This man

That's why the left scares the shit out of me...beneath all their rhetoric, they stand for a future of totalitarianism and control that would make even the most die-hard of despots crap their pants.

I usually side with the left, but sometimes true lefties, the ones that think of socialism whenever they hear the word "liberal", scare me just as much as WRL types.
I usually side with the left, but sometimes true lefties, the ones that think of socialism whenever they hear the word "liberal", scare me just as much as WRL types.

I agree...hence my "third path" mentality...the extremists on both sides are just ridiculous.
First, this is nonsense. Pressing charges against a guy for writing something nasty on the memo line of a check? Ridiculous.

Second, those railing at "the left" or the "PC police" for being responsible for this nonsense are probably off the mark. Of all the people that I can see getting the vapors from seeing the word "fuck" on a check (for what it's worth, the Philly papers are reporting that he wrote "Go Fuck Yourself"), some leftist hippie type is the last on my list. First on my list, a bible-thumping tight ass.

This is where Darla comes into the thread and talks about how brilliant BAC is...I wish I were black so that people could constantly re-affirm my self-worth without me ever actually earning their respect.

you silver tongued devil I wish I would have said that...never mind I already did...I called her a 'Bimbo':cof1:
First, this is nonsense. Pressing charges against a guy for writing something nasty on the memo line of a check? Ridiculous.

Second, those railing at "the left" or the "PC police" for being responsible for this nonsense are probably off the mark. Of all the people that I can see getting the vapors from seeing the word "fuck" on a check (for what it's worth, the Philly papers are reporting that he wrote "Go Fuck Yourself"), some leftist hippie type is the last on my list. First on my list, a bible-thumping tight ass.

Midcan and BAC came out and agreed with it, Dungheap. I tried to make it carefully apparent that I didn't believe the whole left would agree with something like this. Besides, from the looks of things, this charge came from the PC right.

First, this is nonsense. Pressing charges against a guy for writing something nasty on the memo line of a check? Ridiculous.

Second, those railing at "the left" or the "PC police" for being responsible for this nonsense are probably off the mark. Of all the people that I can see getting the vapors from seeing the word "fuck" on a check (for what it's worth, the Philly papers are reporting that he wrote "Go Fuck Yourself"), ( Darlas favorite wording)some leftist hippie type is the last on my list. First on my list, a bible-thumping tight ass.

But darla is a self confessed super liberal who uses the 'F' word quite frequently in this board...she tells alot of people who disagree with her BS...To 'F' off etc etc...and now she is agreeing with BAC saying this guy(assuming he is white and all) should go to jail for using this word...go figure...;)
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He couls have written something like "I hope you fucking die".

We just dont have enough information to really know.
That is not a threat. There are several people in this world that hope fucking die. I am not going to talk part in their death but when they are dead I may do piss on their grave. (Strom Thurmond is getting my piss someday) If I said I am going to fucking kill you that is a threat but wishing death on someone is not a crime unless you follow that wish us with cash, preferably 20s in non consectuve numbers.
That's why the left scares the shit out of me...beneath all their rhetoric, they stand for a future of totalitarianism and control that would make even the most die-hard of despots crap their pants.
Oh yeah those nasty old leftists like the ACLU that have defended the rights of People to wear "Fuck the draft" on their jacket. Or those nasty old leftwingers that want to criminalize burning the flag in protest. Lets talk about all those nasty lefties that burn Harry Potter books. You wanna do walk through time on free speech and see what side the lefties took in free speech cases? You will find very rarely that it was the left working hard to censor peoples thoughts and criminalize their words. But nice try and rewriting history.
Oh yeah those nasty old leftists like the ACLU that have defended the rights of People to wear "Fuck the draft" on their jacket. Or those nasty old leftwingers that want to criminalize burning the flag in protest. Lets talk about all those nasty lefties that burn Harry Potter books. You wanna do walk through time on free speech and see what side the lefties took in free speech cases? You will find very rarely that it was the left working hard to censor peoples thoughts and criminalize their words. But nice try and rewriting history.

2 Live Crew
Oh yeah those nasty old leftists like the ACLU that have defended the rights of People to wear "Fuck the draft" on their jacket. Or those nasty old leftwingers that want to criminalize burning the flag in protest. Lets talk about all those nasty lefties that burn Harry Potter books. You wanna do walk through time on free speech and see what side the lefties took in free speech cases? You will find very rarely that it was the left working hard to censor peoples thoughts and criminalize their words. But nice try and rewriting history.

Also, say something completely and radically on the right and see how much the left respects your right to free speech.
That is not a threat. There are several people in this world that hope fucking die. I am not going to talk part in their death but when they are dead I may do piss on their grave. (Strom Thurmond is getting my piss someday) If I said I am going to fucking kill you that is a threat but wishing death on someone is not a crime unless you follow that wish us with cash, preferably 20s in non consectuve numbers.

I would like to watch you fucking die.

There are many ways to say pretty much the same thing which could be construed a threat. Especially if the person is an officer of the law of some type.
That is not a threat. There are several people in this world that hope fucking die. I am not going to talk part in their death but when they are dead I may do piss on their grave. (Strom Thurmond is getting my piss someday) If I said I am going to fucking kill you that is a threat but wishing death on someone is not a crime unless you follow that wish us with cash, preferably 20s in non consectuve numbers.

The guy wrote "Go Fuck Yourself" and police, characterizing it as "obscene," issued the charge of disorderly conduct. There was no threat involved.

Someone brought up that it would be bad if it had been a threat, hence the line of argument about whether or not it was a threat.

We know what he was actually arrested for (and it is still bullshit).

EDIT: Also, burning Harry Potter books is a good thing...first of all, because they are horrible, horrible books...secondly, because it helps the author's sales :P
The article doesnt say that .
DOYLESTOWN, Pennsylvania (AP) -- A man who wrote a vulgar message on the memo line of a check he used to pay a $5 parking ticket has apologized in writing, leading police to drop a disorderly conduct charge against him.

David Binner sent the check after receiving a $5 parking ticket. He calls it "a temporary lapse of judgment."

Clerks were offended by the message, and the disorderly conduct charge was filed because the comment was obscene, police Chief James Donnelly said.

"He was contrite enough to offer an apology, and I think that satisfies the people who were insulted by it," he said.

The lawyer for David Binner, 45, said his client would have prevailed if he went through a trial.

"The F-word isn't what it used to be," attorney Keith Williams said. It doesn't have a sexual connotation anymore and so can't be considered obscene, he said.

Williams said his client felt bad about what he did and will pay the parking fine and court costs.

"This is not my normal nature and admittedly was a temporary lapse of judgment on my part, vented in a moment of frustration," Binner wrote in his letter of apology. E-m