Thoughts on attempted Trump assassination.

Citizens shouldn't have guns,time to take the guns to
Protect Trump!
Given America's history and current social dynamic, that ain't happening in your lifetime, because it would take a UNIFORMED society in mind and spirit to achieve that. Remember, Cheeto Jeezus supports the gun monkeys "2nd amendment" rhetoric. Ironic, n'cest pai?
Given America's history and current social dynamic, that ain't happening in your lifetime, because it would take a UNIFORMED society in mind and spirit to achieve that. Remember, Cheeto Jeezus supports the gun monkeys "2nd amendment" rhetoric. Ironic, n'cest pai?
Damn right He does. The Devine Logos understands the necessity of guns.
I don't follow that knee jerk reactionary logic at all.

As if this is going to make the people who hate Trump and fear a second term will magically change their minds.

I hope the swing voters are smarter than that, too.
Naw, the independent voters have been desperately looking for excuses, and this incident just gave them an out to vote Trump.
Wow! The MSM thus far has only alluded to such as they try to get the "official" story from the security sources. This keeps right in step with a guy on Real America's Voice (or NewsMax, I think) who was I.D.ed as a former FBI agent who was VERY critical of the response actions and such of the Secret Service and local law enforcement. I wonder if heads will roll because of this?
Given America's history and current social dynamic, that ain't happening in your lifetime, because it would take a UNIFORMED society in mind and spirit to achieve that. Remember, Cheeto Jeezus supports the gun monkeys "2nd amendment" rhetoric. Ironic, n'cest pai?
Guns gots to go!
I don't follow that knee jerk reactionary logic at all.

As if this is going to make the people who hate Trump and fear a second term will magically change their minds.

I hope the swing voters are smarter than that, too.
Ya, but it fires up his base!