This is what you call Republican run healthcare

So you concede that a single payer system ADMINISTERED by private insurance under rules set by the government, and FUNDED by the Federal Givernment, with the exception of your premium, is an efficient way of delivering healthcare and yet you oppose having it for everybody. Why?
Communism doesn't work, Commie.
Side note: Everyone knows that ALL government revenue comes from taxpayers.
WRONG. The federal government prints their own money. That is the bulk of their revenue. Another large chunk comes from borrowing. The taxes are the smallest of the three sources.
Your argument that ‘you’ pay entirely for the payments the government makes to Medicare Advantage is disingenuous and intellectually dishonest.
Whether the government prints, borrows, or taxes the money, people wind up suffering in the end.
Everyone has accepted that there is such a thing as government spending.
There certainly is. I suggest you contact the OMB and Congress.
It is discussed and debated regularly in this forum and in the media.
Changes nothing.
And yet in order to dodge that reality
Buzzword fallacy.
you called me stupid for stating that there was such a thing as governmental spending.
There is, but that money just doesn't come from a void.
Only one stupid person in that conversation and it ain’t me.
It is, Commie. It is.
Communism doesn't work, Commie.

WRONG. The federal government prints their own money. That is the bulk of their revenue. Another large chunk comes from borrowing. The taxes are the smallest of the three sources.

Whether the government prints, borrows, or taxes the money, people wind up suffering in the end.

There certainly is. I suggest you contact the OMB and Congress.

Changes nothing.

Buzzword fallacy.

There is, but that money just doesn't come from a void.

It is, Commie. It is.

We have so-called socialized in the VA and Medicare. The ex-soldiers I know love the treatment they get at the VA. Medicare is appreciated by the elderly too.
For-profit results in shorter times with doctors. Time =money. It also results in unneeded treatments and tests. They are profit items. They also want to ignore the poor people who do not increase their wealth enough. Some reject your insurance because it does not give them the payments the doctors want.
Our system is a mess.
We have so-called socialized in the VA and Medicare.
Yup, and they both suck.
The ex-soldiers I know love the treatment they get at the VA.
You hate the military, Sybil.
Medicare is appreciated by the elderly too.
How? Medicare doesn't cover much. Elderly get their own insurance to cover what Medicare doesn't.
For-profit results in shorter times with doctors.
That is correct.
Time =money.
Cliche. Non-sequitur fallacy.
It also results in unneeded treatments and tests.
Nope. Democrats do that by suing them all the time.
They are profit items.
They are not.
They also want to ignore the poor people
They are not ignored.
who do not increase their wealth enough.
The 'poor' have cars, TVs, computers, etc.
Some reject your insurance because it does not give them the payments the doctors want.
Never had any such problem. You are hallucinating again, Sybil.
Our system is a mess.
Caused by DEMOCRATS. It is DEMOCRATS that passed Obamacare, and the resulting mess.
It is DEMOCRATS that created Medicare, and the resulting mess.
It is DEMOCRATS that created Medicaid, and the resulting mess.
It is DEMOCRATS that created the resulting mess.
Yup, and they both suck.

You hate the military, Sybil.

How? Medicare doesn't cover much. Elderly get their own insurance to cover what Medicare doesn't.

That is correct.

Cliche. Non-sequitur fallacy.

Nope. Democrats do that by suing them all the time.

They are not.

They are not ignored.

The 'poor' have cars, TVs, computers, etc.

Never had any such problem. You are hallucinating again, Sybil.

Caused by DEMOCRATS. It is DEMOCRATS that passed Obamacare, and the resulting mess.
It is DEMOCRATS that created Medicare, and the resulting mess.
It is DEMOCRATS that created Medicaid, and the resulting mess.
It is DEMOCRATS that created the resulting mess.

Medicare doesn't cover much? ROTFLMFAO!!!! I have free prescription drug coverage with zero deductible. Free physicals. Free screenings. I even have a $150 OTC benefit at CVS, and I receive payments for completing virtual visits, for getting vaccinations, and for seeing my primary. My monthly premium is under 200 bucks. I do have to pay the Medicare kicker, but that does not impact anyone who makes less than 250K. No biggie.

You literally are THE most know nothing poster on these forums. I'm not sure you have a lot of competition. Maybe PMP. He is right up there with you.
Medicare doesn't cover much? ROTFLMFAO!!!! I have free prescription drug coverage with zero deductible. Free physicals. Free screenings. I even have a $150 OTC benefit at CVS, and I receive payments for completing virtual visits, for getting vaccinations, and for seeing my primary. My monthly premium is under 200 bucks. I do have to pay the Medicare kicker, but that does not impact anyone who makes less than 250K. No biggie.

You literally are THE most know nothing poster on these forums. I'm not sure you have a lot of competition. Maybe PMP. He is right up there with you.
You also get a yearly physical at no cost. Everyone should get one.
Medicare doesn't cover much?
That's right.
You can't laugh your way out of it.
I have free prescription drug coverage with zero deductible.
They aren't free.
Free physicals.
They aren't free.
Free screenings.
They aren't free.
I even have a $150 OTC benefit at CVS,
Which isn't free either.
and I receive payments for completing virtual visits,
Not health care.
for getting vaccinations,
They aren't free either, despite your need to keep vaccinating yourself like a loon.
and for seeing my primary.
Not free either.
My monthly premium is under 200 bucks.
That's a payment, Sybil.
I do have to pay the Medicare kicker, but that does not impact anyone who makes less than 250K. No biggie.
Everyone pays for the Medicare program, Sybil. It isn't free.

You literally are THE most know nothing poster on these forums. I'm not sure you have a lot of competition. Maybe PMP. He is right up there with you.
Mantra 1a. Lame. Medicare is provided by BC/BS......not the government......despite what Constant Complainer thinks.........

Nope. It is financed by the Federal Government, not BC/BS. They are the administrator, not the payer. The distinction is material. You should have quit while you were only three touchdowns behind. I'm more than willing to pile on. Do you know how Medicare Advantage plans receive the vast majority of their revenue? Any guesses? Should I explain it?
Canada has death panels. So does the UK.
my premiums.......there are is deducted from my monthly SS payment, the other comes out of my bank account automatically......

Incorrect. The large majority of the revenue comes from per member per month payments from the Medicare trust fund. Less than 10% come from member premiums. Those payments are based on data collected by the plans and reported to CMS. That’s the reason they make sure there are so many touch points. Funded by the government.