Thousands beaten, raped in Irish reform schools


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Thousands beaten, raped in Irish reform schools

May 20, 9:34 AM (ET)


DUBLIN (AP) - A fiercely debated, nine-year investigation into Ireland's Roman Catholic-run institutions says priests and nuns terrorized thousands of boys and girls in workhouse-style schools for decades - and government inspectors failed to stop the chronic beatings, rapes and humiliation.

High Court Justice Sean Ryan on Wednesday unveiled the 2,600-page final report of Ireland's Commission to Inquire Into Child Abuse, which is based on testimony from thousands of former students and officials from more than 250 church-run institutions.

More than 30,000 children deemed to be petty thieves, truants or from dysfunctional families - a category that often included unmarried mothers - were sent to Ireland's austere network of industrial schools, reformatories, orphanages and hostels from the 1930s until the last church-run facilities shut in the 1990s.

The report found that molestation and rape were "endemic" in boys' facilities, chiefly run by the Christian Brothers order, and supervisors pursued policies that increased the danger. Girls supervised by orders of nuns, chiefly the Sisters of Mercy, suffered much less sexual abuse but frequent assaults and humiliation designed to make them feel worthless.

"In some schools a high level of ritualized beating was routine. ... Girls were struck with implements designed to maximize pain and were struck on all parts of the body," the report said. "Personal and family denigration was widespread."

Victims of the system have long demanded that the truth of their experiences be documented and made public, so that children in Ireland never endure such suffering again.

But most leaders of religious orders have rejected the allegations as exaggerations and lies, and testified to the commission that any abuses were the responsibility of often long-dead individuals.

Wednesday's five-volume report sides almost completely with the former students' accounts. It concludes that church officials always shielded their orders' pedophiles from arrest amid a culture of self-serving secrecy.

"A climate of fear, created by pervasive, excessive and arbitrary punishment, permeated most of the institutions and all those run for boys. Children lived with the daily terror of not knowing where the next beating was coming from," the report concluded.

The commission said overwhelming, consistent testimony from still-traumatized men and women, now in their 50s to 80s, had demonstrated beyond a doubt that the entire system treated children more like prison inmates and slaves than people with legal rights and human potential.
I think the Catholic church should have been prosecuted under the organized crime laws for their supression and thereby support of child molestation.
I thought that's what Catholocism was all about.

You thought wrong. It's not about Catholicism, it's about the type of depraved individuals everywhere in the world and anytime throughout history who would prey on innocent children. Just one minute's search shows that these sick actions aren't limited to Catholics.

Florida reform school abuse victims recall horrors

Report Documents Brutal Treatment in Russian Orphanages

Buddhist Clergy Sexual Abuse: Annotated Bibliography

10News Looks Into Orphanage Abuse Allegations

Miracle Ranch Orphanage Foundation Reveals Abuse Allegations From Over 20 Former...

In a Chinese orphanage

32 Children Removed from Orphanage

Troubles at Oprah's S.Africa school

Multiple Allegations of Child Abuse: Mel Blount Youth Home could lose state license
This is another part of the puzzle in the strife between protestants and Catholics in Ireland.
You thought wrong. It's not about Catholicism, it's about the type of depraved individuals everywhere in the world and anytime throughout history who would prey on innocent children. Just one minute's search shows that these sick actions aren't limited to Catholics.

Florida reform school abuse victims recall horrors

Report Documents Brutal Treatment in Russian Orphanages

Buddhist Clergy Sexual Abuse: Annotated Bibliography

10News Looks Into Orphanage Abuse Allegations

Miracle Ranch Orphanage Foundation Reveals Abuse Allegations From Over 20 Former...

In a Chinese orphanage

32 Children Removed from Orphanage

Troubles at Oprah's S.Africa school

Multiple Allegations of Child Abuse: Mel Blount Youth Home could lose state license
Catholicism drew more of these people to itself by hiding those they knew were pedophiles.

People act as if pedophiles never talk to each other, like sick crap like NAMBLA doesn't exist, as if marriage stops this kind of thing they suggest it wouldn't have happened if they just allowed the Priests to marry... None of that crap is true.

NAMBLA does exist, groups of pedophiles meet and talk about the best ways to ply their wares and places where they can go for access and protection, and the vast majority of pedophiles are married and "straight" (sick fricking bastages are anything but straight).

When Priests were protected by the Church, pedophiles knew they could be protected too. This creates a draw, they are in a place with access and a powerful entity that will protect them from public notice and prosecution.

Sick crap.

(And yes, this part is for you Jarod: Even letting these sick people marry wouldn't stop this so long as the church is willing to hide this "blemish" on their public image and protect these Animals from prosecution they would simply marry and use that as additional camouflage of their sick sexual deviancy...)

As for the abuse by Buddhists in your link, I will note that it is rarely children (in fact I've read many of the names and offenses and have yet to see one who victimized children) and that Buddhists turn in the offenders. The rules set by The Buddha for Monks and Priests clearly state that this is one of the most egregious offenses they could commit as they victimize the trust inherent in the orange robe, and punishment is also directed whereby they are to turn them in and cast them out of the Monastery.

I will also note that a large portion of the "buddhists" in your link are really Hindi and not Buddhists at all and a good chunk are simply people who call themselves something they never practiced. It would be like calling Charlie Manson a "christian", I mean he does say he is Jesus Christ...

Those Buddhists who abused the trust of people who came to them for help were thrown out of the Monasteries, and turned into police.
Did you even bother reading only the specific part I quoted? most likely not. That would be too much for you to handle and comprehend.

LOL, try again. You quoted: "frequent assaults and humiliation designed to make them feel worthless."

Now show me how that is what "Catholocism" (sic) is all about.
Maybe it would be best stated as a problem the Catholic Church has consistently refused to deal with themselves?

The Church gets no endorsement from me, a Catholic, for the terrible way they've treated these egregious crimes against the innocent. Any priest or nun convicted of abuse and molestation should get locked up for life and the key thrown away.

My problem is with the poster's cheap shot "I thought that's what Catholocism was all about."

Catholic-bashing ranks up there with Muslim-bashing as one of the last politically correct bigotries.
The Church gets no endorsement from me, a Catholic, for the terrible way they've treated these egregious crimes against the innocent. Any priest or nun convicted of abuse and molestation should get locked up for life and the key thrown away.

My problem is with the poster's cheap shot "I thought that's what Catholocism was all about."

Catholic-bashing ranks up there with Muslim-bashing as one of the last politically correct bigotries.

The Church gets no endorsement from me, a Catholic, for the terrible way they've treated these egregious crimes against the innocent. Any priest or nun convicted of abuse and molestation should get locked up for life and the key thrown away.

My problem is with the poster's cheap shot "I thought that's what Catholocism was all about."

Catholic-bashing ranks up there with Muslim-bashing as one of the last politically correct bigotries.

If it were individuals molesting kids and that was the extent of it, I would agree.

But the organization has had a huge part in covering up the crimes, keeping the criminals, and trying very hard to hide the acts that have ruined lives.

So the organization gets bashed too.
If it were individuals molesting kids and that was the extent of it, I would agree.

But the organization has had a huge part in covering up the crimes, keeping the criminals, and trying very hard to hide the acts that have ruined lives.

So the organization gets bashed too.

I don't disagree with that. However, I do draw a distinction between Church organization and Catholic dogma.
I don't disagree with that. However, I do draw a distinction between Church organization and Catholic dogma.

Thats fine. But when you post things like "Catholic-bashing ranks up there with Muslim-bashing as one of the last politically correct bigotries" you make it sound as though the bashing is unwarranted or wrong.

Most people we call bigots do not hate or bash for valid reasons.
Thats fine. But when you post things like "Catholic-bashing ranks up there with Muslim-bashing as one of the last politically correct bigotries" you make it sound as though the bashing is unwarranted or wrong.

Most people we call bigots do not hate or bash for valid reasons.

Bashing any church or religion is different from bashing only those members who give it a bad name. Not all Catholics are abusers. Not all Muslims are terrorists. I've see this distinction blurred repeatedly over the years.
Bashing any church or religion is different from bashing only those members who give it a bad name. Not all Catholics are abusers. Not all Muslims are terrorists. I've see this distinction blurred repeatedly over the years.

The muslim terrorists are not hidden by a central organization. Their activities are not denied by any central organization. They are not transfered to other places and put in the exact same positions by the central organization. And the victims and witnesses have not been paid by the central organization to remain silent about the crimes.

The catholic church has gone to great lengths to hid pedophiles. They have transfered known pedophiles to places where their past crimes are unknown and put into the exact same positions of authority that allowed them to commit the crimes in the first place. The catholic church has bribed victims and witnesses in order to silence the accusations.

If this were a political party you would call all who support it responsible as well.

But since it is a church, the people who supported the crimes, hid the crimes, and paid vast sums to keep things quiet are supposed to get a free pass? And those people who are members of the churches, give freely to the churches, and support the churches are not responsible at all?

I'm sorry but I can't agree with that. Any organization I belong to will not act in such a manner. And if they do I will withdraw my support completely.