This is what you call Republican run healthcare

I guess that's why a couple of twins in the US just celebrated their 102nd birthday. Void reference fallacy. Argument from randU fallacy.
So it takes on average three weeks just to get an appointment to see a doctor. That is not including the millions who cannot see a doctor at all. In the other countries on your list, it always takes less than 2 weeks on average, and in one it takes two days.
Inversion fallacy.
The truth is, Richard Nixon was the first major politician to propose a National Healthcare system.

Hillary re-proposed it again during the Clinton Administration, and her plan was based on Richard Nixon's original proposal.

Communism doesn't work, Lizard. BC/BS Medicare advantage a GOVERNMENT run or privately run program? I pay for it or does the government pay for it....

So you concede that a single payer system ADMINISTERED by private insurance under rules set by the government, and FUNDED by the Federal Givernment, with the exception of your premium, is an efficient way of delivering healthcare and yet you oppose having it for everybody. Why?

Side note: Everyone knows that ALL government revenue comes from taxpayers. Your argument that ‘you’ pay entirely for the payments the government makes to Medicare Advantage is disingenuous and intellectually dishonest. Everyone has accepted that there is such a thing as government spending. It is discussed and debated regularly in this forum and in the media. And yet in order to dodge that reality you called me stupid for stating that there was such a thing as governmental spending. Only one stupid person in that conversation and it ain’t me.
why do you ignore the facts, FuckUp?

only people who GET checks from the IRS instead of paying taxes think the government has money that isn't ours.......time for you FuckUps to pay your fair share........

The fact is that the Federal Government funds Medicare Advantage programs. As opposed to private health insurance that is entirely funded by premiums. So you clearly don't understand how Medicare Advantage works. Which is why you put your foot firmly in your mouth.

I pay more in taxes than you make in a year, son. YOU are the welfare queen. Not me.