Thousands of Russian trolls on social media are pretending to be Americans, to instigate a civil war. It's working.


How much vodka do you have in that orange Koolaid, Tovarisch? Nord Stream 2 was closed by Germany in 2022. Who was POTUS then, Ivan? Nord Stream I was blown up, also in 2022. Who was POTUS then, gospodin?
MAGAs drink, do drugs and blame others for their problems. Too bad they're only semi-literate. If they read more, they'd know even The Hill thinks Putin is gaslighting Americans stupid enough to believe him.

Auchincloss pointed to the 2018 Helsinki meeting between former President Trump and Putin where Trump said he trusts the Russian leader more than his own intelligence agencies.

“Of course, the Russians want a guy like that,” he said. “He’s going to be a stooge for them.”

Speaking from an event in Vladivostok, Russia, Putin joked Thursday that he is supporting Harris, citing her “infectious” laugh....

....“I think everybody knows who dictators and bullies around the world prefer in this election. They prefer President Trump,” he told Hunt. “We reject the kind of divisive, dictatorial leadership that are being offered from people like President Putin.”

Sams condemned Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and said the Harris campaign rejects foreign interference in the election.

“I think that anybody who’s been paying attention for the last decade knows where President Putin stands in the election and who his preferred candidate is, regardless of what he may say,” Sams said.
MAGATs, as we've seen over and over, are dazzled by wealth and especially by ostentatious displays of wealth. They think that disgustingly gauche and gaudy Trump tower residence is the very height of style and class. Remember when Americans admired hard work, humility, honesty, and modesty?
Agreed on all points. As to the latter, yes, and many still do, but very few of them are MAGAts.

Isn't it amazing that the Cheney's are supporting Harris?
MAGAs drink, do drugs and blame others for their problems. Too bad they're only semi-literate. If they read more, they'd know even The Hill thinks Putin is gaslighting Americans stupid enough to believe him.

Auchincloss pointed to the 2018 Helsinki meeting between former President Trump and Putin where Trump said he trusts the Russian leader more than his own intelligence agencies.

“Of course, the Russians want a guy like that,” he said. “He’s going to be a stooge for them.”

Speaking from an event in Vladivostok, Russia, Putin joked Thursday that he is supporting Harris, citing her “infectious” laugh....

....“I think everybody knows who dictators and bullies around the world prefer in this election. They prefer President Trump,” he told Hunt. “We reject the kind of divisive, dictatorial leadership that are being offered from people like President Putin.”

Sams condemned Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and said the Harris campaign rejects foreign interference in the election.

“I think that anybody who’s been paying attention for the last decade knows where President Putin stands in the election and who his preferred candidate is, regardless of what he may say,” Sams said.
Nice catch. We went through this "Putin endorses ___" just a few weeks ago, when he said he was supporting Biden, remember that? The MAGATs had the exact same predictable reaction: "Putin wants ____ because he/she is weak, not like Trump." I shouldn't be so surprised at how easily the idiots are duped by America's enemies. After all, they think #TRE45ON was the best #IMPOTUSx2 ever, and that he really won in 2020. **eyeroll**
And he armed Ukraine, and also got NATO off its ass and got new members signed on and dozen more who have applied. None of these Russian trolls and Jane Fonda toe suckers want to ask why that it is.
Oh, please do tell us which nations joined NATO during #TRE45ON's regime. I could only find one: North Macedonia in 2020, a tiny nation. By contrast, both Finland and Sweden joined during Biden's tenure. As for arming Ukraine, didn't Trump's first impeachment happen because he tried to blackmail the country by withholding approved aid in exchange for dirt on Biden?

Damn, you guys really need to try harder. This is getting boring.
Yet no Democrats are sniveling about Biden's criminally incompetent foot dragging and poor foreign policy decisions. Obama and Biden were more interested in extorting Ukraine for cash and looking the other way when Putin invaded Crimea, so while the GOP is also wrong it was Obama/Biden who created the problems in the first place, and now refuse to fix their fuck ups.
YOu do realize that what you are doing is regurgitating the Russian propaganda mentioned in the OP, right?
That IS amazing. On the other hand, obviously they are both RINOs. Oh, and John McCain's son is supporting her as well.
I suspect more than a few in the Trump family will be voting for Harris too. LOL

Nephew Says Trump Suggested Some Disabled People ‘Should Just Die’

In a new memoir, Fred C. Trump III claims his uncle, Donald J. Trump, made cruel and racist comments.
I suspect more than a few in the Trump family will be voting for Harris too. LOL

Nephew Says Trump Suggested Some Disabled People ‘Should Just Die’

In a new memoir, Fred C. Trump III claims his uncle, Donald J. Trump, made cruel and racist comments.
I'm not a bit surprised. After all, he said that watching the Paraolympics was "hard to watch" because he had to see less-than-perfect people. Like he's some sort of specimen of an Ubermensch.
I'm not a bit surprised. After all, he said that watching the Paraolympics was "hard to watch" because he had to see less-than-perfect people. Like he's some sort of specimen of an Ubermensch.
IMO, it's compensation for his own deformities and limitations. Like most of the MAGAts on JPP, by shitting all over others, they can feel better about their miserable lives. Notice how many are violent, racist, misogynistic and bigoted against anyone who disagrees with them or the superiority of the white American male.....just like Trump!
IMO, it's compensation for his own deformities and limitations. Like most of the MAGAts on JPP, by shitting all over others, they can feel better about their miserable lives. Notice how many are violent, racist, misogynistic and bigoted against anyone who disagrees with them or the superiority of the white American male.....just like Trump!
Yep, quite true. "Better people" -- *snort.*

I noticed RB quit his insistence that we refute his claim that #TRE45ON sanctioned Russia more than anyone else. The rest of them ran away too.

Our work here is done. Smoke 'em if you got 'em.
Yep, quite true. "Better people" -- *snort.*

I noticed RB quit his insistence that we refute his claim that #TRE45ON sanctioned Russia more than anyone else. The rest of them ran away too.

Our work here is done. Smoke 'em if you got 'em.
MAGAts prove what they often scream others to be: lily-livered cowards.

Notice the JPP MAGAts who stopped bragging about being members of a militia once Trump betrayed them after 1/6 and the FBI started arresting seditionists.