Thoughts on attempted Trump assassination.

Okay, so far as I know from the TV news: Some joker ( or jokers) took some pot shots at Dump at his rally in Pennsylvania. Supposedly he missed and killed an innocent rally attendee, nicking Dump in on the ear. The shooter has been killed, Dump is reportedly okay and in no serious condition.

The President has stated he's going to contact Dump ASAP (medical clearance, vetting by Secret Service family members and campaign folk).

Everyone in the political sphere roundly condemning this. The Dem campaign is suspending it's media commercial campaign in the interim.

And now, let all the speculation, supposition and conjecture and just plain old bullshit arguments from the MSM, various podcasters and Independent media and MAGA peanut gallery and media begin!
My chief suspect behind an assassination plot is Melania, who could understandably want to off her cheating, unfaithful, dirtbag husband.
Well, you've got an eyewitness who was interviewed by a British newsman who explained how he and his friends were yelling at the cops and Secret Service guys that they saw the shooter climbing the roof prior to the shootings, and how they all acted confused like. If this were a conspiracy, then you have witnesses giving credence to that effect. Normally, crafted assassinations are done so there are little to no witnesses. This looks like individual idealist and police/security fuck ups. Just saying.
Unless the would be assassin is a radical Leftist. Then you are talking someone with near zero or zero experience in firearms or their use, no range time, and probably using a shit, walmart special rifle bought because it was cheap. Or, the got something like an AR 15 or AK 47 that is totally unsuited for use at 200+ yards, particularly in the hands of an amateur.
No surprises there. I caught a (supposed) ex FBI agent say on NewsMax (or was it Real America's Voice) first criticize the Secret Service agents on the scene for a clumsy job, then say that this event cinches the election for Dump. You can't make this stuff up!
Trump will have to start wearing two pairs of Depends at his rallies.
Unless the would be assassin is a radical Leftist. Then you are talking someone with near zero or zero experience in firearms or their use, no range time, and probably using a shit, walmart special rifle bought because it was cheap. Or, the got something like an AR 15 or AK 47 that is totally unsuited for use at 200+ yards, particularly in the hands of an amateur.
Mostly speculation rift with silly bias on your part. In reality, the initial reports are that an AR-15 style weapon was used. If that's the case (or whatever the hell he used), he barely missed his target. So yeah, he's NOT a "professional" or seasoned shooter.
The shooter when he shot he didn’t realize trump has already moved his head what the left wanted was for all of us to see trumps head blown off on national tv
First assassination attempt in 41 years.

Tell me again about the tragic "Jan. 6" paper shuffling incident.

Your hate just handed the election to Trump.

How so? No one knows who the shooter was at this time or his motivation. But I'm sure that won't stop the MAGA noise machine from turning speculation and conspiracy theories as if they're facts. Given that Cheeto Jeezus has never backed away from incendiary rhetoric that has inspired violence and civil unrest (i.e., Jan. 6th), this seems to be a case of the chickens coming home to roost.
Mostly speculation rift with silly bias on your part. In reality, the initial reports are that an AR-15 style weapon was used. If that's the case (or whatever the hell he used), he barely missed his target. So yeah, he's NOT a "professional" or seasoned shooter.
He fired at least half a dozen rounds. At that range, even a decent shooter with that sort of rife of average quality using average quality rounds and firing with iron sights is going to get a pattern about a foot in diameter at a minimum. The round is too light and the drop at that range is about a foot.
He fired at least half a dozen rounds. At that range, even a decent shooter with that sort of rife of average quality using average quality rounds and firing with iron sights is going to get a pattern about a foot in diameter at a minimum. The round is too light and the drop at that range is about a foot.
More speculation, as NO ONE has reported how many shots were fired by the shooter or the cops/Secret Service/SWAT who killed him. And for all your "expertise", you fail to realize that the joker BARELY MISSED the Orange Oaf but did kill someone behind him. Chalk it up to a bad shot, but NOT the capability of a weapon that has been sold on such capabilities with attachments.