This is what you call Republican run healthcare

The truth is, Richard Nixon was the first major politician to propose a National Healthcare system.

Hillary re-proposed it again during the Clinton Administration, and her plan was based on Richard Nixon's original proposal.

The healthcare systems of 10 countries ranked: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

I call it Republican run healthcare because if it were not for them, we would have universal care and not be ranked last.

None of these countries are socialist yet ALL of them have some type of Universal care except the USA. Republicans like to say it would be too expensive yet none of these countries pay a fraction of what the United States does for their care.

Canadians frequently come to the US for healthcare because the Canadian healthcare system is generally free but inferior.
The truth is, Richard Nixon was the first major politician to propose a National Healthcare system.

Hillary re-proposed it again during the Clinton Administration, and her plan was based on Richard Nixon's original proposal.

Are you aware that if you were Bill Gates and needed a liver transplant and were willing to pay the money that you earned to have the best liver transplant surgeon in the US preform the surgery that under Hillary's plan it would be a felony for you to do it and for the Doctor to do it?
Are you aware that if you were Bill Gates and needed a liver transplant and were willing to pay the money that you earned to have the best liver transplant surgeon in the US preform the surgery that under Hillary's plan it would be a felony for you to do it and for the Doctor to do it?
No! Never heard of such BULLSHIT!
Are you aware that if you were Bill Gates and needed a liver transplant and were willing to pay the money that you earned to have the best liver transplant surgeon in the US preform the surgery that under Hillary's plan it would be a felony for you to do it and for the Doctor to do it?

Bullshut. Doctor my fucking ass. You literally know nothing.
What a truly horrible, sad statistic. We can do better.

Vote blue.
The stop listening to propaganda. I read her proposal. But yes I believe it was a bullshit proposal.

More bullshit. You did not read a 1,542 page bill. That’s horseshit. You were fed some bs by a rightwing website. It’s like death panels.You probably believed that too.
What has that got to do with anything you fucking twit? Medicare Advantage is a single payer system. Just admit you didn’t know that and move on. Wtf is wrong with you?
it proves how stupid you are when you say the government pays for my health does more so than the bank pays for my groceries.....I pay for my health care and I pay for my groceries.......

it proves how stupid you are when you say the government pays for my health does more so than the bank pays for my groceries.....I pay for my health care and I pay for my groceries.......

Got it. There is no such thing as government spending. How fucking stupid can you get? Don't answer, it's rhetorical. The government uses funds from the United States Treasury to pay Medicare Advantage for your care.

Better? You just can't ever admit your mistake. And this one was a doozy.
Got it. There is no such thing as government spending. How fucking stupid can you get? Don't answer, it's rhetorical. The government uses funds from the United States Treasury to pay Medicare Advantage for your care.

Better? You just can't ever admit your mistake. And this one was a doozy.
you are a dense bitch.....I bet you think my bank pays my taxes for me........
The healthcare systems of 10 countries ranked: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

I call it Republican run healthcare because if it were not for them, we would have universal care and not be ranked last.

None of these countries are socialist yet ALL of them have some type of Universal care except the USA. Republicans like to say it would be too expensive yet none of these countries pay a fraction of what the United States does for their care.

You don't get to rank healthcare systems for everyone, ya dumb Mutt.

ALL of these nations pay far more for healthcare than the US does.
Your fucking stupid post shows that you wait longer to see a doctor in the USA than ANY of the other countries.
You didn't even look at the graph, ya dumb Mutt.

I went to the clinic just a couple of weeks ago. No wait time. I walked in, filled out the form, and went right in to get treated. No muss no fuss. I paid them and walked out. Done.
All those countries are subsidized by the U.S.. taxpayer. If they had to provide their own military, they could not afford that lifestyle. Not to mention, countries like Germany that have extreme trade surpluses, which we don't.
They also pay far more for their healthcare per person than the US does. It often sucks, too, particularly in Canada and the UK.
That's why they come to the US to get healthcare.