single topic than the experts know. It makes you like a clown.
Stop pretending, Sybil. You are no expert.
oh no fascist.
Redefinition fallacy (capitalism<->fascism).
you're not getting away with this.
Getting away with what?
the big food, big pharma, big medicine, big charity cartel makes sure we eat poison.
So a couple of twins celebrated their 102nd birthday. People live to be 90 regularly.

Big Food??? What is that?? Buzzword fallacy.
Big Medicine??? What is that?? Buzzword fallacy.
Big Charity Cartel?????? Buzzword fallacy.

What poison???

I think you're paranoid.
Redefinition fallacy (capitalism<->fascism).

Getting away with what?

So a couple of twins celebrated their 102nd birthday. People live to be 90 regularly.

Big Food??? What is that?? Buzzword fallacy.
Big Medicine??? What is that?? Buzzword fallacy.
Big Charity Cartel?????? Buzzword fallacy.

What poison???

I think you're paranoid.
that's what fascist eugenicist apologists always say.
If you are a millionare that may be true but for 99+% of America it sucks and is way more expensive.
Argument from randU fallacy. Making up numbers won't work, ya dumb Mutt.
I could post a dozen sites and facts proving it but why bother to a fucking dumbshit that just denies everything he doesn'e like?
Making up numbers and using them as 'data' is a fallacy, ya dumb Mutt.
Like Biden isn't president and we had no election in 2020, fuck you dumbshit.
Biden is not President. He was never elected.