Thousands of Russian trolls on social media are pretending to be Americans, to instigate a civil war. It's working.

Why would Putin say the truth? We all know Putin loves trump because he is a dumbass.
Agreed. Only fucking morons believe Trump was tougher on Putin than Obama or Biden....and, yes, Arbie is a fucking moron along with being a violent racist and misogynist.

Note that in April 2018, Trump imposed sanctions on Russian oligarchs, officials and companies but in July he stood with Putin against the United States. Why the change? I'm guessing Putin offered Trump some quid pro quo. LOL

Biden announces more than 500 sanctions on Russia​

Kayleigh McEnany: “President Trump sanctioned Russia. President Biden gave them a pipeline.”

PolitiFact's ruling: Mostly False

APRIL 2018

Trump imposes major sanctions on Russian oligarchs, officials, companies​

JULY 2018

Trump sides with Putin over US intelligence​

@RB 60
Refute my post.
Sure thing, Tovarisch.

Sanctions by the Numbers: Spotlight on Russia

"Sanctions on Russia increased substantially during the Obama administration compared to the prior rate of designations, primarily in response to Russia’s territorial aggression in Ukraine and illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014. The Trump administration continued imposing new sanctions on Russia, albeit at a much lower rate than the preceding Obama administration, which designated 458 entities and individuals with ties to Russia during Obama’s second term compared to 273 under Trump."

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Of course he does. Kamala just like Obama and Biden will give Putin his best deals.
Just for you, Jethro.


Yes, he did. And you MAGAT derps think it's because he wants her to win, rather than his fat orange lap dog. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Of course I know that putin wants kamala to win, for after what Trump did to put Putin in a hole by killing the Nordstream 2 pipeline, we all know that putin doesn't want to see our greatest foreign policy president (TRUMP) to hold the potus reigns again where Trump would continue his amazing policies that helped shut down our foreign adversaries like N.K, China, Russia, and Iran.
Of course he does. Kamala just like Obama and Biden will give Putin his best deals.
You mean like having 12 Russian Diplomats in the W H with out another American let alone a Russian speaking American in the room , or have a meeting with Putin again without another American in the room, so he can give them all the secrets he wants like Trump did?
I will ask you as I have asked other MAGAS do you have any idea if he gave them any secrets and if he did how many?
After these meetings it US intelligence community came out and said there had been an unusually large number of our deep cover agents being found and some killed.
Is this the type of guy you want in the W H possibly giving our Secrets away?
Have a nice day
Not even a little bit. He is smart and wily enough to be able to hide his ownership behind layers of other ownership, too.
Agreed on Putin being smart and wily enough. While Elon Musk is, ostensibly, the richest man in the world, the real winner is Vladimir Putin. He owns a country and most of its wealth. A point that even Musk agrees with.

How Russian President Vladimir Putin secretly became the world’s richest person​

He claims to earn just $140,000 a year, but ruthless dictator Vladimir Putin may actually be the richest man on the planet.

The world’s richest person, according to official rankings, is tech entrepreneur Elon Musk, with a net worth of $333 billion.
But it’s a title the Tesla owner famously disputed; and not for the accuracy of the estimates about his wealth.

“I do think that Putin is significantly richer than me,” Musk sensationally claimed in an interview with German businessman and journalist Mathias Dopfner.

When asked by a shocked Dopfner to elaborate, the tech billionaire remained tight-lipped.

But his claim that Russian President Vladimir Putin is really the richest person in the world is one that’s been repeated at the highest levels for several years now.
You mean like having 12 Russian Diplomats in the W H with out another American let alone a Russian speaking American in the room , or have a meeting with Putin again without another American in the room, so he can give them all the secrets he wants like Trump did?
I will ask you as I have asked other MAGAS do you have any idea if he gave them any secrets and if he did how many?
After these meetings it US intelligence community came out and said there had been an unusually large number of our deep cover agents being found and some killed.
Is this the type of guy you want in the W H possibly giving our Secrets away?
Have a nice day
@Goyboy AKA Almost Marco, is a Brazilian who'd love to see the United States divided and at war with itself.
Of course I know that putin wants kamala to win, for after what Trump did to put Putin in a hole by killing the Nordstream 2 pipeline, we all know that putin doesn't want to see our greatest foreign policy president (TRUMP) to hold the potus reigns again where Trump would continue his amazing policies that helped shut down our foreign adversaries like N.K, China, Russia, and Iran.


How much vodka do you have in that orange Koolaid, Tovarisch? Nord Stream 2 was closed by Germany in 2022. Who was POTUS then, Ivan? Nord Stream I was blown up, also in 2022. Who was POTUS then, gospodin?
Agreed on Putin being smart and wily enough. While Elon Musk is, ostensibly, the richest man in the world, the real winner is Vladimir Putin. He owns a country and most of its wealth. A point that even Musk agrees with.

How Russian President Vladimir Putin secretly became the world’s richest person​

He claims to earn just $140,000 a year, but ruthless dictator Vladimir Putin may actually be the richest man on the planet.

The world’s richest person, according to official rankings, is tech entrepreneur Elon Musk, with a net worth of $333 billion.
But it’s a title the Tesla owner famously disputed; and not for the accuracy of the estimates about his wealth.

“I do think that Putin is significantly richer than me,” Musk sensationally claimed in an interview with German businessman and journalist Mathias Dopfner.

When asked by a shocked Dopfner to elaborate, the tech billionaire remained tight-lipped.

But his claim that Russian President Vladimir Putin is really the richest person in the world is one that’s been repeated at the highest levels for several years now.
MAGATs, as we've seen over and over, are dazzled by wealth and especially by ostentatious displays of wealth. They think that disgustingly gauche and gaudy Trump tower residence is the very height of style and class. Remember when Americans admired hard work, humility, honesty, and modesty?