Thousands of Russian trolls on social media are pretending to be Americans, to instigate a civil war. It's working.

I doubt that excuse will work.

Maybe the CIA will fly them halfway to Russia then let them out to swim the rest of the way?
Lock them up!

Oh, please do tell us which nations joined NATO during #TRE45ON's regime. I could only find one: North Macedonia in 2020, a tiny nation. By contrast, both Finland and Sweden joined during Biden's tenure. As for arming Ukraine, didn't Trump's first impeachment happen because he tried to blackmail the country by withholding approved aid in exchange for dirt on Biden?

Damn, you guys really need to try harder. This is getting boring.

^^^ Moron is desperate and pulling strawmen out of its ass. Hope it washes it's hands before eating.
lol now the leftwingers are giving each other reach arounds.
I'm not a bit surprised. After all, he said that watching the Paraolympics was "hard to watch" because he had to see less-than-perfect people. Like he's some sort of specimen of an Ubermensch.

IMO, it's compensation for his own deformities and limitations. Like most of the MAGAts on JPP, by shitting all over others, they can feel better about their miserable lives. Notice how many are violent, racist, misogynistic and bigoted against anyone who disagrees with them or the superiority of the white American male.....just like Trump!

Trump And Musk Lawyer Reminds Any Kremlin-Backed MAGA Assets To Stop Talking Without An Attorney​

Hire a lawyer before talking to law enforcement... but also make sure it's a lawyer who isn't going to make matters worse.​


MAGA Desperately Claims Russian Propagandists Were the Real “Victims”​

So perfectly MAGAT-like. After all, their #MalignantMango commits crimes right and left, then declares himself the victim subject of a "witch hunt" when prosecuted.
The WOKE Death Cult constantly complaining about FoxNews and to a lessor extent NYPOST is gaslighting, they want the enemies of the Revolution to take them seriously as they steadily promote the Regimes agenda.