Three Stories & Three Liars

kinetic matter physically compounding ever changing forms shaped as life taking place now isn't materialism, it is existing in plain sight as centered being timed apart now as the total sum of life being perpetually balancing so far. Cycles compounding as spontaneously here sinultaneously individually occupying space like never before conceived and never duplicated from point of conception.

You rationalize life existentially because you have a specific point of mutually alive same as all living things universally positioned exactly as living. I do not have an immortal soul, I am a sole reproduction eternally timed apart while living so far. Know life's natural limitations or your beliefs will destroy everything you created hypothetically true.

three lies, yesterday's 24 hours, today's 24 hours, tomorrow's 24 hours. Simple compounding interest applied to DNA when life only exists to the numbers remaining in ever changing details never the same as arrived so far.

Know what eternity is before searching for immortal souls by context and what if scenarios historically repeated ancestrally so far. That thing Einstein said about insanity really comes into focus.

it is materialism. you only speak of matter. you deny the eternal soul. it is your view which destroys all.
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Your self projected illusion has your brain working what other people mind and you obey without ever wanting to understand actual life in real time, not intellectual relative timing measuring your geographical position during a rotation of the planet.

Thanks for your latest surrender, but it's getting boring.
it is materialism. you only speak of matter. you deny the eternal soul. it is your view which destroys all.

Matter and substance things that actually occpy space as timed apart now each an individual total sum of compounding results of ever changing shape as formed so far until not anymore from now on.

Kinetic center of being alive simultaneously a sole reproduction to total numbers reproduced alive now when spontaneously here where here is for each lifetime living in this atmosphere now.

Intellect only exists as induced by the brain working the body navigating their own proportionate positions specifically doing what takes place currently going on from was to remains always adding details until not anymore.
Thanks for your latest surrender, but it's getting boring.

You are the relentless ruthless personality, I am just a lifetime standing his position as timed apart now equally occupying space in the atmosphere using this message board same as you are. Equally here where you pretend nobody can know and I describe why everyone does know why life is so socially corrupted from every angle of working societal evolution intellectually trained to think beyond timed apart now.
Matter and substance things that actually occpy space as timed apart now each an individual total sum of compounding results of ever changing shape as formed so far until not anymore from now on.

Kinetic center of being alive simultaneously a sole reproduction to total numbers reproduced alive now when spontaneously here where here is for each lifetime living in this atmosphere now.

Intellect only exists as induced by the brain working the body navigating their own proportionate positions specifically doing what takes place currently going on from was to remains always adding details until not anymore.

no, 'sperg. the soul is eternal.

believing only in materialism causes crazy people to do dumb shit like drink baby blood, and hook their brains up to computers. super duper dumb shit.
no, 'sperg. the soul is eternal.

believing only in materialism causes crazy people to do dumb shit like drink baby blood, and hook their brains up to computers. super duper dumb shit.

Soul is eternal by human intellectual beliefs used for hundreds of generations repeating the mantra. Power of suggestion working persuasion of power by mob concensus or else individuals are cast out of all realities put together so far.

Tyranny of denial is the ancestral social pact between nationalistic and spiritualistic projections life must be more than living as eternally positioned in never the same details combinations so far. Its a universe thing. Centered at being timed apart is everything is specifically occupying the space they or it are/is occupying here now.

Species has subdivisions as the whole population timed apart now and the whole is equal to the total sum of compounding details always changing the total sum arrived so far per individual point objects occupy space atomically, molecularly, cellularly, galactically, solar system, planetary, food chain, preadtor, prey, male, female, asexual means of adding replacements as biologically linked past, current, from now on.
You are the relentless ruthless personality, I am just a lifetime standing his position as timed apart now equally occupying space in the atmosphere using this message board same as you are. Equally here where you pretend nobody can know and I describe why everyone does know why life is so socially corrupted from every angle of working societal evolution intellectually trained to think beyond timed apart now.

Nice surrender!
Nice surrender!

What surrender, you are a gender acting as a social identity defined by means to communicate brain to brain through technological methods of instant communication in the atmosphere which makes 24/7 just semantics to geographical area moving between midnight 0[SUP]0[/SUP]longitude, dawn 90[SUP]0[/SUP]longitude, noon 180[SUP]0[/SUP] longitude, dusk 270[SUP]0[/SUP] and back to midnight 360[SUP]0[/SUP] each rotation each revolution around the star nothing stays what it has been so far.

Know actual timed apart better than your definitions of directing social outcomes from now on all the time. Your dishonesty is self evident.
Soul is eternal by human intellectual beliefs used for hundreds of generations repeating the mantra. Power of suggestion working persuasion of power by mob concensus or else individuals are cast out of all realities put together so far.

Tyranny of denial is the ancestral social pact between nationalistic and spiritualistic projections life must be more than living as eternally positioned in never the same details combinations so far. Its a universe thing. Centered at being timed apart is everything is specifically occupying the space they or it are/is occupying here now.

Species has subdivisions as the whole population timed apart now and the whole is equal to the total sum of compounding details always changing the total sum arrived so far per individual point objects occupy space atomically, molecularly, cellularly, galactically, solar system, planetary, food chain, preadtor, prey, male, female, asexual means of adding replacements as biologically linked past, current, from now on.

we'll just agree to disagree, gibberish meister.
we'll just agree to disagree, gibberish meister.

Rational logic channelled down one track intellectual perceptions of anything else is possible organizes ancestral confusion by creating theaters of instittutional doubt life is limited to reproductions present all the time in order of reproductions that haven't died so far.

Compounding reproductive results in cycles of overlapping ancestral positions taken out of discussions by character role playing serving self anoited type cast people agreeing to never agree on being timed apart here now.

Pick the illusion that best fits one's nurtured after birth nature and stick to the script or else.
What surrender, you are a gender acting as a social identity defined by means to communicate brain to brain through technological methods of instant communication in the atmosphere which makes 24/7 just semantics to geographical area moving between midnight 0[SUP]0[/SUP]longitude, dawn 90[SUP]0[/SUP]longitude, noon 180[SUP]0[/SUP] longitude, dusk 270[SUP]0[/SUP] and back to midnight 360[SUP]0[/SUP] each rotation each revolution around the star nothing stays what it has been so far.

Know actual timed apart better than your definitions of directing social outcomes from now on all the time. Your dishonesty is self evident.

Whew! Coming in HOT with your latest surrender.

Whew! Coming in HOT with your latest surrender.


Cold fusion is a natural occurrence as bi directional inverting conversions taking place spontaneously here between eroded inorganic compounds and decaying cellular compost that work all things shaped between ashes to ashes and dust to dust with life never the same details since combined already.

thermol dynamics, perpetual motion, perpetual balancing combined results never the same details again as universally timed apart so far. That makes now physical point of eternal separation of DNA results limited to time occupying space as conceived until body is completely decomposed.

Time is stationary, what is moving is never same combinations as before again.
Cold fusion is a natural occurrence as bi directional inverting conversions taking place spontaneously here between eroded inorganic compounds and decaying cellular compost that work all things shaped between ashes to ashes and dust to dust with life never the same details since combined already.

thermol dynamics, perpetual motion, perpetual balancing combined results never the same details again as universally timed apart so far. That makes now physical point of eternal separation of DNA results limited to time occupying space as conceived until body is completely decomposed.

Time is stationary, what is moving is never same combinations as before again.

^^ The latest monkey dildo surrender.
Rational logic channelled down one track intellectual perceptions of anything else is possible organizes ancestral confusion by creating theaters of instittutional doubt life is limited to reproductions present all the time in order of reproductions that haven't died so far.

Compounding reproductive results in cycles of overlapping ancestral positions taken out of discussions by character role playing serving self anoited type cast people agreeing to never agree on being timed apart here now.

Pick the illusion that best fits one's nurtured after birth nature and stick to the script or else.

think what you want. you're a free and eternal being.
Cold fusion is a natural occurrence as bi directional inverting conversions taking place spontaneously here between eroded inorganic compounds and decaying cellular compost that work all things shaped between ashes to ashes and dust to dust with life never the same details since combined already.

To serenity: Cold fusion became another “clean energy” investment hustle on the day tax dollars was handed to every parasite for every scam.

Institutions of “HIGHER LEARNING” rake in BILLIONS of federal tax dollars annually for research and development projects alone.

Universities Getting the Most Government Money
Samuel, Alexander
April 25, 2013 6:43 am
Last Updated: March 26, 2020 11:16 pm

And that is not counting the subsidies private sector companies get, or the money Wall Street sharpshooters will shake loose in stock scams like cold fusion. The hustle has been so successful to date it should be renamed GOLD FUSION.

Thirty years ago I saw cold fusion as a Wall Street ripoff. Back then sharpshooters claimed success was five years away. Get in on the ground floor was the pitch.

NOTE: Cold fusion is very similar to Wall Street selling virtual-reality nonsense that still shows up as plots in sci-fi movies and TV shows.


Ayn Rand’s fabulous novel, Atlas Shrugged, was filmed as a trilogy. The politics were right on target. Not so much so when cold fusion was obviously John Galt’s discovery. Wall Street’s energy source so to speak.

Incidentally, the Bible is the only book that sold more copies than Atlas Shrugged:

Here is the transcript of John Galt’s Speech from Atlas Shrugged:

thermol dynamics, perpetual motion, perpetual balancing combined results never the same details again as universally timed apart so far. That makes now physical point of eternal separation of DNA results limited to time occupying space as conceived until body is completely decomposed.

To serenity: You sound like the guy who always sat by himself in the neighbor tavern. One afternoon when the bartender and the lonely customer were alone, the bartender decided pass time by striking up a conversation. Looking for a topic he thought might interest the customer, he asked:

BARTENDER: Have you read the latest story about atomic energy?

The customer thought for a minute before he responded:

CUSTOMER: First you tell me why elephants shit solid turds while goats shit diarrhea?

The puzzled bartender quickly admitted that he was stumped.

BARTENDER: I do not know why.

CUSTOMER: So you do not know shit, but you want to talk about atomic energy.

In short: You do not shit, but you want to talk about thermal dynamics.

Time is stationary, what is moving is never same combinations as before again.

To serenity: The prospect of living second by second, day by day, throughout eternity is not my idea of paradise. Note that “Until the end of time” is a popular phrase. But what if time never had a beginning? Without a beginning, time can hardly end. That would mean that you, me, our ancestors, and everyone who will ever live are already living in a timeless eternity free from our bodies.

Parenthetically, novelists trap their fictional ghosts in time. Basically, ghost stories could not be imagined in a world without time.

Eternity, and an absence of time are incompatible. Taken together they are impossible for the human mind to grasp. Wise men speak knowingly of eternity, but measure their own lives in seconds, minutes, and years. If wise men could comprehend the absence of time they could accurately depict God.

One final observation:

God and black holes always fascinated me since scientists first told me that gravity’s pull in a black hole is so dense not even light can escape.

Here is a bit of philosophical fluff that I used to play with:

A manned space ship is flying along when it is instantly sucked into a black hole at the speed of light killing the crew.

Here is the exercise for anyone who wants to bat it around:

If you believe in any form of life after death can the essence that lives on after the body dies escape from the irresistible gravity in a black hole?

If you have a life-in-the-hereafter turn of mind you have to be rooting for essence to escape because God created gravity —— or so says Thomas Aquinas’ prime mover theory.
think what you want. you're a free and eternal being.

My being here is the time I get being part of eternally never the same details twice conceived to decomposed. Same as every other lifetime reproduced in this atmosphere so far and from now on.

Know actual rather than believing factual ways to get away with defying life is only timed apart reproductions present socially. All that society has left is dishonest policies and corrupted ancestries in each reality ignoring life cannot exceed being spaced apart now.

Cold fusion is just speculation done by time line semantics life exceeds now but in real time "cold fusion" is this point of existing as timed apart between the 2 way conversion and inversion between erosion of inorganic combinations of periodic elements to organic return of molecular content to its original characteristics to be combined again sustaining the planetary position both exist as taking place currently universally present never the same details again within finite matter constantly changing shape and form so far.

My content alphabet is the chemical periodic table, not letters or intergers to language arts persuading people to ignore life centered as reproductively present.
My being here is the time I get being part of eternally never the same details twice conceived to decomposed. Same as every other lifetime reproduced in this atmosphere so far and from now on.

Know actual rather than believing factual ways to get away with defying life is only timed apart reproductions present socially. All that society has left is dishonest policies and corrupted ancestries in each reality ignoring life cannot exceed being spaced apart now.

think what you want. you're an eternal being.