Thoughts on attempted Trump assassination.


Shaken, not stirred!
Okay, so far as I know from the TV news: Some joker ( or jokers) took some pot shots at Dump at his rally in Pennsylvania. Supposedly he missed and killed an innocent rally attendee, nicking Dump in on the ear. The shooter has been killed, Dump is reportedly okay and in no serious condition.

The President has stated he's going to contact Dump ASAP (medical clearance, vetting by Secret Service family members and campaign folk).

Everyone in the political sphere roundly condemning this. The Dem campaign is suspending it's media commercial campaign in the interim.

And now, let all the speculation, supposition and conjecture and just plain old bullshit arguments from the MSM, various podcasters and Independent media and MAGA peanut gallery and media begin!
Okay, so far as I know from the TV news: Some joker ( or jokers) took some pot shots at Dump at his rally in Pennsylvania. Supposedly he missed and killed an innocent rally attendee, nicking Dump in on the ear. The shooter has been killed, Dump is reportedly okay and in no serious condition.

The President has stated he's going to contact Dump ASAP (medical clearance, vetting by Secret Service family members and campaign folk).

Everyone in the political sphere roundly condemning this. The Dem campaign is suspending it's media commercial campaign in the interim.

And now, let all the speculation, supposition and conjecture and just plain old bullshit arguments from the MSM, various podcasters and Independent media and MAGA peanut gallery and media begin!
Yeah, moron volsrock is saying Biden put antifa up to this.
Okay, so far as I know from the TV news: Some joker ( or jokers) took some pot shots at Dump at his rally in Pennsylvania. Supposedly he missed and killed an innocent rally attendee, nicking Dump in on the ear. The shooter has been killed, Dump is reportedly okay and in no serious condition.

The President has stated he's going to contact Dump ASAP (medical clearance, vetting by Secret Service family members and campaign folk).

Everyone in the political sphere roundly condemning this. The Dem campaign is suspending it's media commercial campaign in the interim.

And now, let all the speculation, supposition and conjecture and just plain old bullshit arguments from the MSM, various podcasters and Independent media and MAGA peanut gallery and media begin!
Dems are lousy shots.
We need more "gun control" in the US.

Assuming the shooter is a registered "Dem"...the individual is a lousy shot. Last time I checked, snipers and sharp shooters in police and military are not defined by political affiliation. But thanks for fulfilling the OP prediction.
A shooter is defined by his accuracy, even if he's some faggoty prog.
Yeah, moron volsrock is saying Biden put antifa up to this.
No surprises there. I caught a (supposed) ex FBI agent say on NewsMax (or was it Real America's Voice) first criticize the Secret Service agents on the scene for a clumsy job, then say that this event cinches the election for Dump. You can't make this stuff up!
No surprises there. I caught a (supposed) ex FBI agent say on NewsMax (or was it Real America's Voice) first criticize the Secret Service agents on the scene for a clumsy job, then say that this event cinches the election for Dump. You can't make this stuff up!
Somebody on one of the other threads posted "trump just won the election." :rolleyes: