This is what you call Republican run healthcare

The leading cause of death among children and teens is gunshots. Automobile accidents are second. Drugs are not even close.
Actually drugs are close. Guns just edge them out if you discount suicide by firearm (assumes these would still happen by other means). So, it's vehicles, then suicide, then guns, drugs, and malignant neoplasm (whatever that is), with the last three almost identical in number.

The government statistics conflate suicides with means of affecting one. It should be a separate category.
Ask the people who have it. You think private insurance for seniors would be better? Good grief.
I think a mostly market driven healthcare system would be better for everybody. The reason it's so fucked up is government drove big business into using health insurance as wages-in-kind in WW 2 and the system stayed afterwards. FDR fucked US healthcare up totally.
I think a mostly market driven healthcare system would be better for everybody. The reason it's so fucked up is government drove big business into using health insurance as wages-in-kind in WW 2 and the system stayed afterwards. FDR fucked US healthcare up totally.

Healthcare cannot be market driven. Preventative care is vastly more efficient, but people simply will not seek that care if they can't afford to eat. Doctors on the other hand love to treat easily preventable chronic conditions. Way more money in it. Market driven health care is a disaster in the United States. One need only to compare the outcomes and the cost to other countries.
Actually drugs are close. Guns just edge them out if you discount suicide by firearm (assumes these would still happen by other means). So, it's vehicles, then suicide, then guns, drugs, and malignant neoplasm (whatever that is), with the last three almost identical in number.

The government statistics conflate suicides with means of affecting one. It should be a separate category.

Suicide by gun is a gun death. You cannot assume all gun suicides would have happened by other means. In fact there are many studies that strongly suggest otherwise.
Healthcare cannot be market driven. Preventative care is vastly more efficient, but people simply will not seek that care if they can't afford to eat. Doctors on the other hand love to treat easily preventable chronic conditions. Way more money in it. Market driven health care is a disaster in the United States. One need only to compare the outcomes and the cost to other countries.
That's totally wrong. Why can't healthcare be market driven? Cosmetic and elective surgery is and it is very price competitive with little or no insurance element in it. Preventative care is not vastly more efficient. In fact, it is quite costly. The reason is, is that most of it does nothing. That is, for the small segment that finds an issue early there are an overwhelming number of negative cases where nothing is found.

Chronic conditions are not "easily preventable." For example, how do you prevent obesity? Do you tell people to eat less, eat more healthy, exercise more? Good luck with that! We've been doing that for decades and how's that gone?
Suicide by gun is a gun death. You cannot assume all gun suicides would have happened by other means. In fact there are many studies that strongly suggest otherwise.
Suicide is suicide. The tool or items used are irrelevant. You cannot assume that without guns all gun suicides wouldn't still happen either. It's like 3rd brake lights on vehicles. If you eliminate guns, once the novelty wears off people wanting to commit suicide will find another way. Fentanyl seems a likely substitute.
So, it is government run health insurance, like FEMA and flood insurance. Yes, I am against Medicare. It was a terrible idea forced on us by LBJ and his disastrous "Great Society" program. He originally told the public it wouldn't cost more than $1 billion after 10 years... What a whopper of a lie that was!

The whole reason the healthcare industry is so expensive and fucked up in terms of payers is because OF GOVERNMENT! More government won't solve the problem!
I bet you believe that. We pay much higher prices for healthcare and drugs than citizens of more enlightened nations. Our costs bgo up because fewer and fewer people run the industry. The buyups and mergers of hospitals are still going on. The few ontop are making incredible amounts of money. As usual, you do not know the problem you comment on,