This is what you call Republican run healthcare

????.....I pay for my advantage plan......I also pay for my Medicare.......governments have nothing.......they take money from taxpayers and spend it.......

You pay only for the extras and you do NIOT pay additional for regular Medicare. . Your Medicare premium is paid directly to the Advantage plan. So you are lying. For every member in a Medicare Advantage plan the plan receives a payment every single month based on the members health history. That payment comes from the government and it constitutes the vast majority of the income received by the plan. My advantage plan pushes screening for obvious reasons. This should be the model. But you oppose it for everyone else.
You pay only for the extras and you do NIOT pay additional for regular Medicare. . Your Medicare premium is paid directly to the Advantage plan. So you are lying. For every member in a Medicare Advantage plan the plan receives a payment every single month based on a patients health. That payment comes from the government and it constitutes the vast majority of the income received by the plan. My advantage plan pushes screening for obvious reasons. This should be the model. But you oppose it for everyone else.
I'm sorry you are an Medicare premium is deducted from my SS payment......MY social security.......not the government's social security......unless everyone has social security to deduct the premium from how do you pay for "everyone's" Medicare?......also, my advantage plan costs less than $10 a month.....for that I get my prescription drug coverage, my Silver Sneaker's membership and $125 a quarter for OTC items.......BC/BS covers the cost of those items by being more efficient than the federal government in administering Medicare coverage......
I'm sorry you are an Medicare premium is deducted from my SS payment......MY social security.......not the government's social security......unless everyone has social security to deduct the premium from how do you pay for "everyone's" Medicare?......also, my advantage plan costs less than $10 a month.....for that I get my prescription drug coverage, my Silver Sneaker's membership and $125 a quarter for OTC items.......BC/BS covers the cost of those items by being more efficient than the federal government in administering Medicare coverage......

That premium is paid TO THE ADVANTAGE PLAN you fucking moron. So… why do you suppose BCBS offers you OTC benefits and a silver sneakers program. Out of the goodness of their heart?? Why do you suppose they push you to get screenings. He’ll mine literally sent me a cologuard kit unsolicited. Why do they make sure they review your conditions and prescriptions every year?

Yes they are better at administration. But they are NOT THE PAYER. The government is. Goddamn son you are stupid. Medicare Advantage is a single payer healthcare system. You know, the kind you vehemently oppose as socialized medicine.

How do you pay for it? Payroll deductions you ignorant twit.
this is why we need to do trumps plan of dumping NATO.
Right about that in dumping NATO, and we should also be dumping our membership in The United
this is why we need to do trumps plan of dumping NATO.
Totally agree to dump NATO, and we should also get the hell out of membership in The United Nations, for
that outfit is loaded with a cesspool of third world tin-pot dictators and anti Semites. That jerk-off John Kerry
once said the U.S. should have The United Nations handle, or be in charge of our Military. I'm not kidding.
Right about that in dumping NATO, and we should also be dumping our membership in The United

Totally agree to dump NATO, and we should also get the hell out of membership in The United Nations, for
that outfit is loaded with a cesspool of third world tin-pot dictators and anti Semites. That jerk-off John Kerry
once said the U.S. should have The United Nations handle, or be in charge of our Military. I'm not kidding.

So let Europe fall to the Russians. Great plan bro. No John Kerry never said that. What a fucking idiot.
Every rating of healthcare for countries whether it be Guttmacher, Kaiser Ppermanente, commonwealth it doesn't matter, they all put the USA way down the list. Our healthcare system is totally fucked up, half the cost of healthcare in this country goes into the pockets of insurance companies.
How we pay for it may be but the actual care given is some of the best in the world. All those studies conflate the two. I also know that letting the government be the one running payment will only drive the quality of care down and the costs up, even if they are spread where you personally aren't paying massive amounts for it.
neocons love quagmires.

so you're for the war, but don't want to win.

sounds like a neocon retardation specialist.

WTF, are you really this stupid? Winning means Russia withdraws from Ukraine. That is not 'conquering Russia' you goddamn fucking moron. Jesus Christ, can you learn just one goddamn thing?
WTF, are you really this stupid? Winning means Russia withdraws from Ukraine. That is not 'conquering Russia' you goddamn fucking moron. Jesus Christ, can you learn just one goddamn thing?
they're not going to.

NATO/ CIA started this.

you people are bad leaders and threaten world stability with your idiotic bullshit.

Trump 2024.
they're not going to.

NATO/ CIA started this.

you people are bad leaders and threaten world stability with your idiotic bullshit.

Trump 2024.

Just because you have an active imagination it does not make your imagination true. You claimed I had a dream of 'conquering Russia'. That is utter, complete, total horseshit. You are a liar. Compulsive apparently.
That premium is paid TO THE ADVANTAGE PLAN you fucking moron.
the SS portion of the premium is transferred to the advantage plan, you simple minded twit.......MY social security pays that premium......the federal government pays nothing......then the additional $10 advantage plan premium is automatically paid by my bank, out of MY account as I have instructed......
For-profit healthcare has the same problems that corporations do. They are maxing profits for investors. They also pay incredible sums to those running the hospitals. That is done by charging as much as possible while cutting service as much as they can. They also keep pay as low as they can. They are also merging into one huge hospital company that will control healthcare.
That is why the health of Americans is at the bottom of industrial nations.
They spend zillions in lobbying too.
the SS portion of the premium is transferred to the advantage plan, you simple minded twit.......MY social security pays that premium......the federal government pays nothing......then the additional $10 advantage plan premium is automatically paid by my bank, out of MY account as I have instructed......
the SS portion of the premium is transferred to the advantage plan, you simple minded twit.......MY social security pays that premium......the federal government pays nothing......then the additional $10 advantage plan premium is automatically paid by my bank, out of MY account as I have instructed......

The Federal government pays a per member per month payment to the advantage plan based on the members health history. It makes up the vast majority of the plans income. THE GOVERNMENT IS THE PAYER. Fuck you are stupid. It’s sublime.