This is what you call Republican run healthcare

Of the top 10 industrial countries, only one does not have universal health care. That one, the US is way behind in the health of its people. It is at the peak in profit off healthcare though.
Of the top 10 industrial countries, only one does not have universal health care. That one, the US is way behind in the health of its people. It is at the peak in profit off healthcare though.
Our health is not the purpose of our healthcare system just as our defense is not the purpose of the defense industry.

This is empire ending level of corruption and betrayal.

We are going down.

Buckle Up.
Our health is not the purpose of our healthcare system just as our defense is not the purpose of the defense industry.

This is empire ending level of corruption and betrayal.

We are going down.

Buckle Up.
It is a for-profit system. That means top prices and the least service they can get away with. Hospital systems keep merging and buying each other out until the execs are rolling in mega millions and workers are barely getting by.
It is a for-profit system. That means top prices and the least service they can get away with. Hospital systems keep merging and buying each other out until the execs are rolling in mega millions and workers are barely getting by.
It is interesting that the one portion of it that doesn't rely on insurance and government, which is cosmetic and related surgery and procedures, has remained relatively affordable and risen in proportion to inflation...
The government handing someone money they didn't earn is welfare. Call it what you want, but it's a handout and that makes it welfare.
Someone working, and getting Food Stamps, is by definition working. So they are working. On top of that, they are paying taxes. They are not getting money, but they are getting food, which they would have needed money to buy.
Someone working, and getting Food Stamps, is by definition working. So they are working. On top of that, they are paying taxes. They are not getting money, but they are getting food, which they would have needed money to buy.
Most likely, they pay little or nothing in taxes. Food Stamps are a form of welfare. They are getting money-in-kind. There are plenty of places that will exchange SNAP into cash so the card holder can then buy alcohol, drugs, whatever. Scams for SNAP abound.
Most likely, they pay little or nothing in taxes. Food Stamps are a form of welfare. They are getting money-in-kind. There are plenty of places that will exchange SNAP into cash so the card holder can then buy alcohol, drugs, whatever. Scams for SNAP abound.
Not particularly easy to exchange SNAP into cash.
Did you bother to read that tripe?

Look at what they scored the systems they reviewed on... Things like



"Access to Care."

Their scoring system is grossly in favor of socialized, government run, healthcare systems.

Here's just one alternative measure to what the Commonwealth Fund did. Wait times by nation. That is, the average time you wait for an appointment.

The United States has always ranked last for healthcare for industrialized nations. It is the only country that does not have single payer. We have the highest costs and the worst outcome. We deny access to healthcare to millions of Americans, and this results in the deaths of tens of thousand of people every year. Our healthcare system is a disaster compared to every other country. But fortunately, Donald Trump has a concept of a plan. Because that will save us. Single payer (Medicare for all) is by far the most sensible solution, but Republicans continue to reject it in order to support their corporate insurance company donors.
The healthcare systems of 10 countries ranked: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

I call it Republican run healthcare because if it were not for them, we would have universal care and not be ranked last.

None of these countries are socialist yet ALL of them have some type of Universal care except the USA. Republicans like to say it would be too expensive yet none of these countries pay a fraction of what the United States does for their care.

do yourself a favor and never open up your own business. it's quite clear you'd go bankrupt running a lemonade stand
It is a for-profit system. That means top prices and the least service they can get away with. Hospital systems keep merging and buying each other out until the execs are rolling in mega millions and workers are barely getting by.
requiring people to provide products and services at zero profit is called slavery. something that republicans did away with in the 1860s. It's no surprise that democrats want to bring it back.
Someone working, and getting Food Stamps, is by definition working. So they are working. On top of that, they are paying taxes. They are not getting money, but they are getting food, which they would have needed money to buy.

But God forbid we raise the minimum wage or let workers collectively bargain. You just have to shake your head.
But God forbid we raise the minimum wage or let workers collectively bargain. You just have to shake your head.
Often, we require people to leave training and education, just to get any minimum wage job, so they can get Food Stamps. It lowers their lifelong earning potential, but also lowers our entire economy's earning potential.
requiring people to provide products and services at zero profit is called slavery. something that republicans did away with in the 1860s. It's no surprise that democrats want to bring it back.

Many blue organizations are not for profit health insurance providers. They are historically inefficient and often suffer from fraud.
Not particularly easy to exchange SNAP into cash.
Someone I know installs the card readers for businesses. They say there's plenty of little shops--particularly on the East Coast--that specialize that sort of thing. The sell somebody $5 worth of "groceries" like a bag of potato chips or something for $20 and hand the person $5 to $10 in change cash. They make $5 to $10 on the transaction and the amount is too small per transaction to get anyone's attention.

There's a SNAP to cash app fraud scheme that's hot right now too. Look that one up.

The program is rife with fraud.
But God forbid we raise the minimum wage or let workers collectively bargain. You just have to shake your head.
Minimum wage is just a form of Socialism in that the government is practicing wage controls on the market. Collective bargaining often becomes political pandering. That's why the Beck case is so important.

What does a worker do when their union is handing over globs of cash to politicians they personally despise and hate and union membership is forced (aka "Closed shop.")?
Can I stop paying a disproportionate share of the roads you drive on, and the services you enjoy? Would that be okay with you, welfare boy?
Those roads benefit you even if you don't drive on them yourself. They make it possible for emergency services to reach you. They allow trucks to bring the things you buy and consume. They benefit everyone. Try again.