This man

The civil servants and bank employees that process and read the checks, have nothing to do with passing laws, or with this guys grievance.

You want to write a "fuck you" letter to the city councilman who passed the law, the landlord who screwed you on your lease, or your ex-boyfriend. That's fine.

It sounds like the civil servants over reacted to me. But, I'm not willing to unequivocably state that you have a first amendment right, to write belligerent notes to civil servants and bank employees that are complete strangers to you, and who have nothing to do with your greivance.

It's not as though he addressed it to anyone is particular. It seems clear that his speech was directed at the authority itself and not to an individual. At most it was a generalized grievance to no one in particular. That seems as though it should be protected to me.
It's not as though he addressed it to anyone is particular. It seems clear that his speech was directed at the authority itself and not to an individual. At most it was a generalized grievance to no one in particular. That seems as though it should be protected to me.

It doesn't fucking matter if he directed it at anyone or have the right to call someone a mother fucker if you want to...that is part of free speech.

Now, if you are on their land, they can certainly ask you to leave (and if you yell from the street too much it will be harrassment), but you can tell anyone in this country anything you want, as long as it isn't an actual threat.

See, this is how you tell who really believes in the Constitution-- the people who defend those that did something unpopular, not the ones constantly crying about freedom of speech only when it affects their own words.
I think its fair to say that Cypress and BAC have been roundly skewered on this thread. Roundly skewered. I can practically smell the gristle.
It doesn't fucking matter if he directed it at anyone or have the right to call someone a mother fucker if you want to...that is part of free speech.

Now, if you are on their land, they can certainly ask you to leave (and if you yell from the street too much it will be harrassment), but you can tell anyone in this country anything you want, as long as it isn't an actual threat.

See, this is how you tell who really believes in the Constitution-- the people who defend those that did something unpopular, not the ones constantly crying about freedom of speech only when it affects their own words.

I can certainly agree with this.

But since when are you a strict constructionist?
I can certainly agree with this.

But since when are you a strict constructionist?

I believe in the Constitution and in the rule of Law...any changes to this country must be made legally, and until then the existing government must be upheld.