This is what you call Republican run healthcare

Incorrect. The large majority of the revenue comes from per member per month payments from the Medicare trust fund.
There is no trust fund.
Less than 10% come from member premiums. Those payments are based on data collected by the plans and reported to CMS. That’s the reason they make sure there are so many touch points. Funded by the government.
Which means stealing it from the people.
Incorrect. The large majority of the revenue comes from per member per month payments from the Medicare trust fund. Less than 10% come from member premiums. Those payments are based on data collected by the plans and reported to CMS. That’s the reason they make sure there are so many touch points. Funded by the government.
for the last time, fuckwit......the government owns no funds nothing, earns nothing, spends is tax money, paid by people who actually pay taxes.....certainly not by people who cash EIC checks.......

The large majority of the revenue comes from per member per month payments from the Medicare trust fund
why do you pretend these are not premiums?.....
for the last time, fuckwit......the government owns no funds nothing, earns nothing, spends is tax money, paid by people who actually pay taxes.....certainly not by people who cash EIC checks.......

why do you pretend these are not premiums?.....

Because they aren't, dumb fuck. They have nothing to do with what you pay as a premium. They are paid directly from the Medicare trust fund. And they represent more than 90% of what those Advantage plans receive. You don't know a fucking a thing. I do.
Because they aren't, dumb fuck. They have nothing to do with what you pay as a premium. They are paid directly from the Medicare trust fund. And they represent more than 90% of what those Advantage plans receive. You don't know a fucking a thing. I do.
you probably know lots of fucking things.......none of them are I said, we all pay two premiums in advantage plans.....the per member per month premium which is deducted from my SS payment that you pretend the government pays (they do, just like the bank pays for my groceries) and the advantage plan premium (in my case $10 per month) that is automatically deducted from my bank account......what you know is some other "fucking thing" besides fact.....
you probably know lots of fucking things.......none of them are I said, we all pay two premiums in advantage plans.....the per member per month premium which is deducted from my SS payment that you pretend the government pays (they do, just like the bank pays for my groceries) and the advantage plan premium (in my case $10 per month) that is automatically deducted from my bank account......what you know is some other "fucking thing" besides fact.....

Yes. Because those premiums represent a very small portion of the income for a Medicare Advantage plan. Less than 10%. Sorry dumbfuck, but this is my area of expertise. Did Medicare Risk Adjustment work with a number of plans, including UHC and BC/BS of Florida. I spoke at multiple conferences on this topic. So I know everything about how Advantage plans are funded, and you know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about it.

Educate yourself. You are welcome.
you probably know lots of fucking things.......none of them are I said, we all pay two premiums in advantage plans.....the per member per month premium which is deducted from my SS payment that you pretend the government pays (they do, just like the bank pays for my groceries) and the advantage plan premium (in my case $10 per month) that is automatically deducted from my bank account......what you know is some other "fucking thing" besides fact.....
Concarty tries but comes up short.

He is an excellent Uber Eats driver.
Concarty tries but comes up short.

He is an excellent Uber Eats driver.

Stay in your lane bro. Which I think involves what you heard over Brandies yesterday at the club. I know Medicare Advantage backwards, forwards, up and down. This is the point I tried to make with you yesterday, you fucking pompous ass. Just because you know one thing, it does not mean you know another. I would not be stupid enough to debate you about engineering. But you are stupid enough to attempt to debate me about Economics, and PMP is stupid enough to debate me about Medicare Advantage. This is the reason you ARE a pompous ass. Like your cult leader, you think you know more about every single topic than the experts know. It makes you like a clown.
Yes. Because those premiums represent a very small portion of the income for a Medicare Advantage plan. Less than 10%. Sorry dumbfuck, but this is my area of expertise. Did Medicare Risk Adjustment work with a number of plans, including UHC and BC/BS of Florida. I spoke at multiple conferences on this topic. So I know everything about how Advantage plans are funded, and you know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about it.
obviously then your "expertise" has gained this world nothing......premiums are the only receipts any Medicare advantage plan receives.....
obviously then your "expertise" has gained this world nothing......premiums are the only receipts any Medicare advantage plan receives.....

Can you fucking read, dude? OMFG, I provided you two links explaining capitation payments. And you still deny an objectively true statement. You could not possibly be more wrong or more obtuse. Just admit you didn't know and move the fuck on. My God, you are weakling.

"Some funding for Advantage plans comes from the monthly premiums of enrolled individuals. However, most of the funding comes from Medicare."

Which word are you having trouble with, you fucking goddamn moron?
Can you fucking read, dude? OMFG, I provided you two links explaining capitation payments. And you still deny an objectively true statement. You could not possibly be more wrong or more obtuse. Just admit you didn't know and move the fuck on. My God, you are weakling.
yes.....and there was nothing in your link to back up your idiotic lies about my Medicare premiums being deducted from my SS payments......every person here who receives Medicare benefits knows that I have posted the truth and you have not......
yes.....and there was nothing in your link to back up your idiotic lies about my Medicare premiums being deducted from my SS payments......every person here who receives Medicare benefits knows that I have posted the truth and you have not......

I don't care where the fuck your premiums are deducted from. MIne are deducted from SS. That's common. It is completely beside the point. You claimed that premiums were the only source of revenue for Medicare Advantage programs. It is not. You are an ignorant buffoon.
They also pay far more for their healthcare per person than the US does. It often sucks, too, particularly in Canada and the UK.
That's why they come to the US to get healthcare.
If you are a millionare that may be true but for 99+% of America it sucks and is way more expensive.

I could post a dozen sites and facts proving it but why bother to a fucking dumbshit that just denies everything he doesn'e like?
Like Biden isn't president and we had no election in 2020, fuck you dumbshit.
If you are a millionare that may be true but for 99+% of America it sucks and is way more expensive.

I could post a dozen sites and facts proving it but why bother to a fucking dumbshit that just denies everything he doesn'e like?
Like Biden isn't president and we had no election in 2020, fuck you dumbshit.

I just post the braying donkey from family guy that claims Kevin Bacon wasn't in footloose. I think it's starting to irritate the crap out it. Mission accomplished.
Yup, and go to the republican states like Kentucky over half the population is on it.
The two largest states for welfare recipients are California and New York. If you look at the nation overall, it is un-Democratic states (aka blue states) that get the overwhelming share of various welfare benefits:

you probably know lots of fucking things.......none of them are I said, we all pay two premiums in advantage plans.....the per member per month premium which is deducted from my SS payment that you pretend the government pays (they do, just like the bank pays for my groceries) and the advantage plan premium (in my case $10 per month) that is automatically deducted from my bank account......what you know is some other "fucking thing" besides fact.....
Don't forget the other sources funding Medicare, such as various taxes, borrowing, and the printing of money.
Your premiums don't cover that much waste!