Tim Walz Lacks Masculinity for Drinking a Milkshake With a Straw


If you are worried about drinking from a straw or eating a banana publicly then you are entirely too focused on putting stuff in your mouth and think others are just as focused on what goes in your mouth as you are. It also means when you see people putting straws in their mouths you are picturing them putting something else in their mouths...
The Repub mantra of "they are shoving the bill down our throats" gives you a visual like that.
Woke is now defined in this dictionary as “aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice),”
However, the term was originally coined by progressive Black Americans and used in racial justice movements in the early to mid-1900s. To be "woke" politically in the Black community means that someone is informed, educated and conscious of social injustice and racial inequality, Merriam-Webster Dictionary states.
Woke is now defined in this dictionary as “aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice),”
However, the term was originally coined by progressive Black Americans and used in racial justice movements in the early to mid-1900s. To be "woke" politically in the Black community means that someone is informed, educated and conscious of social injustice and racial inequality, Merriam-Webster Dictionary states.
My, how the definition has changed...right? Do you consider yourself to be woke?
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My have the definition has changed...right? Do you consider yourself to be woke?

History....my definition is people polarizing issues to their beliefs and benefit. Woke is not exclusively used as much as Cancel Culture is today...both have the same meaning, however. Ex...defund the police is now the rallying call conservatives use negatively on Dem's being woke or better still, THE CANCEL CULTURE...that's the new woke definition.​


History....my definition is people polarizing issues to their beliefs and benefit. Woke is not exclusively used as much as Cancel Culture is today...both have the same meaning, however. Ex...defund the police is now the rallying call conservatives use negatively on Dem's being woke or better still, THE CANCEL CULTURE...that's the new woke definition.​

So do you consider yourself woke?

History....no l do not consider myself anything but someone that loves her country and hates MAGA and Trump lunatics. I embrace everybody's esthetic who's AMERICAN AND LOVES THIS COUNTRY.​

Then why are you so angry and hateful all the time... and super and unfairly judgemental?
Then why are you so angry and hateful all the time... and super and unfairly judgemental?

History....a lot of my anger is driven by PAIN..I have severe bone on bone knee issues and am dealing with racist white doctors who dismiss black women and our levels of pain for a fear of old black women becoming crack heads like our chillin did back in the day, while white OPIOD users get all the love and attention to their medical needs.....combine that with a nation on the brink of civil war, with yet another group wanting to do me harm, white Trump bitches...so you bet I'm pissed off and angry TOP and nothing short of me having knee surgery, of which I have to lose a zillion pounds of flesh will make me not feel the way I feel.​

Then why are you so angry and hateful all the time... and super and unfairly judgemental?

History....part 2 of my anger....I see fuckin illegals in line waiting to see my fuckin doctors, who don't speak a fuckin word of english, which mean they just got here, I see them not paying co pays, getting free medical shit, when I a tax payer is footing their bill...that shit eats me alive. Then take these fuckin foriegn and white doctors, hating on you because you black...and your only crime, is working hard your whole life, serving your country for 10 yrs in the US Navy, having your company of 25 years let you go because your old and you tell me, WHO THE FUCK SHOULD BE ANGRY IN THIS COUNTRY? white motherfuckers who get unconditional love and acceptance from everybody under the sun or nigg** like me who are put through pure hell because I'm black and some n**** somewhere fucked up and I have to take the blame for it...who should be mad?​


History...part 3 of my anger.....both my siblings died bc they were black....my brother died of Covid, wasn't breathing well, was sent home to die...all from Trump and his failures to educate both the public and our medical communities...and my baby sister collasped in a public area, was scooped up, sent to ER and was neglected for 4 days until her family found out where she was and by then it was too late. Because she was black, had no identification on her, she was treated like a homeless person and died as a result...Had she been white, I'm 100000000000% sure she'd be alive today!!​


History....part 2 of my anger....I see fuckin illegals in line waiting to see my fuckin doctors, who don't speak a fuckin word of english, which mean they just got here, I see them not paying co pays, getting free medical shit, when I a tax payer is footing their bill...that shit eats me alive. Then take these fuckin foriegn and white doctors, hating on you because you black...and your only crime, is working hard your whole life, serving your country for 10 yrs in the US Navy, having your company of 25 years let you go because your old and you tell me, WHO THE FUCK SHOULD BE ANGRY IN THIS COUNTRY? white motherfuckers who get unconditional love and acceptance from everybody under the sun or nigg** like me who are put through pure hell because I'm black and some n**** somewhere fucked up and I have to take the blame for it...who should be mad?​

Ok... And this is all because you're black? You don't really believe that do you? (PS... If you're angry about illegals you know who you should Not be voting for...just saying...)

August 30, 2010 Trump drinks a milkshake with a straw at a Yankees game.​

Trump is manly because he uses a plastic straw.

History...GUNO, you and I have had issues before and I'm tired of white people/jews/ everybody but black ppl devaluing my life experiences. Nobody, unless you are a person of color and poor, will ever step up and admit just how unfair life is for bw. Nobody wants to talk about it, discuss it, address it and perhaps fix it and that is bw are 10 times more likely to die in given birth to children than even ILLLEGALS, how fucked up is that???????, 10 times more likely to be victims of abuse of which few are held accountable, 10 times more likely to be single parents, but these sell out negro's will go over and beyond for Becky, we paid less than our white counterparts, yet work the hardest and that's FACT GUNO and are less likely to be taken serious as we saw with Jackson, Michelle and now Harris...So GUNO, until you've walked in the shoes of A black women, your displeasure with my comments WILL go in one ear and out the other...in other words, I don't care!!​


History...2019 was by far the best year of my life....I won the jack pot at a local casino, 6000.00, my son bought me a new car, the girls at work that hated me, was jealous of my winning and that was perfection and my daughter and I reconnected and I was given the pleasure of babysitting my first grandson for an entire week...2019 I was just happy....fast forward...2024, I am angry, bitter, miserable and in Pain and nothing of those years compare in any way shape or form...IN SHORT...IVE' CHANGED AND PEOPLE CHANGE YOU MAGA FUCKS...SO STOP WITH THE PAST SHIT AND TALK ABOUT THE NOW, N.O.W NOW SHIT!!​

Ok... And this is all because you're black? You don't really believe that do you? (PS... If you're angry about illegals you know who you should Not be voting for...just saying...)
I'm a doctor and I can say I have never met a practicing doctor that hated on Blacks. Doctors accept other black doctors on staff and refer patients to them. So I think you are FOS.

History....a lot of my anger is driven by PAIN..I have severe bone on bone knee issues and am dealing with racist white doctors who dismiss black women and our levels of pain for a fear of old black women becoming crack heads like our chillin did back in the day, while white OPIOD users get all the love and attention to their medical needs.....combine that with a nation on the brink of civil war, with yet another group wanting to do me harm, white Trump bitches...so you bet I'm pissed off and angry TOP and nothing short of me having knee surgery, of which I have to lose a zillion pounds of flesh will make me not feel the way I feel.​

So you would rather your White Doctors get you addicted to opioids? Seems like they are actually looking out for you. Plus there are lots of Black Doctors that would take your business. Think about a gastric bypass surgery lose some weight and get knee surgery and stop blaming your problems on White people. Most White people are far too busy to worry about hating people for their skin color.
Ok... And this is all because you're black? You don't really believe that do you? (PS... If you're angry about illegals you know who you should Not be voting for...just saying...)

History....Where I live, the hispanics have all but taken over...I mean you go into the stores and ask questions, nobody speaks english....my once diverse of whites and blacks nieghborhood is nothing but poor blacks on section 8 and hispanics that don't speak english...one can only imagine the fun...So I feel this way bc my black community as have so many around the country, unlike white areas around town, has nothing but the very people who someday, will move into these precious white areas and vote the GOP ticket like they all do eventually. Again, I'm tired of explaining black pain to white people...enuff!!​


History...part 3 of my anger.....both my siblings died bc they were black....my brother died of Covid, wasn't breathing well, was sent home to die...all from Trump and his failures to educate both the public and our medical communities...and my baby sister collasped in a public area, was scooped up, sent to ER and was neglected for 4 days until her family found out where she was and by then it was too late. Because she was black, had no identification on her, she was treated like a homeless person and died as a result...Had she been white, I'm 100000000000% sure she'd be alive today!!​

I'm very sorry about your ...But it really doesn't sound like their color had anything to do with it whatsoever...
I'm a doctor and I can say I have never met a practicing doctor that hated on Blacks. Doctors accept other black doctors on staff and refer patients to them. So I think you are FOS.

So you would rather your White Doctors get you addicted to opioids? Seems like they are actually looking out for you. Plus there are lots of Black Doctors that would take your business. Think about a gastric bypass surgery lose some weight and get knee surgery and stop blaming your problems on White people. Most White people are far too busy to worry about hating people for their skin color.